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Get Your Body Back

Dreamed 1997/6/11 by Chris Wayan

Devil, plus a cane--and minus a piece of foot.

A man loses his body--in fact it gets chopped up.

His soul goes to Hell, but he won't stand for that. He fights and fights to win his body back--reassembles it piece by piece. A few bits are lost... unrecoverable.

I expect him to settle for coming out of Hell alive--so he's missing a few bits, it's still a miracle!

But he doesn't. Instead...

He tracks down the Devil himself, faces him and fights him, one on one, and tears bits out of Satan, as compensation! Grafts them onto his own body, filling in his missing bits!

Interviewed later, he says: "I don't care if there's a little Devil in me--I think I've proven I can handle that."

And that's why the Devil limps today. Oh, he lets out it was the Fall from Heaven, that it was God...

Because that's less humiliating than the truth. It was just this guy. This stubborn guy...


This has been a Hell year--a lawsuit, getting evicted. I've been going to a support group for anorexics, but rather than get support there, I mostly get silent, helpless crushes on other anorexics. All this week, I've been sick. I want sex back! I want health back! I want fun back!

This dream is a classic shamanic test. In Siberia, the entrance exam is: your take mushrooms. Your soul flies to the spirit world, faces monsters who cook you and eat you and count your bones. If you're real shamanic material, there's a bone left over the cannibals can't account for... using that as a base, you reassemble your skeleton and build a new self unafraid of horrific entities. After all, what more can they do? They ate you. You got over it.

But this year I feel like there's no bone left over--gnawed by illness (and worse--lawyers!) till there's nothing left of me.

Well, my dream has a modest proposal for those of us eaten by others--take it out of them,. MAKE it yours. It is yours. They owe you. And if you take it, it becomes you.

LISTS AND LINKS: death - religious dreams - Hell - dream beings - gods and goddesses - demons - assertive dreams - body image - bones - disability, deformity and mutilation - shamanic dreams - personality integration - stubbornness and perseverance - another dream of regaining stolen Chunks

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