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Grotto of Breasts

Dreamed July 3, 1965 by Gary Snyder

Dream last night:
a grotto in Europe
with a gnome by the entrance saying,
"Robert Duncan says there are trolls here .. ."
The "Sanctuary of St. K."

I enter,
when my eyes get used to the dim light,
see a stone wall
covered with breasts:
I suck one, it gives milk.
They all do.

A plaque says
"This is a present from the People of the U.S.
to the people of Europe"

--Gary Snyder


Snyder dreamed this while backpacking two miles up by the State Lakes in Kings Canyon National Park in the Sierra Nevada.

Does that plaque hint that the cave of breasts is part of the Marshall Plan? Those postwar Americans sure were generous--if self-congratulating.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Snyder's trail-journal, quoted in The High Sierra of California by Gary Snyder & Tom Killion, p. 87. Title and line breaks added.

LISTS AND LINKS: dream beings - gnomes - caves - holy sites - breasts - poems - mountains - 9 years later, 10 miles away: Green Ray, Blue Wing

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