The Christmas Special
Dreamed 2012/4/13 by Chris Wayan
I'm trapped in a TV Christmas special, set
In a flurried airport. Grounded jet. I bored to find it full of living 'toons--cels, plush puppets, Digitals, claymation. Sigh! No Jessica Rabbits. A Green Man! Well, Cactus (luckily, few spines,
At last his neighbor, a reindeer puppet clear-
"Yeah, cactus and rein don't mix!" snickers the
and coach--a redolent Christmas tree alive,
The deer's a buck, despite that high
Club. I wanted Rudolf's doe for years;
Now I'm in the cockpit. Our liner's captain and
his daughter, eleven-yeared, clever-eyed, wren- small, argue yet again o'er her myriad fly- ing hours. "I cruised your jumbo! Ready to try a full flight." Says Dad, "One more year."
handed to our next port. But cactus turbulence! He
Spirit -- soul, clap your plastic hooves
doth our guardian chorus flap us downy safe unto
Though as I groggenwake, I concede it's true
"Soul clap hands and sing, and louder sing
for every tatter in its mortal dress" |
But she can. Is ready. My Inner Child is more
ambitious than most. She needs a chance to soar.
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