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Giant's Hands

Dreamed 1981/12/23 by Wayan


My friend Beryl has a Christmas party. People talk of Carlos Castaneda's books--how seeing your hands in a dream can trigger lucidity, so you can take control of your dreams. Yeah? For what purpose? Amusement? To suppress unpleasant truths even while asleep?


Boom! Boom! The great green hands drum down
on the moonlit road. Left! A buslike fist pounds
a lane, then a truck slams right. Craters. I seem
eerily calm within doom-radius. Caught between.

The reason: this King Kong is me. Passive, I ride
in Gargantua's placid mind. Together we stride
up the road. We follow orders. There's my green
whalesize foot. Freeway snakes up through
hills to dark-forested pass. Ahead, see San

Francisco. Foray's goal! Our job's to smash
that seething anthill flat. To scour all that.

I have a monster sense of smell. So subtle
that though my very nostril's a cathedral
I can (in this cool sea air) scent a single
mortal bloodied under tons of rubble.

Fee, Fie, Fo, Fum! Not a fairytale, but I'm
a fine foe-hunter. And at my Titan-scale

A giant silhouetted, looking at the skyline of San Francisco. Dream sketch by Wayan

the whole city's just a few strides wide. I
demolish downtown, worry loose the silver
waist-high towers--lay each on mirrorside
and tread flat. Next I crunch the hill-tracts,
like mashing cubic snails infesting veggies.
Wrestle down the smugly grinning bridges.

All along, we're twinly aware. Dimly scent fear
from all who flee Godzilla me--and raft-ride,
drift the lazy bayous of his quite idle thought. For
to the Giant this city-smash is naught, no more
than my stomp-flat of cardboard, out the door
Monday morns. Mundane. Apocalypse as chore.


LISTS AND LINKS: I'm Just Not Myself Today! - hands - weird dream beings - giants - monsters - dream jobs & identities - twins, doubles, split selves - trance - hands - out of control! - color - violence - cities - only in San Francisco - capitalism - seasonal & calendrical dreams - dream poems - Castaneda, Carlos

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