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Quail TV

Torn 1980s ink improv drawing, digitally tinted 2000, by Chris Wayan

I grew up in the age of the Network, not the Web, when everyone you knew watched the same things. Banal, but unifying. An era already buried under newer cultural strata, seeming as remote as the Permian.

Thinking back on that, I found myself drawing Quail, a shy explorer of the past. Quail, spelunking again, finds ancient cave paintings of the Cult of the Fossil TV, next to rhino-car hunters and sacred-snake antennae...

 Quail, spelunking again, finds ancient cave paintings of the Cult of the Fossil TV

LISTS AND LINKS: improv & automatic drawing - time travel - the future - TV - dream beings - animal people - bird - archeology - caves & the underworld

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