Dreamed 1981/6/2 by Chris Wayan
I'm a hawk, but my best friend is a cat. We can change to other creatures, and use this gift often, but we always relax in our own shapes--hawk and cat.
We're pursued by a deadly stalker, and must work together to escape.
Our efforts are hampered by the fact my friend fears me. You see, I'm a rare species of hawk whose natural prey is... cats! My friend's most nervous around me when we're in our default forms--it reminds her--though I'd never hurt her, let alone see her as food.
We hide in a strip of jungle, between parallel roads or pipelines. Stalking us is the deadliest predator in the world. I hate even to name it: shrimp sauce.
Do you not shake as you read it, my friends? Yes, we were stalked by shrimp sauce itself!
Symbolic? Of course it's symbolic! Of what? Obligation. All those parties you have to go to with inedible shrimp dip and intolerable people whose auras are fouler and staler than the dip. Oh, the horror!
Stuck in shrimp dip means feeling socially obliged--the worst thing of all to wild, free creatures like cats and hawks.
Compared to the terror of shrimp dip, our biological tensions are nothing. Nothing!
Here's where I explain it all away, yes?
No. I don't get it either.
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