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The Hedgehog Dispensary

Dreamed 2004/10/2, watercolor comic painted 2004-5, by Chris Wayan
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P.1 of 'Hedgehog Dispensary', a dream-comic painted by Wayan P.2 of 'Hedgehog Dispensary', a dream-comic painted by Wayan P.3 of 'Hedgehog Dispensary', a dream-comic painted by Wayan P.4 of 'Hedgehog Dispensary', a dream-comic painted by Wayan P.5 of 'Hedgehog Dispensary', a dream-comic painted by Wayan P.6 of 'Hedgehog Dispensary', a dream-comic painted by Wayan P.7 of 'Hedgehog Dispensary', a dream-comic painted by Wayan P.8 of 'Hedgehog Dispensary', a dream-comic painted by Wayan P.9 of 'Hedgehog Dispensary', a dream-comic painted by Wayan P.10 of 'Hedgehog Dispensary', a dream-comic painted by Wayan P.11 of 'Hedgehog Dispensary', a dream-comic painted by Wayan P.12 of 'Hedgehog Dispensary', a dream-comic painted by Wayan


I sketched out the dream on watercolor paper, then used a sharp mechanical pencil to draw it in lines that won't wash away, then slowly built up color washes. Then rewriting, and painstakingly lettering. So slow! Even conventional cartooning is an art for tortoises, not hares. And this isn't conventional. I need this to look as lush as Pinna's fur, to convey that other world. Our deep future.

LISTS AND LINKS: time-travel dreams - the future - rabbit & cat people - shamans - anarchy & co-ops - mentors - tricksters - Gestalt top- & underdogs - healing from abuse - political dreams - pain in dreams - hair, most of it less spiky - diagnostic dreams - watercolors - dream-comics - more dreams inspired by Ursula Le Guin - the furry anarchist world I was building: Serrana - the greenhouse future Bush is building: Dubia - same dreamer, similar dreame 30 years earlier: the love story of Hedgehog & Rabbit

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