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Otto Suggestion (to a Horse in Drag)

Dreamed 1995/8/8 by Chris Wayan

I'm at the beach. My uncle Otto rides up, on a slender, leggy, coltish horse who wears a red plastic cloak with a hood that partly veils its face. Under it, the horse has make-up on? Shocking pink lipstick. It's smeared. Looks silly. I don't even think it's a mare! A gelding or stallion in drag?

Who did this and why? Certainly not the horse; no hands. It looks embarrassed. Knows.

Then the horses gallop out of the sea. Glossy, strong, beautiful. Elegant women ride them, in impeccable riding form. As the horses pass, you can see they've been carefully groomed: make-up too, but so much subtler! Maybe Otto's horse would look that good, if cared for properly. His horse balks, won't go on down the beach to greet them. Ashamed? Just stands, staring at those beautiful mares.

Otto laughs. "Yeah, stare at them! They're REAL horses. Not like you, you wimp."

I feel a wave of anger mount. The horse didn't tie that raincoat on, or smear that ridiculous lipstick! And under the red slicker, this Otto's horse is leggy and lightly built, but not necessarily out of shape--a beautiful runner, in fact.

Just saddled with an appallingly negative Otto suggestion.

At a beach, my uncle Otto mocks a horse who stares at beautiful mares. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
NOTES IN THE MORNING But not with an auto-suggestive nag on my back.

LISTS AND LINKS: beaches - horses - body image - nags & critics - negativity & pessimism - topdogs & underdogs - gender dysphoria - advice - family values - dream puns - hypnosis - dating - pencil dream art - mouths & lips - a 2nd horse uses lipstick: Stallion, not Mare - a 3rd horse uses it, but not on lips: Misfits On Mars - a Gauguin-inspired dream: A Sphinx's Sketchbook

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