Dreamed 1981/4/21 by Chris Wayan
My housemate Kenny's been commissioned to do a stained glass window or a tapestry, but he can't think of a design, so he goes through my old pictures and finds a beautiful, sexy one I don't remember drawing: a white krelkin. Krelkins are dream beings I've met repeatedly: part deer, part grayhound, part horse, but with human intelligence--and then some.
I wake knowing I have to draw this, probably several versions...
I try, and slowly, as I draw, I try to draw her in the other sense too--draw her out, out of hiding. At last I sketch a full portrait--except that the wind blows that mane across her face, half-hiding it.
Still shy!
All that year, such images filled my dreams: diverse beings, but each visually fragmented by hair, mane or tail the same color as the background. I think now they were warning me I wasn't seeing myself as whole, was fooling myself into thinking I was shattered--when I wasn't. Just a form of protective coloration! Examples: Blue Swimmer, Horse in a Tailwind.
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