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Hair, styles, beards, wigs, mustaches, manes, pelts, fur, crests... and their symbolisms, from Sampson (Tanya's Dreams) to Freud (Martian Robots Dress Like Freud).

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What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.

BLONDE OR BRUNETTE?: by Mike Bickel; summer 1966, a recurring dream pointing out a choice
I DREAM I'm helping my mom make a bed, but the light keeps going out. Each time, her hair changes color!
NEXT DAY I tell my dream to a co-worker. He says it means a romantic dilemma I fear to look at. He's right...
BONYTAUR PERSPECTIVE: by Wayan; 2023/6/8, an aesthetic-clash dream
I look down on scrawny centaurs with cropped manes & tails: butch minimalism. Unsexy! Then I'm
down among them. Now they have big eyes, luxuriant manes and tails: femme excess. I find this sexy...
THE CENDANCERS: by Wayan; 2011-16, a 32-figure sculpture project with 250+ pics
A wild troupe of sexy, surreal, centaurlike dancers mostly built from Barbie dolls...
CHIDI AND PONY-MISTRESS: by Wayan, 2019/9/25, a mysterious dream
Ethics professor Chidi from The Good Place, painted purple, tells me he's in love with the Mistress
of the Herd, a mix of Circe, Dr. Moreau & My Little Pony, who radiates spells of love & beauty...
CLOCKMAN HEDGEHOG: by Wayan; 1992/10/5; digital sketch of being rejected by my own sex fantasy!
I was a man made of clocks trying to get a date with a hedgehog-hair woman...
CLONE BREAKUP: by Wayan; 1994/2/27, 5p. comic of a psychic dream (or as illustrated text)
I model with ten blonde clones. They want to be seen as individuals, so it's their last fashion show before...
A CLOSE SHAVE!: by Wayan; 1971/11/7, a short poem of a goofy counterfactual dream
An over-eager landscaper mows my dad's new beard, unasked. Debate in court!
Is the art of mowing free speech, or is your face your castle?
CRESTED DEER: by Wayan; 2022/7/8, two shamanic little dreams
In endangered woods I meet deer with bold black-and white feather crests.
Higher up, it's barren--a hard winter. But I taste a medicinal blue-black fruit...
DESIGNER: by Wayan; 2021/4/8, a dream of being a mishmash god
I'm a world-creator, lost in mist, unsure just what sort of people to make--
since I'll be joining them. I'm only sure what not to make--or be...
DINO YARMULKE: by Wayan; 2015/10/13; an odd little dream and portrait
I carelessly burst in on a friend, a gay dinosaur, during a Jewish holiday rite,
startling him so he raises his spiny crest, levitating his yarmulke...
DO YOU LOVE ME, JOHN?: by Wayan; 1991/7/6, a dream on the courage of the shy.
I dream of a future where blondes are a too-cute endangered species. How can they survive? Like this...
AN ELECTORAL DRAGON: by Wayan; 1998/10/21, a virtual-reality-campaign-ad dream
In a world of hideous haircuts (flagging your politics) I meet a dragon
running for office. But is this real or a dream? Both/neither! It's...
FAMILIAR WOOD: by Wayan; 1994/11/10, a dream of the borderzone.
Downtown San Francisco hides a magic wood full of crested
talking tigers. And I must enter it to live a while...
FOAM, FURS, DREAMS: by Wayan; 2012-16, a blog on sewing giant dream plushies; 43 dreams!
My dreams urge me to build furry dream creatures with joints,
muscles & bones, then to heal myself by mating with them...
GAIA'S SONG: by Wayan, 2.1MB (MP3 + lyrics), 2002, an old folk ballad on robotics
Gaia appears in a warning vision. However, she's not addressing humanity, but our silver successors...
THE GREAT PEACE: by George Antheil; early 1922; two predictive dreams that change a pianist's life
I dream it's after a great war; I hear the music I must write, and meet the girl I must marry...
GUDRUN'S FOUR HUSBANDS: by Gudrun Osvifursdottir; summer 988, plus spring 1026
Four childhood dreams predicting Gudrun's life; plus a predictive dream by her husband Thorkell Eyjolfson
Gudrun dreams of four treasures: a hood, a bracelet, a ring, a jeweled helm. Her cousin sees them as four marriages...
A GUINEA-BISSAU REVOLUTION: by Wayan; 1999/4/24, a dream of necessary pain.
My part in the revolution in Guinea-Bissau: substantial, but not exactly planned. I just wanted out...
THE HEDGEHOG DISPENSARY: by Wayan; 2004/10/2, furtopian watercolor 12-page dreamcomic (or text + pics)
A rabbit shaman makes his student drape dead hedgehogs round her neck til she bleeds. How to free her?
HORSE IN A TAILWIND: by Wayan; 1982; study of a dream character
It looks like a study of negative shapes, but if you happen to be a part-time horse, like me...
HUMMINGBIRD: by Larry Vigon; 2004/4/4; a predictive dream
A hummingbird was trapped inside my home. So beautiful. I set it free.
The next Saturday, I found this hummingbird on the patio...
HUMMINGBIRD MEME: by Althea; 2022/1/14, a dream of 15 minutes of fame
I rescue a hummingbird who drinks nectar from my ear. It becomes an Internet star.
But then a girl rides a waterslide with her tits showing, and my meme is over ...
I WANT MY INHERITANCE: by Wayan; 1989/12/18, a dream on family brainwashing.
My family calls me a blonde bimbo and won't give me my inheritance, so I take drastic steps...
KAKALEA: by Wayan; 2012/7/23 to early 2017; a good world on a bad hair day
We search for exoplanets whose stats are Earthlike. But mass, chemistry, warmth and air do not a biosphere make!
Geography alone--the mere placement of lands and seas--can also make a world lush or barren...
KRELKIN CAMOUFLAGE: by Wayan; 1981/4/21, 3 versions of recurring dream image
A sexy dream-creature hides by splitting her body visually,
her red mane and tail matching her background...
THE KRELKIN SISTERS ON MISSION ST: by Wayan; 1995/6/7, a dream of superior beings
I was walking in the Mission, in San Francisco, when two sisters came up to me who no one else could see...
LETTUCE HEAD: by Wayan, 1992/1/18; a predictive characterological dream
I'm flying backward over Utah. In the brush on a canyon rim I spot a head of red
lettuce big as a man growing as camouflage from a revolutionary warrior's head...
LONELY NO MORE!: by Wayan; 2000/3/27, a sculpture of American singlehood.
The Dating Fairy, built on lonely evenings waiting for her to call me back--whoever "her" was that week...
LOON LADDER: by Wayan; 1993/5/13. A dream of rising above.
I had this near-nightmare about climbing a DNA stair up to the sky, and stepping off...
A LOST STATION ON THE TOKAIDO: by Wayan; erasable crayon, 1981/12/6. A nondream vision.
A tribute to Hiroshige's moonlit landscape prints of the lonely roads of old Japan...
LOUSE: by Wayan; ink, 1982/5/21: an embarrassing true story.
Getting rid of lice was easy. Harder was quelling the gossip and rumors from my co-workers and boss...
MARTIAN ROBOTS DRESS LIKE FREUD: by Wayan, 1975/8/16, an absurd dream... predicting my life-path?
Martian robots pester me. I flee through the Asteroids, leaving chaos, cratering Earth.
Years later on my farm, a bot shows up disguised as Freud. I start mudslinging...
MENDELIAN CHIMERAS: by Wayan; 2015/1/1, a New Year's dream warning of medical uniqueness
I meet a girl who's a Mendelian hybrid of human, animal and peavine! But I'm no more human than she is...
MISFITS ON MARS: by Wayan; 1986/11/20, an epic dream; the climax of the dreamseries UNICORN TAG.
From the punk clubs of Frisco to the Safeways of Si Valley to the vermilion sands of Mars,
Silky the were-nightmare fights for the Misfits against every cliche in science fiction...
THE MUSTACHE PRAYER: by Wayan; 1983/9/11, a dream on wishes' limits.
I help a mutant boy find others like him, and learn why some prayers are ungrantable...
NOCTURNAL HAIRCUTS: by two of Pliny the Younger's servants; 96 CE. Subliminal? Oracular? Prank?
Two boys dream robed figures climb in the window to cut their hair--and find, awake, someone has. While Pliny...
ON HER FOURTH BODY: by Wayan; 1993/11/25, a predictive dream-comedy.
A gengineered singer (born a cow, became a horse, then a shark, now a sexy Mare Chanteuse)
solves a mystery that stumped even Mr. Spock. Next day, I see a film--a mystery solved by a...
ONCE A HERO: by Wayan; 1998/10/22-25, 17 images, a raw dream-series.
Sexy dreams of Chinese archeology, authorized by the fairies, make me face that my family abused me...
PASS, MARE: by Wayan; 1982/3/13, a sex dream about letting your animal side lead
A deer-girl turns into a talking mare. We make love. Then, relaxed, she
leads me over a pass from suburban isolation into a wider social world...
PAW AT THE BALL: by Wayan; 1981/12/6, two waking Goddess images.
A grassy hill in a previous drawing of mine suddenly looked like Big Hair, so I tried to grow a body that fit that 'do...
PUFF TIDE: by Wayan; 1993/5/1, a nightmare on indulging rage and tears.
I'm swept off sea-rocks, as my scaly guardian watches calmly--letting me drown in the tears I shed...
RAGNHILD'S TREE and HALFDAN'S CURLS: by Queen Ragnhild and King Halfdan of Norway; c.850 CE
twin dreams predicting their children and nation will prosper.
Ragnhild sees a lovely tree rooted in her pain and blood;
Halfdan sleeps with pigs and dreams he has a great head of hair...
A RETRIBUTION OF MERMAIDS: by Bruno Oliveira; summer 2011, a treasure-finding dream
Despite corporate crooks, missiles and floods, Angelina Jolie and I find the lock of mermaid hair...
SCISSORS AND FOX-FLIGHT: by Wayan; 1996/8/20, a marsupial flying dream.
Camping in strange mountains (Australia?), I can't sleep. So I nightwalk, and find I'm changing...
SELF-MADE COW: by Wayan; 2013/4/10, a surreal psychic dream.
I'm in Santa Cruz with my friend, a shocking-pink stuffed toy cow
with sewed-on accessories: big red lips, a floral wig, and a third eye. I wake,
draw the dreamcow--and my sister calls from Santa Cruz to sing me a song about...
SHAMANIC CHEW-TOY: by Wayan; 2011/3/16; nested dreams of strange women
Compulsively honest spirit-women with waterjugs invade my friend's house.
I wake to find my girlfriend's obsessing on hair loss. To calm her, I babble about limb loss...
and wake again to find she was a dream too.
SHEEPISH: by Wayan; 1985/9/24, a clear but stupid psychic dream.
Floundering through the snows of 1917, I fall in love with actress
Linda Evans, who is a sheep teaching ballet. When I wake...
SKIMMING TOWARD FREEDOM: by Wayan; 2002/1/18, a dream with 3 sketches.
My girlfriend and I can fly, but detectives shadow us. How to lose them? By sticking to the beach and...
STALLION, NOT MARE: by Wayan; 2018/2/12, a road-rage weirdo provokes an even weirder dream
DAY: a stranger screams "BITCH! Plant a TREE!" Thinks I'm female and wants to fight over an old bumper sticker?
DREAM: I'm a horse detective. In shades, lipstick, & high heels I try to pass as a mare. Absurd! A stallion in drag...
SWIMMER IN BLUE: by Wayan; 1984/4/26 drawing of recurring dream image.
I have recurring dreams of figures broken up by hair the color of the background...
SYLVIA, OR, PUN-DREAMS: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, early 1860s? 4 dreams of French puns
A comet grows hair, a girl named Rosalie becomes a bed of roses, writing in a beautiful
hand appears on a beautiful hand, and Sylvia becomes a talking forest bird...
TANYA'S DREAMS: by Tanya, as told by Gayle Delaney, Jan 1971-June '72; a set of 6 breakup dreams
My friend Tanya tries hard to save her marriage, but in her dreams Isidora Duncan,
Carl Jung, even the gods themselves warn her to face their deep incompatibility...
THINGS WASH OFF: by Wayan; 2009/4/22, a dream fingering the cause of a breakup; Dreamverse #49
Those Hollywood lovers in the tub seem perfect together, until... oh, read the title!
TIME-CAT: by Wayan; 2013/11/23; a self-flagging predictive dream
I'm a cat person, grooming. But not MY fur--it's a woolly mass of timelines!
We cats travel time, smoothing out snarls... Then I wake, go to a party, and...
TRESPASSERS IN MALANCHAI: by Hyal; Feb 1996, an epic dream with a psychic intrusion.
A maneless lion-boy wins his people's respect. While training, he sees weird trespassers
who seem to be from someone else's dream... and ten years later, he finds that dreamer.
A VASE OF FUR: by Wayan; 1998/11/18, a dream of a surreal future.
A woman goes on a quest with an alien friend, and returns with only a furry musical vase:
her friend! And from how the vase purrs, I'm not so sure if she wants to be changed back.
WALKER'S DREAM: by Madame C.J. Walker; c.1895, a dream-cure that worked AND made her rich
My scalp had an infection that just wouldn't heal. I tried everything. Then I dreamed I met
a big, black man who advised me to use certain ingredients from Africa...
WATERMELON MINE: by Wayan; 2023/6/18, a surreal dream with long-term advice
I'm the new manager of the watermelon mine. And to free the trapped minors--
oops, miners!--I have to plan. So I cover the floor with My Little Pony post-its...
WHITE-HAIRED WOMEN: by Jenny Badger Sultan, 2002/5/4, a dream painting
I'm in a ring of seven white-haired women, our arms all interlocking.
When I woke I had fun working out the pattern of those interlinked arms...
YELLOWBALL ABSTRACTION: by Wayan; 2001, ink sketch at first unrecognized as a dream!
Another lie from those fiendish abstractionists. Turns out it's not a yellow ball at all...

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