Dream Beings: G to Q
Here you'll find dream characters who aren't ordinary human beings. They're a diverse group--see below for particular types.
RELATED TOPICS: Aliens, animal people/furries (some 60 species including centaurs, cat people, dragons, foxes/kitsune, krelkins, mermaids, sphinxes, unicorns...), as well as cyborgs, demons, dryads and nature spirits, elves, energy beings, gods and goddesses, magicians, robots, shapeshifters, cliché witches, real witches, wizards - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 3300+ dreams plus 1000 more pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2013.
GAFTA: by Wayan; 1996/5/9, a pro-sabotage dream. The aliens offer us a Galactic Free Trade Agreement, but my friends and I think it's a disastrous deal... CAUTION: MORAL AMBIGUITY |
GALILEO FALLS: by Wayan; 1979/11/7, a mysterious dream . I was a closet unicorn. SO closet, I didn't even know what a unicorn was, till I went to college and met Lindsay, who was half and could pass... |
GAMESHOW PRIZE: by Wayan; 1998/1/6, a let-down dream. I win a prize on a gameshow, but collecting is another story, since the show is run from Hell... |
GAMESTERS: by Wayan; 1990/8/31, a dream on slavery. Forced to turn gladiator, I learn these slaves think our free world outside is just another game... |
GARDEN OF THE GODS: by Wayan; 1995/10/6, a dream of slowth. In the Garden of the Gods, I sit through sun and rain. For gods aren't the gardeners, they're the crop... |
GARGOYLE GO-BETWEEN: by Wayan; 1996/11/22, a Hogwartish dream. I'm odd kid out in my wizard school till gargoyles raid us, and I puzzle out their tongue, to become... |
(ON THE OLD) GENDER TRAIL: by Wayan; late 1995, digital picture-poem with dream intrusions. For me, the path to love is difficult, elusive, convoluted... |
GEORGE AND WILMA: by Wayan, 2011/10/25, an animation-mashup dream done as a poem George Jetson is married to Wilma Flintstone. But they're both big cats. And when George comes home, high on mushrooms, he doubts what's on his bed... CAUTION: CARTOON ADULTERY |
HER GESTURED ROUTE: by Wayan; 1984/6/16, a dream poem. How's it feel to be an anima off the job? Is it lonely, when no one even believes you're a real person? |
GET YOUR BODY BACK: by Wayan; 1997/6/11, a dreamed parable. A man dies--his body's chopped up. He ends in Hell. But he's a stubborn guy; he wants his body back. So... |
GHOST DOGS: by Wayan; a 1993/4/2 dream of temptation digitally painted as one giant comics page I meet a wolf who invites me to join Dr Who's pack of sexy Ghost Wolves. There's just one catch... CAUTION: FLIRTATIOUS WOLVES |
GHOST GATOR: by Wayan; 1984/10/9, a lip-reading dream. A child from another universe materializes--part way. Too bad we called in that expert from Stanford... |
THE GHOSTMASTER: by Wayan; 1992/6/16, a dreamtale of the Shadow. I win a starship from the hostile Ghostmaster; in space I gain the confidence to confront him, and find... |
GHOSTS PUSH TOWARD THE SUICIDE DOOR: by Wayan, 1997/8/7, a nightmare that wants a break. I live in a haunted house where ghosts push you to suicide. But they're as tired of it as I am... |
THE GIANTESS OF THVERA: by Viga-Glum Eijolfsson; early 940s?, a very public clairvoyant dream. Viga-Glum dreamt a giantess came to visit. "She is the spirit-guide of my grandfather in Norway. He is dead... |
GIANT'S HANDS: by Wayan; dreamed 1981/12/23, a split-consciousness nightmare I was a giant carefully & guiltlessly flattening San Francisco--just following orders to recycle it! Killing how many? While my mind inside the giant's mind was appalled... |
GIRAFFE MISSION, or, THE 17TH FOOT: by Wayan, 2017/1/30, a Seussian dream-poem on how views broaden I was in the Mission with friends. A giraffe saw me as narrowminded, and lifted me up to show me HIS viewpoint. No insights--till we topped the roofline... |
GIRAFFETAUR GROVE: by Wayan; 2009/7/27, a science-joke dream hiding serious diagnostic advice I meet the new improved giraffe people with hydraulic chrome skeletons-- such light, powerful jaws and stretchable necks. Wow, Lamarckianism is back! CAUTION: ANTICREATIONISM--THAT IS, ACTUAL SCIENCE |
GIRDERS AND DUST: by Wayan; 1983/10/23; a dream touring the ruins of childhood. I dreamed I returned to a childhood park and found mostly ruin. But one magical thing survived... |
GIRL INTO HERON: by Wayan, 2017/11/7, a dream-poem of an uncertain choice Four thugs stalk a gawky girl through the Everglades. She treads on a black stone and... becomes a blue heron! Her stalkers vanish--did they become birds too? Should I step up? |
GIRL WITH A PROBLEM: by Wayan; 1997/4/12, a surreal dream. I date a girl with a mysterious syndrome, but soon I become a monkeyfaced con-man. And SHE becomes... |
GITANA AND REX AND KIT: by Wayan; 1988/12/11, a comic nightmare. My friend Gitana has a grim view of men--a view that materializes, and starts chasing us... CAUTION: BURGER FRANCHISE DEMOLITION |
GIVE TRAVIS ONE MORE CHANCE: by Wayan; 1980/10/13, a desperate dream. I'm detective Travis McGee's lover. But we always die by the book's end! My solution is drastic... CAUTION: HARD-BOILED HANDGUNS |
MY GLASS BODY: by Wayan; 1993/9/16, a dream on sensitivity. After I visit the Glass People, a young glass wizard stalks me home to the Meat World, and says... |
GLASS EATER: by Wayan; 1982/12/10, a dream on managing ESP. I live in an asylum for fragile psychics. When one man over-uses his talent, he compulsively eats glass... CAUTION: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME |
GODEVILLE: by Wayan; 2013/9/1, a nightmare of that Old-Time Religion
I'm at a vaudeville for gods. They strut onstage. Cthulhu the squid-god nearly tramples me! Then Cthulhu gets horny... CAUTION: GROSS GOD, GROSS GOO |
GOD'S DANCE CLUB: by Wayan; 1995/5/2, an apocalyptic dream. God's dance club, the Universe, is shutting down. God broke his promise that we staff could get on stage... |
GOD'S THREE DIALS: by Wayan; 1992/11/20, a heavenly dream. God built 3 dials to check: body, soul, and time. But the Holy Spirit's lazy, only checks one! It's up to us... |
GOD-SHIELDS: by Wayan; 1990/8/21, a confusing dream of growth. I'm a fat guy hired as a temp by some unethical gods. Or are they trying to teach me something? |
GOLD EATER: by Wayan; 1993/1/15 dream drawn as 9-page comic. I'm an orphan shapeshifter enslaved by a gold-eating monster. But I meet a cat-girl with a hammer... CAUTION: BAD FOSTER-DAD; CAPITALIST MONSTER; VIOLENCE (TO VENDING MACHINES) |
GOLD VERSUS DIAMONDS: by Wayan; 1972/1/20, a dream fable. We're children seeking gold in a fairy wood. We dig where the elf-kids played, but their parents show up... |
GOLDIE AND GRIMOIRE: by Wayan, 1987/3/2, a dream foreseeing My Little Pony? I get a crush on two mare-girls--sunny palomino Goldie is cute, but it's dark-silver, lunar Grimoire that really stuns me... CAUTION: EQUINE NUDITY, ESP REFERENCES |
GOLDIE'S RHINOPOTAMUS: by Wayan; 2013/4/10, a Fellini dreamjoke with advice. I'm in Venice. The police chief (armored) and Goldie Hawn (near-naked) ride a skittish monster. Turns out bareback works better... CAUTION: MILD NUDITY |
GOOD DOG!: by Wayan; 1992/4/15; sketch of inner me, doggily insecure. The shy, doggy need for reassurance I often crave from a lover--do I crave a mistress, an owner?... CAUTION: NUDITY, PILLOW TALK |
GORDO'S EYES: by Wayan; 1981/2/14, a dream warning. The old cartoon character Gordo has another girlfriend. But his pets say he only loves the hunt, not her... |
GRAMPA HAS SPOKEN: by Wayan; 1989/11/26, an oracular dream. In a worldwide junkyard full of warring spooks, I finally meet the one whose message I need to hear... |
GRAPE: by Wayan; 1991. Digital painting of daydream. There's the watermelon of passion, and then there are the little grapes of fun that foxes eat... CAUTION: NUDE DANCING |
GREEN ANGELS: by Wayan; 1985/9/2, a dream-idyll seething with politics. I stalk a platoon of levitating surf-bunnies who may be out to bomb a Greenpeace submarine... |
GREENBIRD SAVIOR: by Wayan; 1983/6/2, a divine comedy. Time-travel the Navaho way! But our bread-pipe gets hijacked, so we call the Bird. Who shows up, all right... CAUTION: NON-STANDARD SAVIOR, EVIL DREAM PUNS |
GRIFFIN: by Wayan; 1995/8/2, digital portrait of two dream-selves. Gryphon meets Dragon, mid-air, and they're both me--sometimes... |
THE GRIFFINS' LESSON: by Wayan, 2018/6/1, a pair of predictive dreamlets I live through two teens' nightmares, then "wake" with them to find they were drugged by a third party! Why? Then I'm with a wagon-crew of cheerful flirting griffins & talking horses who pull a cart made of grammar or logic. Six days later, I see images from both dreams on TV! CAUTION: CREEPY, THEN SAPPY, THEN FREAKY |
GRIMOIRE AND PACT: by Wayan, 2013/8/4, twin dreams of infestations of... health? illness? sex? magic? Two sisters want to lick me all over, but they lick everything; weird gut-fauna make them immune to toxins... Fairy eggs infest my home--become worms, then tiny horses, then mothwinged hobbits, then adult fairies.... CAUTION: NUDE EQUINES & FAE; PARASITES (OR SYMBIOTES?) |
GROTTO OF BREASTS: by Gary Snyder, 1965/7/3, a bizarre High Sierra dream In Europe, I enter a cave-shrine. Rock walls with... breasts! I suck one. It gives milk. A plaque says... CAUTION: WEIRD |
THE GUARDIAN ANGEL COURSE: by Wayan; 1984/9/29, a long-term predictive dream I get bored with crime, and then I die. So I take a workshop: How to Find your Guardian Angel. But things go strange... CAUTION: UNEXPECTED ANGELS |
GUARDIAN ANGELS FEUD: by Wayan; 1995/10/9, an epic, heretical dream. You know angels feud over regional underfunding of Divine Grace. But you don't know how low they'll go... |
GYRLFALCON: by Wayan; 1971/11/26, a genderbent, speciesbent & predictive dream I'm a Gyrlfalcon in a theater, fighting the Wolverine and his Morlocks with my lover the Green Lion... |
THE HACKER: by Wayan; 1993/11/23, a psychic nightmare. Who's the demon? Mom, the Dragon, the Smiler, the Rubber Ax Murderer, the Doll Princess or the Tiger?... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
HALF-ELF: by Wayan; 1996/2/14, a predictive dream fable. A biracial girl doubts her own heritage; a human friend has to confirm the obvious. So what am I blind to? |
HALF-HEARTED GHOST: by Wayan; 1994/9/28, a dream on the cruelty of shyness. I go invisible in my dance class and hear what the girls I like have to say about me. Uh-oh... CAUTION: PAINFUL RELATIONSHIP TRUTHS |
HALF SHAMAN, HALF STATESMAN: by Wayan; 1986/4/21, a parallel-world dream: Chapter 6 of UNICORN TAG I get a scholarship to Shaman U. Some of my classmates are Terran, but I still don't fit in, because... CAUTION: LANGUAGE |
HARD DISK POND: by Wayan; 1989/8/27, a dream of art as a door. We build a huge hard disk that's a virtual pond--a gate to other worlds! But not for reptile brains... |
HARE HEAVEN: by Wayan; 1998? Digital dream sketch. I dreamed my friend Beryl's soul was a giant rabbit, arguing in paradise with our mutual guardian angel... |
HARPY: by Wayan; 2000/6/2, a stylized nightmare Day: my dad's paralyzed, and my car's stolen. Dream: a harpy made of steel, like a living Calder statue, holds three girls hostage... |
HAUNTED BUT HAPPY: by Wayan; 1990/10/13, a labyrinthine dream. Some Christian oneirologists barge into the Haunted Firehouse. But I pose for nude unicorn photos, and... CAUTION: DUMB CHRISTIANS, EXHIBITIONIST UNICORNS, ETC. |
HAWK AND CAT: by Wayan, 1981/6/2, a dream of ethics and terror. My best friend is a cat. Problem is, I'm a rare hawk--a Cat-Eater. I never, ever would, but... |
HAWK ANGEL: by Wayan; 1982/12/28; a dream on rejecting hearsay. I dreamed I met a sort of hawk angel, but there was this preachy guy between us... CAUTION: NUDITY |
HEADEGG (Black-Eyed Bird of Pain): by Wayan; 1983/10/24; acrylic painting of a headache-trance. I was cartooning with a headache. It took over and started drawing for me... |
HEARN'S BEAST: by Wayan; 1986/2/18, a dream fable. Inside an evacuated region, the Lafcadio Hearn Zone, I meet the monster thousands fled... |
THE HEAVIEST FLYER ON EARTH: by Wayan; 1979/1/25, a dream of clumsy flight My friends can all become birds; but all I can do is grow wings and try to fly solid-boned... |
THE HEDGE KING: by Wayan, 1992/6/14, a gender-bent dream epic. I change sex to infiltrate a sinister castle, unaware its Lord can spot a shapeshifter--being one himself... CAUTION: A DISTURBING BEDSIDE MANOR. I MEAN, MANNER. |
HEDGEHOG AND WHITE RABBIT: by Wayan; 1972/12/1, a dream love story. Hedgehog and White Rabbit stick together, through the snipers on Broadway, through the dogs of winter, through cannibal soup... |
THE HEDGEHOG DISPENSARY: by Wayan; 2004/10/2, furtopian watercolor 12-page dreamcomic (or text + pics) A rabbit shaman makes his student drape dead hedgehogs round her neck til she bleeds. How to free her? CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY, ABUSIVE MENTOR |
HELL-TORNADO: by Wayan; 1988/7/2, a dream on social engineering. Who built the tornado in the Heartland, that sucks anyone who opens their spirit-wings down to Hell? CAUTION: BAD THEOLOGY, WORSE PHYSICS |
HELP, NOT CURE: by Wayan; 1996/12/26, a dream on autism. Gay angels try to help an autistic woman. Change her past? Only if they pass the Ass-Backward Guardians! |
HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR: by Wayan; 1994/2/18, a comic nightmare. I'm an organic almond grower who's solved the Luminous Snail problem. But my neighbor has an agenda... |
HEPBURNING: by Wayan; 1984/8/1, a nightmare on repression. Kat Hepburn burns inside as passionate aliens take over our souls. How can we expel them before... |
HER CUTIE MARK: by Wayan, 2016/8/7, a dream fusing Shakespeare, My Little Pony & the Three Graces After seeing The Tempest with a tattooed Miranda, I dream she has a Cutie Mark on her flank-- a logo showing her life-purpose, life-path. But she's outgrowing it... CAUTION: MILD NUDITY |
HER FINAL EXAM: by Wayan; 2015/9/8, a dream of a goddess in hiding--and why During our final exam, my second sight tells me our dance teacher's really a Greek goddess in disguise. But she has her own final exam to face... |
HER HORSE: by Wayan; 1985/5/14, a dream fable about bodies. A farm girl seems to be sexually exploiting her dog and horse, but their auras tell another tale... CAUTION: SEX SYMBOLISM |
THE HERBIVORE'S EXCEPTION: by Wayan; 1999/12/6, a dream of snapping. A beautiful herbivore suddenly eats one of its friends! Bloody. Who or what is this warning me about?... CAUTION: YUCK, MEAT REALLY IS MURDER |
HERON HAREM: by Wayan; 1981/6/14, a dream with a moral. I'm a heron working in the Civil Service. I want to blow the whistle, but then how would I support my... CAUTION: BIRD-SLAVERY? |
HERSELF IN REVERSE: by Wayan; 2013/6/13, three surreal future-prompting dreamlets 1: In a theater I meet weird big-eyed ballerinas, & realize I'll choreograph for them soon... 2: A sorcery student & her powerful future self flying back through time meet & fuse... 3: A squirrel-mage meets his future self too. He gives us a mild fever to protect us against a deadly plague... CAUTION: NOT FOR TOTAL SKEPTICS ABOUT PREDICTIVE DREAMS |
HIJACK! The Christmas Special: by Wayan; 2012/4/13, a trapped-in-bad-TV dream. I'm stuck on a jet full of cartoons. We get hijacked by a kid who just wants pilot practice, and then a talking cactus counter-hijacks us... CAUTION: THE F-WORD |
HIS DEER WIFE: by Wayan; 195K, 20 images, 1995/7/9, a parallel world love story. I'm a slave, a scribe in the house of a Captain of the New Aztec Empire, when he brings home a wife... CAUTION: DISTURBING SEX CUSTOMS, SPOUSAL ABUSE? |
HIS MINE: by Wayan; 1985/12/2, a wild dream epic. I'm a hobbit seeking Henry Fonda's haunted gold mine, but I end up in a showdown in a shaman's bar...
A HOBBIT IN L.A.: by Wayan; 1990/1/8, a dream on wishes. |
I'm a hobbit woman in Los Angeles, hiding a magic weapon from Sauron. No, not THAT weapon... |
HOBBIT SNIPER: by Wayan; 1998/10/13, a dream on strategy. |
I'm a sniper in a desert battle of men against hobbits. Guilty for not fighting openly, but that'd be suicidal... CAUTION: MATH AND WAR |
THE HOMONKEYLUS: by Wayan; 1992/6/15, a looping dream about blinders. |
A smiling beauty queen on a float gives birth to a monkey with blinders, then re-absorbs the baby, then... CAUTION: NUDITY AND ODDITY |
HONESTY THE WITCH: by Wayan; 1974/6/1, a flying dream. |
A witch advocates honesty, but kids mock her; one boy tries to rape her. We fight mid-air, riding her broom... CAUTION: RAPE ATTEMPT |
HOOD: by Wayan; 1993/5/11 & 5/15, a recurring dream of a... woman? dinosaur? cape? spirit? |
An alien-heron-dino-woman left us her cape--or is it a cast-off skin? I put it on, for I was told I need the hood to ward off some evil. My human head won't fit the narrow hood. But the owner's manual says I don't need a shield, I'm immune! So skip the hood; wear the cape as a minidress... |
THE HORSE VOTERS: by Wayan; 1995/4/30, a dream on race? Or... |
19th century horsebreeders crossbred more than they admit. One suggests I look hard in the mirror... CAUTION: UNSEEMLY SENATORIAL DISCOURSE |
HORSELIKE BUT NOT: by Wayan; portrait of dream figure, 1997, acrylic, 14 x 17" |
My anima Silky finds it hard to go back to classic hooves, now that she's tried opposable thumbs... |
HORTA'S EGGS: by Wayan; 1984/1/17, a dream of re-evaluation. |
I fight to save a nest of 50,000 eggs that'll hatch... psychics! But my friends want to exterminate them! Who's wrong here? |
HOT POT CAT LOT: by Wayan; 1992/8/6, a delayed-action psychic dream. |
After a bad writing class, I meet a shy catgirl guarding a Mongolian Hot Pot, and discover who I am... |
by Wayan; 1993/8/4, a bizarre, epic dream on finding your way I'm a mare hot to trot (and get laid) in the Big City, but my gay Star Trek friend's brain trauma makes her a clueless alien with a bo(a)ring sexlife--until a sad swan enfolds her in love... CAUTION: ALIEN POSSESSION, CARTOON PIG SEX, SMOKING SWANS |
HOW THE WAYAN GOT ITS NAME: by Wayan, 1986/5/23, a predictive dream on names (& manes) |
A telepathic unicorn-lion says my true name is Wayan. And my true species? I'm like him! I wake, change my name to fit the dream, move to a new city. Near my new house, my dream-name is scratched into the concrete sidewalk... |
HUCK FINN'S WISH: by Wayan; 1995/12/8, a dream of flight and sabotage. |
A mysterious stranger offers free wishes to the kids of Hannibal, Missouri. Tom Sawyer wants to fly... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
HUNT OF THE UNICORN: by Wayan; 1989/5/18, an overlooked psychic dream. |
I marry, just to get into a clannish world where I'm seeking symbiotic unicorns. I end up fleeing... Next evening, a TV movie--Goldie Hawn marries into a clannish world and ends up... |
HYDROGEN INITIATION: by Wayan; 1981/1/6, a shamanic nightmare. |
I'm an initiate in a Sung Dynasty monastery. But I have no idea how far the hazing can go... CAUTION: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME |
I AM THREE: by Wayan; 1957-58, my three earliest dreams. |
My first memory is of being a wild horse and waking up to find I was suddenly a human child... |
I AM A SILKY IN THE SEA: by Wayan; 1986? Watercolor on shapeshifting in dreams. |
"I am a man upon the land; I am a Selkie in the sea..." Silky or selkie means a were-seal... |
I AM NOT A MAN: by Wayan; 1996/11/28, a dream of Middle Earth. |
I can help slay a monster and save my friends--if I deny I'm human. My denial has grave consequences, but it's absolutelytrue... |
I FIGHT FOR BEAUTY: by Wayan; 1990/1/1, an incubated dream within a dream within a dream. |
From Hawaii to Wyoming, I fight for beauty, always waking to find I'm someone new... |
I GOT OUT: by Wayan; 1992/1/4, a psychic dream drawn as a 9-page digital comic |
I flee our love triangle when Abe turns mean. He's telepathic, but I have my escape all planned: the goldfish, the snakepit, the caves... CAUTION: THREESOME, SNAKES, MOTORCYCLE FATALITY |
I HELD THE SUN ROSE: by Wayan; 1989, reworked 1994. Nondream digital picture. |
After I drew this I dreamed I was chasing stars with a long-tailed friend, and in the end we caught the Sun... CAUTION: MILD NUDITY |
I OVERSLEPT: by Wayan; 1992/6/12, a dream of loss. |
I oversleep. A lot. All my friends are dead, along with my century... |
I WON'T DIE TILL LOVE DIES: by Wayan; 1981/1/21, a divine dream . |
I meet the mermaid goddess of love in her pool, but when she advises me, I dispute one small point... |
ICK! DOGS!: by Wayan; 1990/1/3, a Star Trek dream. |
I'm Jean-Luc Picard, and my Enterprise has been taken over by a pack of brilliant, paranoid wolves... |
ID FLOWERS: by Wayan; 1989/10/8, a dream of wish and fear |
The villagers warned me not to walk in the alien graveyard; for at night, the Id flowers wake... |
THE ILL-FORMED TALE: by Wayan; 160K, 1981/4/7, a wild dream anti-epic. |
To reach the Peak of Happiness on the Isle of Dreams, I must pass four Perils--but they're all backwards... CAUTION: RELIGIOUS NUTS, KNIVES, NUDE ALIENS, BACKWARD PLOT... |
ILLUSIONISTS DON'T RULE: by Wayan; 1996/8/26, a dream on the strength of logic. |
I read 'The Closing of the American Mind," and dream I'm a pilot who suspects an illusionist in my plane... |
I'M A VESTA, NOT A MAN!: by Wayan; 1980/1/6, a dream of when it's over. |
I'm the animal guardian of a deep crater, but when a human girl rejects me, I set out to leave... CAUTION: ORAL SEX, UNREQUITED LOVE, SPECISM |
I'M ALL EARS, DR. ESTES: by Wayan; 1995/6/7, not a dream, a portrait of a radio-trance.
Clarisa Pinkola Estes (who runs with the wolves) was on the radio, and this popped out of my mouse... |
I'M AN INTERSEX AND I'M OKAY: by Wayan; 1992/11/7, a body-image dream. |
I discover I'm not exactly a man OR a woman; so why not throw out their standards and roles and be me? CAUTION: SEXUAL SELF-EXAM |
IN EL RIO: by Wayan; 1994/5/14, a singles nightmare. |
My family runs a bar. I walk through, after hours. Who are all these silent figures? CAUTION: UNHEALTHY READING FOR SINGLES |
IN IO: by Wayan, 1981/8/7, a wild otherworldly dream with 3 illustrations. |
I live on Io. It's nicer than its photos. At least inside, where the oceans are--where I grow a second head... |
IN THE COURSE OF WORK: by Marie-Claude Girondé, spring 2007?, a dream sculpture |
Is that a madwoman riding a horse, or a cougar pouncing on a deer, or are these dream-creatures wildly making love? |
IN THE FOG: by Wayan; 1989/4/5, nondream (I swear!) digital landscape. |
This place isn't out of my dreams, it just looks like it. It's real real real... |
IN THE SHADOW OF MAN: by Wayan; 1994/3/4, a dream on how to escape the cage |
I'm a lab animal who discovers voice software and creates a personal zine, testifying for our rights... |
IN THE STAR; 1988/9/12 by Wayan; an epic, out-of-body, intrastellar quest-dream |
I tour the heart of a red supergiant, where dreaming souls explore their fears and heart's desires, unconstrained by solid matter... CAUTION: SWEDENBORGIAN VISION, UNICORN NUDITY |
INACTION PAINTING: by Wayan; 1995/10/29, digital dream-figure collage |
When I see that grim museum shit I start giggling "Boy art!" The guards glare, so I go home and paint like this. CAUTION: NUDITY, SEX TALK, LUST FAIRIES AND FLYING TEENY WEENIES |
INK MOUNTAIN: by Wayan; 1992/8/5, a tutelary dreamtale. |
A Himalayan peak boils with warring creatures, but a guru says "They're just your conflicts. Sit, watch..." |
INUIT MEDITATION: by Wayan; 1989/11/16, a surreal dream-comedy. |
I'm the first tuna to get a scholarship to Stanford. Naturally I sign up for a course in Inuit Meditation... |
THE INVESTOR DREAMS A WOLF: by Wayan; 1983/10/30, a dream poem. |
My dream characters aged and tamed until they sit in a genteel Victorian flat. Then a wolf rappels in... |
THE IRRATIONALITY OF DREAMS: by Wayan; 1989/12/31, a New Year's dream. |
On TV, the first Jungian anima to leave the unconscious is granting an interview. But the questions are... |
IS GOD GOD?: by Wayan; 1984/6/17, a dream of the school of hard knocks. |
God watches over me--to slap me down. If God is even God. So I set out to learn about this jerk-God... |
ISIS HELPS TERRI GARR: by Wayan; 1988/3/27, a distractable dream . |
How Terri Garr the cat-woman finally escapes Anorexic Prison, and what happened to the baseball glove... |
THE ISLAND FURIES: by Wayan; summer 1975, a dream of self-control. |
When warring Greek isles kill a peacemaker, her three best friends start a vendetta! But she wanted peace... CAUTION: HATE NURSED TOO LONG |
ISLE OF THE BLEST: by Wayan; 1990, painting inspired by series of fox-dreams |
I'm a Japanese werefox, longing to reach the Isle of the Blest; but dare I swim for it? |
JAMIE THE SORCERESS: by Wayan; 1984/11/14, a characterological dream. |
I get back from vacation to find the landlady's installed her daughter Jamie in our shared house... |
JASHA EXPLAINS DEATH: by Wayan; ca. 1974/10/1; a 10-page painted comic with recurrent dream figures |
Deep Duck's interview with Jasha the Krelkin goes rogue, as she urges tossing out human habits like... death? CAUTION: REDWOOD-SPRITE SEX, PEEING ON TREES, DRUNK DUCK |
A JOB WELL DONE: by Wayan; 1981/3/2; a dream-farce with a serious warning |
The tale of a fawn named Fawn and her mom, a bank-robbing hippopotamus... CAUTION: GLAMORIZES THIS ALARMING TREND |
JOIN THE WOLVES LATER!: by Wayan; 1980/9/4, a dream of false but useful fear. |
Shepherding a group of cityfolks through an alien wilderness, I need a werewolf's help. So why do I lie? |
JOKE PILOT: by Wayan; 1995/7/15, a dream of defiance. |
Among aliens, humans are jokes. Fragile and blind, we can't fly starships. Unless we build our own... |
JOVE'S LIMBO: by Wayan; 1994/11/27, a dream of astral muckraking. |
Half elvish, rejected, I wander the worlds, and find a limbo built by Zeus--but do the inmates deserve it? |
"JUST A FEW MORE YEARS!": by Wayan; 2008/1/2, a nightmare on the coming crash |
I found myself defending humanity before an astral jury, begging them to delay the great die-back... |
THE KENNERBIRD: by Wayan; 1973/5/20; a naive shamanic dream. |
I'm a cartoon flamingo; with my sisters, the frog and the rabbit-squirrel, I meet our Maker--the cartoonist... |
THE KEROUAC TREE: by Wayan; 2 ill., 1983/3/18, a dream of fame and time. |
The true story of the very first tree-hugger. Not Kerouac! You'll never guess. In fact, you'll say it's impossible... |
KIBBLE FROM HEAVEN: by Wayan; 1986/10/13, a dream on love and money. |
I'm a dog princess, on a world where kibble falls from heaven. When I meet our species' guardian angels... CAUTION: DOG NUDITY, LAWYERS |
KICK AUTHORITY: by Wayan; 1989/10/25. Early digital painting of a dream figure. |
Question authority? Nah. They always have such excuses! Kick authority entirely! Just say no. |
KIDNAP LI PO!: by Wayan; 1990/1/16, a poetic dream. |
I dream a Chinese fable: how the poet Li Po was abucted by the gods, till they face heavenly justice... CAUTION: ABDUCTION, DRUNKS, EVIL PUN |
KINGMAKERS: by Wayan; 2000/2/21, a dream of mediation. |
I'm a political aide to the leader of a hot-tempered, clawed, fanged alien people. And then my boss dies... |
KIOSK: by Wayan; 1994/5/1, a 4-page dreamcomic on the power of song (or illustrated text version) |
I'm a sexy singing beast, the Krelkin, trying to lure the Reading Man out of his Moral Kiosk... CAUTION: NUDITY, INTERSPECIES FLIRTATION |
KITTEN'S QUEST: by Wayan; 2016/2/13, a dream-poem |
I met two strange sisters on a train who turn out to be half-cat. They open my eyes so I realize that my neighbor Elaine must be a shapeshifter too... CAUTION: FLIRTATIOUS UNDERAGE CAT |
KITTY WANTS TO DIE: by Wayan; 1981/11/9, a nightmare baring a side of me ready to DIE to avoid stuff |
Kitty, exhausted, stops fighting what's inside her, and lets herself die. Crystalline alien worms burst out, growing till they loom over the spaceport... CAUTION: ADDICTION ROOTED IN AVOIDANCE |
KOKO'S LOSSES: by Wayan; 1999/10/9, an elliptically predictive dream. |
Koko the gorilla has had some terrible setbacks lately... the double amputation, especially... |
KRELKIN AND KIOSK: by Wayan; dreamed 1994/5/1, sculpted 1999/8/31-12/11; a career-advice dream? |
A sculpture of me as the sexy singing beast who lures the Reading Man out of his Moral Kiosk... |
KRELKIN CONTEMPLATING: by Wayan; 1995/6/7 dream-figure sculpted 1998/7/17 in Paperclay |
A small statue of this beautiful creature who keeps appearing in my dreams... CAUTION: NUDITY |
KRELKIN CAMOUFLAGE: by Wayan; 1981/4/21, 3 versions of recurring dream image |
A sexy dream-creature hides by splitting her body visually, her red mane and tail matching her background... |
THE KRELKIN SISTERS ON MISSION ST: by Wayan; 261K, 1995/6/7, a dream of superior beings |
I was walking in the Mission, in San Francisco, when two sisters came up to me who no one else could see... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY |
A KRELKIN SMEARED: by Wayan; 1996/9/23; a dream of bold intervention . |
I'm a slender, clever krelkin. I draw me, but then red rage erupts and I trash myself... can I be saved? |
THE LADY BATHES IN GRIEF: by Wayan; 1983/5/31, a long-haul psychic dream. |
Why'd a spirit-woman come to our reservation to mourn a drowned guy? Her mirrors & candles tell us... |
LADY UNICORN: by Cindy Prince; 2007/10/16, a dream of a shapeshifter. |
I was working in the library, talking to this woman who announced "I think I'll grow my horn now..." |
A LAKE DEMON: by Wayan; 1979/11/3, an anti-lucid dream. |
I walk through worlds, fight a deadly lake demon, and work magic--but I mustn't go lucid... |
LAMPREYS: by Wayan; 1974/6/27, a dream of assimilation |
Pretty much everyone in my school is a bloodsucking alien, but, come to think of it, so what? CAUTION: SEX, VAMPIRES, SEX WITH VAMPIRES, BUT NICE VAMPIRES |
LEAN ON ME: by Wayan; 120K; 1987, 1992. Recurring dream image.. |
This couple keeps appearing in my dreams--as equals, as mount and rider, as friends, as enemies, as lovers... CAUTION: NUDITY |
LEARNING SCALES: by Wayan; 1985/6/26, an epic dream of Chinese dragons. |
I find myself in astral China. The Empress is banished, the Jester rules. Wisdom is lost. We need an Imperial Dragon... |
THE LEASH: by Wayan; 1995/6/26, a dreamfable. |
Alien abductions upset us--being studied, treated like animals. But isn't that how we treat other species-- study, exploit, ignore their feelings? That night, I dream one dog on a leash paralyzes a civilization... |
LEONINE TRINITY: by Wayan; based on 1987/11/28 dream; 1991 digital "woodcut" of recurring dream figures. |
A goddess in a dream once told me to seek 3 and only 3 qualities in a mate... CAUTION: NUDITY |
THE LEOPARD'S CLUE: by Wayan; 2012/3/17, an incubated advisory dream. | My boyfriend, a leopard, sniffs out a clue to an old murder involving me in a past life. But did I witness, die, or kill? |
LESBOY: by Wayan; 1996/5/20, a dream on one's identity and place. |
My Aunt Squid advises me to join a lesbian artists' co-op. But I'm a man! Not for long, though... CAUTION: NUDE SUNBATHING, GENDER BEWILDERMENT |
LET ME DREAM!: by Marie-Claude Girondé, spring 2007?, a dream painting. |
The dreamer becomes a horse, the horse becomes a unicorn. Dreams have their own quests apart from the conscious... |
LIBERTÉ: by Marie-Claude Girondé, c. 2005?, a dream painting. |
"Freedom is a gift you give yourself." But it doesn't always involve seahorses or babycarriages covered in quills... |
LES LICORNES: by Marie-Claude Girondé, fall 2007, a dream painting. |
Three unicorns gallop out of the waves... |
LILIES, DREAMER, FOX: by Wayan; 1998/5/27, acrylic on 46" plywood disk, life study. |
She didn't want to be there. She closed her eyes and went elsewhere. So I painted where she went... CAUTION: NUDITY |
LILY THE LION: by Wayan; 1991/4/7, a small psychic dream. |
My housemate Lily is a lion. She bursts into my room. Stare-down. And then she pounces. So I... CAUTION: VIOLENCE! MUTUAL GLARING! THE VULCAN NERVE PINCH! |
LILY OXYGEN: by Wayan; dreamed 1984/1/19, drawn 2000; a strong psychic dream. |
I'm Emily Dickinson reborn in 2100 as a breeder of hydroponic lilies, till my dad drafts me as an Arctic energy-prospector, where I meet a ghost, a fiery Beast, a new me, and the girl of my dreams... CAUTION: QUEER-POSITIVE, NUDE PROSPECTORS, GNOMIC DICKINSON QUOTES |
THE LIMIT OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE: by Wayan; 1974/3/13, a dream of madness. |
Deep in the caves, a Voice announces I've gone as far as the human mind can stand. But ahead, I see... |
THE LIMP: by Wayan; 1986/7/18, a dream on difference |
I was working for a London architect. His son thought people shunned him for his limp, but... |
LION-GIRL TRIANGLE: by Wayan; 2000/12/11, an uncomfortable sex-dilemma dream, possibly predictive |
I'm a betrothed teenager having to choose between mates, in an alternate Africa where lions are another tribe of people--and occasionally adopt humans... CAUTION: NUDITY |
LION IN A LEISURE SUIT: by Wayan; 1974, nondream doodle that shouldn't be here. |
It's the 1970s. What's a lion to do? Get fern-bar camouflage: a suit and an I'm-a-bohemian moustache... |
THE LION KING: by Wayan; 1995/9/15, a time-travel dream on social skills. |
When I wake up, animals rule the earth. How do they cope with specism? Well, it's complex... |
LION-MEN: by Wayan; 1995/7/9, an eye-opening dreamlet. |
I'm a traveling Zen warrior talking to a circus girl in a barn. Four guys enter--and my life changes forever. |
THE LITERAL EMPIRE: by Wayan; 1997/11/17, a dream on flexibility. |
I join the alliance against humorless humanoids who are invading funny-animal planets... |
LIZ: by Wayan; 1992/3/15, digital painting of a daydream. |
I'm not sure just where she slithered out from, but she looks like more fun than most mammals... CAUTION: LIZARD BREAST |
THE LIZARD LESSON: by Wayan; 1996/12/12, a hard-hittin' shamanic dream. |
I'm a shaman in Nunavut who shows a rubber lizard and his foxy niece that reparations have limits... |
LOBSTER ECSTASY: by Wayan; 1970/11/1?, a teenage lobster love dream. |
One of my first recorded dreams--how I foolishly turned away from Lobster Love... CAUTION: CHITINOUS SEX |
LOLA: by Wayan; 1995/4/22, a wild dream: psychic, shamanic and... economic? |
How the hell do I summarize this? Lola, a werefox I'm hot for, becomes my feudal Japanese brother, and her fox-shape reappears as the truck-driving maid for a Han Dynasty lady. We counter the interdimensional energy vampires by importing ghost unicorns on sailing ships, who have an orgy. Two weeks later it all comes true. Literally? No, but closer than you think.... |
LONELY NO MORE!: by Wayan; 2000/3/27, a sculpture of American singlehood. |
The Dating Fairy, built on lonely evenings waiting for her to call me back--whoever "her" was that week... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEXUAL THEMES |
LOON LADDER: by Wayan; 1993/5/13. A dream of rising above. |
I had this near-nightmare about climbing a DNA stair up to the sky, and stepping off... CAUTION: NUDITY, INCEST ISSUES |
THE LORD CHANCELOR'S NIGHTMARE: by Gilbert & Sullivan; 1882, a comic song-lyric on insomnia |
The Lord Chancelor can't sleep, and when at last he does, he drifts through nightmares full of baby lawyers and potted tradesmen sprouting fruit, and cutthroat corporate scheming. But that's Victorian dreaming! |
LOST AGAIN: by Wayan; felt pen, 1983/2/27, sketch of daydream? or dream? |
I was a bird-person in a post-nuclear future, touring North America on the wing. But ruins all look the same... CAUTION: ALL YOU LOVE IS GONE |
LOVE IS REAL, REAL IS LOVE, BUT...: by Wayan; 1993/5/30, a musical mystery dream. |
Singing a Lennon love song on a planet of giant women provokes first wonder, then disbelief. Why? |
LUCID LIVING: by Wayan; 2007/4/8, a quasi-lucid dream of the future with 9 illustrations |
Honesty induces a joyful state with lucidlike powers. So I bike across the Lake of Time, open the book of my future, and see... CAUTION: SEXY SKETCHES FROM THE FUTURE |
LUCID ON THE MOON: by Wayan; 1980/2/23, a long-term psychic dream. |
I'm on the run, on the moon. Cyborgs toss bombs at me. Yikes! Is this what melted Mare Orientalis? CAUTION: NUCLEAR IRRESPONSIBILITY |
LUNAMOTH (Around #11): by Wayan; soon after 1998/8/7; 2 portraits of a dream-self, one digital, one acrylic |
Day Me curls up and Night Me unfolds: a girl with dark moth-wings, not angel-white but camouflaged... |
LUNAR REPUBLIC BORDERGUARD: by Wayan; 1996/8/30 sculpture of 1995/11/14 dream. |
A looming figure on the border of the new Lunar Republic, who told me it's time to turn from war to art... |
LUNCH WITH THE STARS: by Wayan; 1981/2/2, a dream on beliefs. |
I'm in an animal dance troupe, but wake to find I'm alone. For consolation, I eat at The Terrace, and meet... |
LURK: by Wayan; digital collage of a year's dreaming, 1995/3/5. |
There's power in dark memories--creatures of the deep strata. But the flowers of now are just as real... |
LYR: by Wayan; 7MB, 2005, 80 pages w/200+ drawings and maps; a virtual planet |
A vast sea-world with 7 times Earth's mass, whose isles are home to at least 19 intelligent species... CAUTION: CUTE ALIENS, WEIRD SEX CUSTOMS, GODLESS EVOLUTION! |
THE MAD UNVEILERS: by Marie-Claude Girondé, early 2009, a dream painting. |
The dancers, in a frenzy, stripped themselves. Not just their clothes; themselves... |
MAELEN AND ME: by Wayan; 1972/5/1, a transmigrational dream. |
I'm a psychic circus animal who's just managed to teleport my humanoid girlfriend. It's for our act, but... CAUTION: PETTING |
MAELSTROM AND BORE: by Wayan; 1995/1/23, poem telling a predictive dreamlet. |
An avian friend of mine researches a whirlpool. But it doesn't want to be studied, and it has friends too... |
MAHAKALA, MOZART, AND THE CRIPPLED BIRD: by Wayan; 1985/4/17, a dream on facing shadows |
The Christian God vs Mahakala, Buddhist god of right anger! War in Middle Earth, as Pink Floyd sings... |
MAMA BEAR'S ADVICE: by Wayan; 1985/12/8, a dream on love-tactics. |
A bear-girl seduced by her coyote professor gets some advice on revenge from her anthropologist mom... |
A MAMMOTH FIGHT: by Wayan; 1996/2/26, a dream of another life. A tacky other life. |
I'm a fight promoter whose biggest deal ever is maybe too big for me. How'd it become a four-way bout? CAUTION: CRASS ACT |
MANATEE: by Wayan; 1989/5/12-1992; digital nondream painting. |
Beauty's link to status and privilege bothers me. The pretty get perks (or parks), while we uglies... CAUTION: BREASTS, BEASTS, AND A BLOOD FLOWER |
MAN TRIUMPH ANT: by Wayan; 1990, a lost typographical picture-poem |
The image got lost, but the words survived, so here's the poetic saga of an ant that left th' farm... |
MARIAH: by Wayan, 1994/9/23, a mystical flying dream. |
An un-jealous wind lifts me above the San Francisco hills, so I can hunt for my love: the Muse... |
MARTIAN AIRLOCK and JAGUAR MASK: by Wayan, 2015/6/22, twin shamanic near-nightmares |
Jaguar Mask: a were-jaguar stuck in human form asks me to sew a new jaguar face on."But won't it hurt?... Martian Airlock: I'm suitless on Mars. Freezing, choking, I dive into an airlock & slam the switch--but it's sabotaged... |
THE MARTIAN FEUD: by Wayan; 1994/3/10, a warning dream. |
On Old Mars, before it died, two rival families' teasing finally goes too far, despite the whale's warning... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
MARTIAN ROBOTS DRESS LIKE FREUD: by Wayan, 1975/8/16, an absurd dream... predicting my life-path? |
Martian robots pester me. I flee through the Asteroids, leaving chaos, cratering Earth. Years later on my farm, a bot shows up disguised as Freud. I start mudslinging... |
MASK: by Wayan; 1989, digital painting of my dream-self in a day-situation. |
I'm a unicorn in a life-drawing class, feeling more naked than the model... CAUTION: CARTOON NUDITY |
MCKILLIP'S NEW BOOK: by Wayan; 2010/7/23, an epic literary dream |
I'm inside a magical novel by Patricia McKillip, amid tricksters, cosplayers, spooks, sex changes, levitation and (sigh) cops... CAUTION: COYOTE SEX |
MEDITATION: by Marie-Claude Girondé, spring 2007, a dream painting. |
A jungle cat needs to take time out from a hard day's predation to have a quiet smoke... |
MELTDOWN VALLEY: by Wayan; 1993/2/13, a dream of scrupulous balance. |
A park in San Francisco has melted into a bizarre mutation-zone. Its guardian is a lonely elf-woman... CAUTION: ELF NUDITY |
MENDELIAN CHIMERAS: by Wayan; 2015/1/1, a New Year's dream warning of medical uniqueness |
I meet a girl who's a Mendelian hybrid of human, animal and peavine! But I'm no more human than she is... |
MENTOR: by Wayan; 2001/6/13, six advisory dreamlets. |
I meet a shapeshifting mentor who warns of coming war (9/11?). Then a sentient book, "The Art of War," gets intimately involved... CAUTION: ELECTRODES, LIBROPHILIA |
A NEW MERMAID DISH: by Wayan; 1994/11/13, a parabolic dream |
A mermaid friend invites me to see an underwater experiment in the Golden Gate... CAUTION: MERMAID BREASTS |
IN THE MERMAID'S DRESSING ROOM: by Wayan; 1993/12/18; a dream on how to evolve; 4 pics. |
At Sea-Dragon State Park, I climbed down to the sea serpent's dressing room after the show, and found... CAUTION: MERMAID BREASTS |
MERMAID, MARE, AND SEA-STAR: by Wayan; 1983/3/23; daydream of sea-love |
I was a mermaid summoning a great storm to carry my love to me--and my love was a red sea-mare... |
THE MERMAID TOW: by Wayan; 1994/2/17, a rescue-fantasy dream. |
I rescue some drowning kids by turning into a mermaid, but towing one girl has an unexpected effect... |
THE MERMAN'S LOVER: by Wayan; 1991-93; a sex daydream treated four ways. |
Four versions of an underwater meeting between lovers, one terrestrial, one marine... CAUTION: ORAL SEX |
MIGRATION THROUGH FIRE: by Wayan; 1999/9/3, a dream of what matters. |
I'm a shaggy primitive whose tribe's outgrown our caves. We migrate, and meet two new species of people... |
MILK ADDICTS: by Wayan, 1974/6/2, an early psychic dream. |
I'm in what seems to be a village of very conservative Muslims. But they're really alien castaways... |
MIRRORCUNT: by Wayan; 2011/3/24, a peculiar erotic dream image |
After singing dream songs on stage, I dream of a girl on a talkshow displaying the strangest vagina in history... CAUTION: NUDITY |
MIRYAM'S THEFT: by Wayan; 1996/9/24, a dream. |
I'm a spirit in love with a Lady trapped in a magic Arabian castle. But our love is being used... |
MISFITS ON MARS: by Wayan; 1986/11/20, an epic dream; the climax of the dreamseries UNICORN TAG. |
From the punk clubs of Frisco to the Safeways of Si Valley to the vermilion sands of Mars, Silky the were-nightmare fights for the Misfits against every cliche in science fiction... |
MOA: by Wayan; 1995/9/9, a dream on assertion. |
I was an avian Mr Niceguy with sore knees, till I got some advice from my supposedly extinct big brother... |
MODELING A ME: by Wayan, 1994/8/29, a mirroring dream |
I find a 3D program that shows your true self, the self that can love, IS love. And my wireframe is... |
MOLLY'S PROSTHETIC: by Wayan, 1994/9/22, a dream predicting a mood drug will fail |
My dad's new wife is a collie. Naturally, she wants a prosthetic arm. But she has no site to bind it to... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY, LEERING BUSINESSMAN, DOG WIFE |
MOM THE ALIEN: by Wayan; 1981; a nightmare on family |
Many kids anxiously dream their parents aren't their real parents. I dreamed my parents ATE my real parents... CAUTION: HUNGRY MONSTERS |
MONSTER PROM: by Wayan;(Dec?) 1993. How parties look when you see auras. |
If you sense auras, every singles event feels like a scene from Halloween Hell... CAUTION: HORNY MONSTERS |
MOONCAT: by Wayan; 1995/11/14; a subtle dream-comic about sonar. text version |
Near a mysterious sculpture garden on the moon, lives the blind, bike-riding sage I seek: Moon-Cat... |
MOONMARE (Around #6): by Wayan; ca. 1998/7/23. Digital drawing made deep in art trance. |
I made a cold moon of burnished metal, rusted and scraped. But then this warm mare reared... |
MOOSE: by Wayan; 1984/3/12, a dream on the blessings of curses. |
How the Supreme Court gave my brother antlers, and where his soul went: where I'll go, now that I know... |
MOTH GIRL SIPS EARTHFLOWER: by Wayan; 1982, sketch of a daydream. |
The bud she sits on is the moon... |
MOTH TRAPS: by Wayan; 1980/1/11, a short dream on getting stuck. |
The Agile Beasts build traps to catch the Moth Monsters; but the Moths may build traps to retaliate... |
THE MOUSE BANNER: by Wayan; 1986/9/4, a dream fable. |
I'm a mouse with a protest banner saying "FREEDOM!", having a slight argument with a cat... |
MS. TRUST: by Wayan; 1993/11/4, a dream of a guarded angel. |
I meet my own mistrust: an angel who can't trust ME! So she turns me into a football-playing ant... |
MUIR ON MARS: by Wayan; 1994/5/14, a dreamtale. |
I'm John Muir reborn on Mars, supporting Mars First against tree-cutters, who poison their enemies... |
MULTIPLE: by Wayan; 101K, 1992; digital picture-poem on seven dream-selves. |
I have all the signs of multiple personality but memory gaps. But YOU all have gaps every night... CAUTION: BACKGROUND SEX |
THE MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE THEORY: by Wayan; 1996/11/6, a dream on synergism. |
A girl and two snakes are clever but murderous. Yet, apart, they're not mean at all! Not sin--synergy... |
MULTIPLEX: by Wayan; 1987/1/9, a dream on multiple dreamselves. |
Inside my brain's a fractured legislature--a hive-mind where da beez disagreez... |
THE MUMMY: by Wayan; 2003/10/13, a Rarebit Fiend nightmare. |
A horror film and Rick Veitch's dream-comix provoke a nightmare warning me that guilt about my dad is wrecking my life... |
MUPPET WITNESS: by Bill Tjaden, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; an absurd dream |
I work in a witness protection program. We hide the Muppet on the bottom of an empty swimming pool, hand him a long straw, and fill it with... |
A MUSLIM CHEETAH: by Wayan, 2004/12/2, a dream of fundamental ambivalence |
A cheetah is a saboteur for a violent Islamic group. I'm attracted, but tear into her; "You plant bombs in the name of a rulebook meant for apes not cats!" CAUTION: NUDE CHEETAH; CRITIQUES HOLY BOOKS |
THE MUSTACHE PRAYER: by Wayan; 1983/9/11, a dream on wishes' limits. |
I help a mutant boy find others like him, and learn why some prayers are ungrantable... |
MUSTARD VAMPIRE : by Wayan; 1984/3/1, a warning dream. |
I love a cute vampire. She's willing to go on a diet. Even so, do I have enough blood to spare? |
MY ALIEN ABDUCTION: by Wayan; 1989/4/6, a dream on reserving judgment. |
I'm on a forced march, captured by alien mercenaries. But they're okay--it's their human boss... |
MY FLUORESCENT WORLD: by Wayan; 1997/8/16, a psychedelic dream. |
I always thought I saw differently than others, but when someone builds the Goggles... |
MY GATE: by Wayan; 1996/5/29; a bizarre, joyful dream; 4-page comic (or ill. text version) |
The full moon rises: I become Weregirl, do the Moondance, and gnaw open the lock on my heart... CAUTION: MOONING |
MY LITTLE 'POCALYPSE: by Wayan, 2019/5/10; a predictive dream of a TV show making mass extinction cute |
The 'toon actors from My Little Pony gleefully volunteer to die horribly in a TV documentary on the impact in Yucatan that killed off the... dinosaurs? No! Unicorns, griffins, pegasi and dragons! As I draw the dream, I get an email from the maker of a TV documentary on climate catastrophe... |
MY PEGASUS: by Regina van der Poel; 2000/6/1, a dream of my Life Painting |
I free a friend unjustly imprisoned. On the run, we encounter our Life Paintings. Mine is a beautiful pegasus flying. But on its back is a monkey in a red suit... |
MY SINE-FRIEND: by Wayan; 1984/3/6, an emotional dream of time and rebirth. |
An animal-girl I know lives like a sine-wave, first forward in time, then backwards, dying at every zero... |
MY SOUL: by Lee Kennedy; 1994, a spiritual enounter |
Aliens take me to meet my soul. It's on a pedestal in a quasi-Roman villa. My soul is a tribble. At first I'm ashamed. But it sings soufully, and when happy, it purrs. I start to like it... |
MY SYMBIOTES: by Wayan; 2015/2/8, a dream characterizing our sixth sense, & proposing a seventh |
I have symbiotes--a dragonlynx and some flannan, like micro-angels with birdfeet and antennae. Lynx & flannan embody my sixth and seventh senses... |
MY THREE HUSBANDS: by Wayan; 1981/2/26 furry polygamy dream drawn as a 15p comic |
I'm three women who marry a unicorn, a goat philosopher and a magic cat. But cops raid our commune... CAUTION: INTERSPECIES MARRIAGE, TEEN SEX, THREEFOLD DREAMER, BAD COPS |
MY WILDCAT WOUND: by Wayan; 1994/7/8, a dream on gender trauma. |
I'm a wildcat in a cat/fox team led by a woman who wants us to merge with a man/wolf team... CAUTION: LANGUAGE |
MYSTERY BETWEEN: by Wayan; 1980s, crayon and acrylic drawing on dreamnesia. |
Okay, you got your heaven, and your earth, and between, you got... |
NAIAD AND GOD-DOG: by Wayan; 1980/11/7, a manipulative dream-tragedy. |
I love a Naiad who's lost her God. Tragedy strikes us. I'm devastated till I meet the aliens who explain... |
NAVAHO HORSES: by Wayan; 1972/8/1; childhood drawing, feltpen & color pencil |
A museum sketch of Navaho horses who got me hot--teaching teenage me that my sexual orientation wasn't (only) human... |
THE NESS MAN, or, HOW TO HEAL: by Wayan; 1994/4/13, a mytho-musical dream. |
Mythic creatures round a woodland pool want to heal a businessman. Do too many cooks spoil the soup? |
NEUTRINO EYES: by Wayan; 1983, a poem on dark matters. |
ESP is like having neutrino detectors for eyes: what radiates from people's cores blinds you to their surfaces... |
NEUTRALITY'S ROOMMATE: by Emily Joy; 2007/4/19, a spooky dream. |
At our commune's new house, pandemonium breaks out when our matriarch meets a spook. Can we live together in peace? |
NIC THE UNICORN: by Roger Martinez; 2013; a dream encounter |
I met Nic as he steppd out of the elevator. We were both spooked. Nic asked if I believed in mermaids and unicorns. I said “yes.” I asked Nic if he believed in dreamers, and after a pause... |
A NIGHT ON MOUNT DIABLO: by Wayan; 1984/6/8, an allegorical dreamtale. |
I'm attacked by a narcissist firebird, a rabid rattler-manticore, a masochist bear, and a sexless succubus... CAUTION: EMBARRASSINGLY PERSONAL DEMONS |
NIGHT FLIGHT: by Catherine as told to Wayan; c. 1962, a recurrent childhood flying dream. |
My friend Catherine dreamed she was a flying mare with golden hooves. But in real life, she lost them... |
NIGHT MARE: by Wayan; 101K, 1991; digital painting inspired by a friend's dream . |
I dreamed I was a feral mare: gentle, affectionate, sensual, but gone wild, wary of being tamed again... |
NIGHTMARE'S EAGER: by Wayan; 1999/4/6, a short dream about dreams. |
I meet a Nightmare in heat who wants me. A human girl by me says I'll catch an equine sex-disease... CAUTION: SEX TALK |
THE NIGHT OF CHANGE: by Wayan; 1994/2/8, a dream on the order of deep changes. |
Festival night in a strange town, where, one night a year, dancing in the street transforms you into... CAUTION: SEX TALK |
A NIP IN THE EVENING: by Wayan; ink 1980 tinted 2000; daydream image. |
Like a lot of playful beasts, I like a friendly nip in the evening... |
NIXON NOSE: by Wayan; 1997/12/10, a predictive dreamlet. |
A dream girl with a giant ski-jump nose turns out to be less symbolic than expected... |
NO BLUE RIDER: by Wayan; 1996/1/21; digital painting of my first dream, in Franz Marc style. |
My first memory is of being a wild horse, and waking up to find I was now a human child... |
"NO ONE REALLY": by Wayan; 2019/7/13; a ghostly dream of weak borders |
My new bedroom has huge windows, but no blinds. I pin up bedsheets for now--flimsy. A girl walking by peers in. Wait--we're 50' up! She's in my room--and transclucent. I yell "WHO ARE YOU?" She looks shocked I can see her, says "No one really" and fades... |
"NOHOR!" YELLED THE NIGHTMARE: by Wayan; 1982/12/27, a passionate nightmare. |
I dreamed a black mare was howling "Nohor!" At first I thought she meant "I'm not just a horse", but... CAUTION: SEXUAL ISSUES |
NORASINGH: by Wayan; 1987/1/15, a Tantric Frankenstein dream. |
I fall in love with my sculpture of a mythical Southeast Asian creature. Then a mad yogi breaks in... CAUTION: SEX, TANTRA, AND GENERAL WEIRDNESS |
NOT A THING: by Wayan; 1981/3/1, a shocking dream. |
What if your mind doesn't think it's yours? What if it's not so sure you're even a person? |
NOUVELLE BARBIE BODS: by Patagia, 2012/12/22, a playful poem on a dream-diorama |
I visited my friend Chris Wayan's workshop and found him building a dance troupe of joyfully obscene centaurs out of Barbie dolls... |
NOW DON'T PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH: by Wayan; 1998, pencil sketch of 3 recurring dream figures. |
It's hard being even mildly multiple. Here three of my least compatible personalities line up and... |
NUCLEUS: by Wayan, 1979/3/18, a surreal psychologically insightful dream of the inside of an atom |
I dream my theatre friends are particles dancing inside an atomic nucleus-- particles that reveal their character, motivations and power. And I'm one too... |
NUMB CUNT COMES ALIVE: by Wayan; 1996/6/18, a dreamtale on flow. | My lover's half-robotic vagina wakes fully--a first! But what triggered my dream wasn't a sexual first... CAUTION: SEX, USED AS A SYMBOL
OH LEAD MY REM SOUL ON: by Wayan, 1991, silk painting of shamanic dream process |
I rise in animal form, and fly to a world as coherent as this one, guided by a greenhaired girl... CAUTION: NUDITY |
OCTOPIA: by Wayan; 1996/3/21, a spiritual dream-comic on play; ill. text version |
I'm a stratospheric bat who finds a flying swastika. Is it creeping fascism? Or a Hindu blessing? Neither! It's an Octopian frisbee. I return it... |
OLD AND IN THE WAY: by Wayan; 1999/5/3, a veiled predictive dream. |
On the street called Old And In The Way, I meet a psychic I crushed on as a kid, and then, in a hearth, fight the tentacled alien who's been stalking me... |
OLD HAT: by Wayan; 1988/1/5, a "normal" (i.e. incoherent) dream. |
The Goddess gave birth in my workplace. Her fever-dreams become real around us... CAUTION: BIRTH SCENE, LIBRARIANS' ORGY |
THE OLD WITCH: by Wayan; 1991/8/1, a dreamtale on abandon. |
A Hollywood sex goddess confronts the Ingenue who's supplanting her. Just how far will she go? CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM |
OMELET BEACH: by Wayan; 2007/1/15, a dream on how things look through your third eye |
An alien beach scene--as seen through eyes that see bodies' energy fields more than surface forms... |
ON DRAGONS: by Roswila; July 1986, three poems of dragon dreams |
The first two dragons numb my pain. I demand it back, and soon regret my haste. But the third dragon I seduce, for I'm a dragon now... |
ON HER FOURTH BODY: by Wayan; 1993/11/25, a psychic dream-comedy. |
A sexy gene-sculpted singer (an ex-cow on her 4th body) solves the riddle that's stumping Mr Spock... |
ON MOLLY'S FOREHEAD: by Wayan, 1988/11/19, a spiritual sex dream. |
A child of radicals goes wild in Rio. When we bail her out, we find she's had a strange enlightenment... CAUTION: UNSAFE SEX |
ONCE A HERO: by Wayan; 1998/10/22-25, 17 images, a raw dream-series. |
Sexy dreams of Chinese archeology, authorized by the fairies, make me face that my family abused me... |
OPEN THE DOOR!: by Wayan; April 2002, acrylic bas-relief of waking fantasy. |
I salvaged a door. When I painted it, a fox-woman wanted to open it and get out... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY |
OPEN YOUR CAGE: by Wayan; 2000/1/10; penciled collage of dream characters |
The cover of a collection of 11.5 dream-tales in glorious detailed Web-unfriendly black and white.... |
OPHIDIOPHOBIA: by Wayan; 1986/2/12, a dream on race and religion. |
I'm a therapist with a client diagnosed paranoid--but are his doctors racist? He's not just black, but scaly... |
ORANGE: by Jim Shaw; c.1994; a wordplay dream? |
A coy, giggling giant orange bounces onto a man's bed, trying to seduce him, and... |
ORCA TOWS: by Wayan; 1984/5/25, a dream with impact. |
I show an Ohio friend the latest California sport. But we haven't quite worked out how to land just yet... |
ORDEAL BY INFRASTRUCTURE: by Wayan; 1987/11/22, a Clintonian dreamtale--before Clinton! |
I want to join the inner circle of America's political elite. But to do that I have to survive the Ordeal by Infrastructure... |
ORIOLE GIRL: by Wayan; 1992/1/23, psychic dream told as illustrated poem. |
While conducting a census of fairies in Golden Gate Park, I fall in love with an abused oriole-girl, and we try to heal one another... CAUTION: AWKWARD SEX |
ORPHEUS AND POOH: by Wayan; 1972/4/9, a dream echoing Cocteau's film Orphee--before seeing it |
I meet my true love during a coup. We go through Hell together, like Orpheus and Eurydice--only we... |
OTTER NERD FROM TITAN: by Wayan; 2012/4/15 & sequel-dream (2013/2/9), a dream-poem on social skills |
A suspicious exobiologist warns me that otter from Titan may not be the amiable, nerdy celebrity it seems. But... |
OTTERS DON'T FAKE: by Wayan; 1989/10/15, a sex dream that's not about sex at all. |
I'm scared to show my dream-paintings to my art class. That night I find an large otter in my bed... CAUTION: SEX |
THE OTTER'S MOM: by Wayan, 1996/5/29; a dream-comic of the future. |
A doomed, orphaned ottercub meets the last Tasmanian Wolf, who makes a hard choice I couldn't. Or... did I? CAUTION: BIRTH SCENE (MARSUPIAL/NON-GORY) |
OTTO SUGGESTION TO A HORSE IN DRAG: by Wayan; 1995/8/8, a dream on body image. |
My uncle mocks the racehorse he rides! Smears lipstick on this stallion, calls him a wimp... Why? CAUTION: DREAM PUN, NUDE MARES |
OUR EYES ARE OPEN: by Wayan; 1998? Political painting of my animal anima. |
As new political outrages flow forth, I feel like a horse wary of a sweet-talking human, and I think... |
OVERKILL: by Wayan; 1991. Nondream digital picture-poem-poster. |
Now the Evil Empire's dead. We're all safe, safe at last. And all the bombs are gone... right? |
OVERLAY: by Wayan; 1984/2/11, 1995/8/26, and 2004/9/11, 3 dreams shape a 9-page comic on living with ESP |
Dreams of translucent fairies, centaurs, robots & gnomes prompt me to cartoon on transparent overlays to show how dreamworlds overlay ours... |
OWL AND CHEESE: by Wayan; 1986/7/8, a dreamtale of a Shadow? |
An alien woman makes a mess of our economy, ecology, world--but insists she wants to be my friend... |
OWL GUARDIAN: by Wayan; 1986/6/6, a short psychic dreamtale. |
A mysterious guardian owl makes more sense after the next day's events... |
OWLOVERS: by Wayan; 1992, digital painting of vivid daydream. |
My dreams mix sex with warmth, grief, even silliness, but what's with the owls? Bewildering... CAUTION: WEIRD ORGY |
OWLYCAT: by Wayan; 1983/3/16, daydream of night being. |
At the time I didn't even notice the pun... |
OZETTE ANGEL: by Wayan; 1988/8/23; dream-tinged landscape. |
West of Seattle, near Lake Ozette, a mudslide buried a whole Makah Indian village centuries ago... |
PATCHEN'S ANGELS: by Wayan; 2000/1/23, nondream crayon/digital drawings. |
I always liked the little creatures in picture-poet Kenneth Patchen's wild collage-pages... |
PATH: by Wayan; 57K; dream figures (1989/10/12) invade a waking landscape. |
My art teacher said "Draw a spiritual experience." I did, but that night, I dreamed of sharp-toothed... CAUTION: TOPLESS MEDITATION. |
PEAK ANGEL: by Wayan; 1995, dreamlike but nondream digital collage. |
A naked angel came and perched on a rock, pointing at a vista that seemed both alpine and undersea... |
THE PEGASI TUB: by Wayan; 2013/11/9, a fun, flirty dream I felt I didn't deserve |
After a rainy hike I'm cold and muddy. In the camp's hot tub, six girls splash and play. They welcome me, but I feel shy. They slowly become winged ponies! Were-Pegasi... CAUTION: HOT-TUB NUDITY |
PEGASUS: by Wayan; 1991. Digital "woodblock print" of recurring dreamfigure. |
This strong slender mare is how most of my flying dreamhorses look: a practical lot, they know... |
THE PEGASUS CHILD: by Wayan; 1982/4/4, a dream of family diversity and spiritual advice |
Dad's human, Mom's a weird owl-lynx, the kid's a baby Pegasus... and I, W.C. Fields, that fat cynical drunken old actor, am the babysitter... |
A PEGASUS-DRAGON SCRIPTS MY LIFE: by Wayan; 2017/12/4, a dream of my... creator? |
Turns out my life a TV show. My scriptwriter is half pegasus, half dragon, and my own humanity has been her science-fictional imagination all along... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY |
PEGATAURESS WITH BLUE WINGS: by Wayan; 1993/4/2 & 1997/11/19, a sculpture fusing two dreams. |
I was a ballerina in blue who learned to fly; and I met a centauress who loved dance too. The dancers fused... |
PERISSA: by Wayan; 1997/9/13, a sexy dream-comic (small screen, slow loading? Illus. text) |
When Perissa, an exhibitionistic centaur, bares her body in a crowded Coliseum, she also bares a human-supremacist plot... CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM, SPECISM |
PET AD, OR, RENTADOG: by Wayan; 1996/11/9, an illustrated Shakespearean singles-ad. |
I put a singles ad in our paper, but I just couldn't say what I really wanted to. Now, I can... CAUTION: SEX, DRUGS, AND DOGGEREL |
PETER PAN SYNDROME: by Wayan; 1995/1/10, a dream on those books... |
I meet Peter Pan grown up: a stark, fey prince in exile. Why do only I see him and the Lost Children? Oh. |
PET ME DARE!: by Wayan; 1996/2/7, a sexy healing dream; 2p. dream-comic (or ill. text) |
After whining all day that I lost my anima, I dream I'm petting a cat. Who purrs, and grows, and grows, and purrs "Pet..." CAUTION: PUSSY TROUBLE |
PET THE FOX: by Wayan; 1993; map of my olfactosphere. |
Sexual beauty scares me--how I'm affected--how vulnerable I am. An irresistable pheromone... CAUTION: SEXUAL THEME |
PHARAOH HOOKS: by Wayan; 1989/7/31, a deadpan joke of a dream. |
My sister and her friend the snake-woman tell me the facts of life: the golden hooks, the piglets... CAUTION: UNRELIABLE GYNECOLOGY |
THE PHOENIX: by A.C. Benson; 1894. A dream-poem. |
I don't understand this poem's symbolism or even its style. It came to me whole, in a dream... |
PIANIST: by Wayan; 1985, a nondream ink caprice. |
Love that hair, girl. A very seventies bar-monster... |
PICARD'S ANGELS: by Wayan; 1993/1/7, a poem; alternate treatment of the dream PICARDIAN ANGELS |
As a boy on Martinique, Jean-Luc Picard wished for so much so hard, his angels have to work overtime... |
PICNIC IN THE RUINS: by Wayan, 2002/9/18, digital painting of dream figure. |
On an alternate Earth where centaurs lived in a beach town with old Roman ruins, a local girl invited me on a picnic... CAUTION: NUDITY |
PIED MAGE: by Wayan; 1995/2/6, an architectural dreamfable. |
A wizard into spots and dots invites me into his beach house, hungry for advice on his peculiar fears... |
PIER'S END: by Wayan, 1989/2/21, a Raymond Chandler dreamtale. |
My detective lover warned me, "Stay away!" Now I'm trapped. Dare I follow the lion over the edge? |
PINE FOG: by Wayan; 1995; digital collage of dreamfigures. |
A misty day in San Francisco's Presidio, where migrant pegasii graze on pine-tips and shadow witches nest... |
by Wayan; 2017/2/5, an advisory dream fusing Aldous Huxley & My Little Pony. My new housemate Pinkie is a party animal, but she's really nice. Pinkie climbs a high ladder to help wash my Windows of Perception... Then our unicorn friend Rarity walks in. She warns me to pace this renovation project... CAUTION: PONIES |
THE PIRATE TWINS: by Wayan; 1996/7/25, a dreamtale on intrigue. |
I love the Twins. They love intrigue. So when a hired crocodile sabotages our Egyptian treasure-hunt... CAUTION: BAD GIRLS |
PIXY CONCUSSION: by Wayan; 2006/3/25, a diagnostic sex-dream comic, 9 p. (or illus. text) |
Janet's obsessed with a creepy guy till her pixy friend Kay decides to "knock some sense into her cunt"--literally... CAUTION: LANGUAGE, NASTY LOVE SPELL, PIXIE NUDITY |
PLANET CAT: by Wayan; 1995/11/12, a First Contact dream of love. |
I'm the first man on Planet Cat, falling in love with my guide. And then I'm the Cat, falling for an alien ape... CAUTION: NUDE CAT |
PLANETOCOPIA: by Wayan; 2002- (ongoing Sisyphean project) |
19 nondream imaginary worlds rendered in text, art, & sculpture. Most teem with intelligent life--alien Edens! CAUTION: ANARCHISM, NUDITY, MATH, SOCIALISM, EVOLUTION |
PLESIOSAUR: by Wayan; 1985/9/5, a medical dream. |
An itchy patient of mine insists he's turning into a four-headed man-eating plesiosaur. He left one thing out... |
PLUSH BEAR: by Wayan; 1994/8/3, a grotesque dream poem. |
Two mimes terrorize our art class in a stretchable bear-suit. Well, we HOPE it's a suit... |
PLUTO THAWS: by Wayan; 1973/1/19, a mythic dream set on Pluto. |
A quarrel between psychic adepts heats up to a war, thawing Pluto.What'll the ice-tribes wish for? |
POINTED EARS, POINTED DREAM: by Wayan, 2019/1/4, a surreal dream |
I walk home in cold rain; my hooded robe soaked. It has holes for my long pointed ears. Hit a thriftshop to buy a dry one, and run into two girls I crushed on but ran away from: Danielle is comforting Cary who's crying. Their ears are pointed too. Wait--who are we?... CAUTION: GUILT FOR SINS OF OMISSION? |
POKER WITH A DEMON: by Wayan; 1980/8/15; a comic predictive financial dream. |
I'm authorized to play high-stakes poker with a scary-looking but rather nice demon... |
POKEY?: by Wayan; 1993/4/15, a dreamtale on my soul. |
My lover's turned into a tiny living pull-toy, trapped ankle-deep in a wheeled platform. Can I free her? |
POLTERGEIST: by Wayan; 1983/11/17, a comic surreal dream. |
A living camera edits us all: the dappled hawk-man, the slutty candidate, the blue businessmen who give such bad advice when you pull the thorns from their feet. And my sweet sad hell-hound... |
THE POLYGAMOUS PILOT: by Wayan; 1990/9/25, a psychic dreamtale. |
My friend the Polygamous Pilot is up in an ice-storm, hanging powerlines on the sky, when... |
PONYBOY: by Wayan; 1982/12/9, a dream about the control room of dreams. |
The child who runs with wild horses finds the secret spy-room of dreams! But no one's watching... |
POPEYE MUSCLES: by Wayan; 1986/7/14, a grotesque dreamtale. |
My body turns protean: big Popeye muscles pop out as needed, relaxing into stick-figureness... |
POTLATCH SMOKE: by Wayan; 1988/5/10, a shamanic dream-inside-dream 4 levels deep! |
Refugees flood the spirit worlds! War looms. Wolf, Silky, Dr Who, even the Bug-Goddess of Love are alarmed. I'm just a blonde ditz, but I help inspect realities till we trace the source: a Tlingit potlatch! Why? |
THE POWER BEHIND THE GODS: by Wayan; 1972/10/25, a dream on the uses of universe-hopping |
I meet the terrible Power Behind the Gods. I don't like it. So I get my squirtgun & shoot its butt. The enraged Power chases me as blindly as I hoped! I jump into a secular universe, and... CAUTION: SACRILEGE |
PRAYER (WE SHALL BE REBORN): by Wayan; 1997-2000 digital picture-poem. |
Be a web junkie. Instead of driving around in a gas-hog, you'll save the planet by staying in, passive... CAUTION: NUDITY; MOCKS GOD, CARS, AND WEB-PORN--IS NOTHING SACRED? |
PREGNANT WITH KRYTHA: by Wayan; 1998/2/3, a monomaniacal dream |
My best friend and I are shapeshifters; I seduce him, just so my daughter Krytha can be born... CAUTION: MAMMALIAN NUDITY, PHEROMONAL SEDUCTION, RECKLESS PREGNANCY |
THE PRIME DIRECTIVE: by Wayan; 1994/3/9, a pro-meddling dream. |
A bunch of primitives try to trick their way into the Federation, slipping around the Prime Directive... |
PRINCESS OF PASSION: by Wayan; 1993/7/10, a chthonic dream. |
Led by a rebel demon into the heart of a Chinese mountain, should I wake the Sleepers in the Cave? |
PRISONS AND STRIPES: by Emily Joy; 2007/10/4, a lucid dream. |
In a museum full of spacetime-bubbles holding lost souls, the museum-goers are as weird as the exhibits... |
THE PROBLEM OF PAIN: by Wayan; 1984/5/15, a devious dream. |
We sail to the Isle of the Blest, but God exiles me to Fargo, North Dakota. But God's up to something subtle... |
THE PROWLER: by Wayan; 1997/2/4, an illustrated dreamtale. |
My sister hears a prowler. I go out blind in the dark, and learn she's right. But what a strange intruder! |
PRRL: by Wayan; 1997/1/17, a galactic dreamtale. |
I'm in the Magellanic Clouds, an ambassador to the energy-beings who rule them. Or am really their... pet? |
PSYCHIC CAT: by Scott Bartell, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a comic dreamlet |
Our neighbors keep dropping by with gifts and favors for our cat. Why? He'd gained magical powers by amassing 10,000 dead mice... |
PUFF TIDE: by Wayan; 1993/5/1, a nightmare on indulging rage and tears; 8 illus. |
I'm swept off sea-rocks, as my scaly guardian watches calmly--letting me drown in the tears I shed... CAUTION: DROWNING |
PUMA ORGY: by Wayan; 1988/2/5, erasable crayon drawing of a dream. |
I dreamed I had to go through the Animal Orgy to get to the City of the Shining Spirits on the horizon... CAUTION: STRANGE SEX |
PUPPY: by Wayan; a set of 1984 dreamlets; 1989-1990 digital story-painting |
A picture that freaks out even my friends. But its crudeness hid an unexpectedly subtle message... CAUTION: SEX, BESTIALITY |
PURE LOVE: by Wayan; 1986/10/9, a dreamtale on the truth. |
A tangle of time travel, as two shapeshifters meet and fight and love over the centuries... |
PURR: by Wayan; Sept. 1981, watercolor of a dream. |
I dreamed our family's black cat Persephone had to make a life-decision... |
PURPLE SPOOK CROWD: by Wayan; 1972. Crayon of a vision. |
One of my earliest drawings, of a quiet crowd of melancholy ghosts... |
PUT TWICE AS MUCH IN: by Wayan; 2003/9/22, a dream warning how much it takes to change |
All the claymation figures I made in my teens are gone but one. And the centauress has a broken hip and spindly leg. I start to mend her, but I need TWICE the clay I thought... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY |
QUAIL TV: by Wayan; summer 1981, ink, shamanic cave drawing. |
Quail, spelunking again, finds ancient cave paintings of the Cult of the Fossil TV... |
QUEEN COBRA: by Wayan; 640 x 480. Digital painting of a 1987/1/15 dream. |
I asked "I'm still scared to date anyone. Why? What's my next step?" That night, I was answered... CAUTION: SEXUAL IMPLICATIONS |
QUICKSILVER DREAM WYRM: by Orion Sandstorrm; before 2003/7/27; portrait of recurring dream figure |
A bizarre dragon that runs a toyshop and plans revolution. He has skin and eyes like hematite, black and metallic. His presence instills in you a kind of unsettled awe... |
QUIT THAT LAB!: by Wayan; 1999/5/2, a deductive nightmare. |
I'm working alone in the lab at night, when the lab gear wakes up and tries to kill me... |
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