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Four digital paintings, each about 640x480, 1991-1993, by Chris Wayan

I've rarely tried what other artists do: series exploring an image from various angles or styles... This set is about my only one: four versions of an underwater meeting between lovers, one terrestrial, one marine.

They meet, and eagerly reach...

Human woman and merman meet underwater, and eagerly reach for each other.

They pet, and hot flares of pleasure bloom...

Human woman and merman pet, and hot flares of pleasure bloom in orange and red...

They kiss and cartwheel, floating through the noon sea...

Human woman and merman kiss and cartwheel, floating through the noon sea...

They lick, and suck, and as the waters deepen and darken... they come.

Human woman and merman lick, and suck, and as the waters deepen and darken... they come.

LISTS AND LINKS: mermaids and mermen - under the sea - love - sex - comix - oral sex - art experiments - pure digital art - brushwork

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