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Dreamed 1996/3/21 by Chris Wayan
Small screen, slow connection? illustrated text version!
- Swastika frisbee: play looks selfish to me--Nazi, even! Why? I was the child of two idealists. I should be out saving the world. Right.
- Low-grav octopus dancer: a short story in Analog a few months back speculated that octopi might do well in space--they could leave the water, learn high tech...
- Mountaintop in the stratosphere:
- Mt Meru, in Hindu cosmology. The octopus monk has to be very pure, to live so near the top.
- Starmont, from the science fiction fable "The Winds at Starmont". It means enlightenment too, but also mystery, otherness, discovery.
- The mesa which our ex-astronaut on a vision quest climbs, in Phases of Gravity. Sleeping there, he sees the moon dotted with lights: despite the Challenger crash, settlers will follow him. The voyage of his life was not in vain.
- Stratospheric isolation: also not in vain! I'm kind of a hermit, yeah. Solitary dreamwork. Unworldly art. But... working alone, I've reached a high level where gravity is mild and it's possible to play in ways that seem magical to lowlanders. So play!
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