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The Mad Unveilers
Delires Devoilés

Dream-painting (oil on canvas), early 2009, by Marie-Claude Girondé

Dream-based oil painting, 'The Mad Unveilers' (Delires Devoilés), by Marie-Claude Girondé. Click to enlarge.
Photo of painter Marie-Claude Girondé

Devant certaines toiles délirantes, on se souvient que le chevalet est aussi un instrument de tortures.

("Before some crazy canvases, you recall that an easel is an instrument of torture, too.")

--André Birabeau

LISTS AND LINKS: madness - dance - masks and disguises vs nudity and exhibitionism - weird dream beings - angels and winged people - disability, disfigurement and amputation - body image distortion - surrealism - dream paintings - more Marie-Claude Girondé -

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