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Felt pen and crayon, 1980s, by Chris Wayan

These pictures started with stolen hair--it's really the wavelike grassy hill in my fake Hiroshige print A Lost Station On The Tokaido.
It suddenly looked like Big Hair to me, so I redrew it small, and then tried to grow a body that fit, made entirely of waves, teardrops, and DNA spirals... and see what such a person might do.

 A girl made of spirals plays with yin and yang like a cat with a yarn ball.

Play with the entire universe rolled up in one little yin-yang ball, like a cat with a ball of yarn, is what.

A girl made of spirals plays with yin and yang like a cat with a yarn ball.

LISTS AND LINKS: A Lost Station On The Tokaido - gods & goddesses - hairstyles, wavelike or not - yin-yang & other symbols - play - a related vision: Our Lady of the Yoyo

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