The Dreambank by Title: Sa-Sh The S list is now split. Second half
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What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 3300+ dreams plus 1000 more pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2013.
SABOTAGED BOAT: by C. G. "Chinese" Gordon; c.1861-4, a recurrent warning dream I recognized the saboteur. If I had neglected that dream warning we all would likely have drowned... |
SABOTEUR: by Chris Wayan; dreamed 1991/4/18 & 5/12, dreamsong 2012 (MP3 + lyrics) I dreamed I got to meet my inner saboteur. Educational! But in the next dream I BECAME my saboteur. I wasn't out to crash myself--just stay low, never soar. Since success is wicked... |
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SADDLED WITH AUTISM: by Wayan; 1999/10/1, a dreamtale. |
I'm autistic; a TV host encourages me and another autistic kid to have sex on the air... CAUTION: UNDERAGE SEX ON NATIONAL TV; SERIOUS FINGER-POINTING |
SAGAN: by Wayan; 1996/5/3, a psychic dream in response to Carl's challenge. |
DAY: on the radio Carl Sagan calls those who've experienced ESP or UFOs "proto-fascists"... DREAM: a flying pewter teapot orbits a round blue vase--like a starship round the Earth... NEXT WEEK: My mom calls. She's selling that pewter pot after a century in the family... CAUTION: DISSES SAGAN |
SAINT BARBIE: by Wayan; 2016/6/19, a dream of a meme we need |
After a living Barbie doll dies while campaigning for niceness, I find myself invoking her to shock people into decent behavior: "In the Name of Saint Barbie!"... CAUTION: BARBIE, UNICORNS, IMPLICIT TRUMP CRITIQUE |
SAINT BRIDGET: by Jenny Badger Sultan; between 1963-68, a dream on adversity's uses. |
In a Scythian church, a painting says: "Little St Bridget was bound so hard that when they released her she flew"... |
SAINT HELENA: by Edmund Halley; 1676, a predictive dream. |
Astronomer Edmund Halley had dreamed of sailing to St Helena in the South Atlantic, but until he arrived hr didn’t realize how accurate his dreams had been... |
SALESCURVE MOUNTAINS: by Wayan; 1995; nondream digital poster-poem. |
The unemployed angel with her resume is the Goddess of Freedom... |
SALIA AND CHUR: by Wayan; 1989/2/25, a psychic Star Trek dream. |
Our starship signs up a strange new woman whose quirks turn out to be fallout from slavery... CAUTION: SEX, ABUSE ISSUES |
SALTFLAT FAIR: by Wayan; 1984/7/11, a predictive, possibly self-flagging dreamlet |
Dream: a fair and swap meet out on the salt flats, full of scruffy bikers. One of them is... ME? Next day: I'm shown a photo of a fair & swapmeet on salt flats full of scruffy bikers... |
SAMURAI BULLET: by Wayan; 1985 automatic drawing, 3x5", ink; tinted 2001. |
I didn't know myself what this was about, till I had to write this note--and suddenly I got it... |
SAMURAI LIBRARIAN: by Wayan; 1982/10/20, a dream that dreamwork is samurai discipline |
I wrote my dreams each morning no matter what--even if I it made me late for work. They assumed I was sloppy, lazy, spacy. No; disciplined about priorities! |
SAMURAI MARE: by Wayan; 1993/2/23, a time-travel dream. |
A feral mare will only let me ride her if I quit being a Japanese diplomat and become... a Samurai! |
THE SAN DIEGO CENTAURS: by Wayan; 1985/1/9, a slice-of-life dream. |
In San Diego, I fly around disrupting the UFO games in the junkyard, till I reconnect with a centaur friend |
SANDWORLDERS: by Wayan; 1996/1/28, a dreamtale on solitude. |
At the beach, I meet some gregarious desert-world aliens who think loners are insane... |
SANTA CLUMP: by Wayan; 2009/9/16, an absurd dream-poem; Dreamverse #54 |
I find myself sitting on toy trains and fake snow as I'm told a fable: how a herd of department-store Santas got tragically lost in a blizzard... |
SARITA'S DREAM: by Sarita Johnson, 1980/8/17, epic dream with a surreal ending |
Cops hunt my girlfriend & me all over town. Strangely, whenever I ask them to back off, they do! Alma's resigned--lets them arrest her and put her on a raft. But she turns into a... |
SASQUATCH FOOTPRINT: by Roswila; May 1996, a dream-poem on the loss of wildness |
I meet a female Bigfoot, who, to my surprise, quietly speaks my tongue. She's mourning the death of her infant son... |
SAT UP CONFUSED: by Wayan; 1995? Erasable crayon, 8.5 x 11"; self-portrait of waking-up state |
I wake up with my head swollen, full of vivid bewildering experiences, without a clue... |
SATANAGRAM: by Wayan; 1998/8/1, a Christmas song lyric. |
A hard-hitting rap on Satan's dumbest disguise. Yet he's gotten away with it! The shocking truth... CAUTION: LANGUAGE! SACRILEGE! MUCILAGE! (FOR THE BIG WHITE BEARD) |
SATANIC LION'S WARNING: by Eldon B.; 2007/1/19, a nightmare with poltergeist activity |
I fled a demon into a shadowy construction zone where an even worse telepathic lion-devil lured me in with soothing flattery. I woke shaking--and then things in my room began to move... CAUTION: DEMONS, POLTERGEIST PHENOMENA |
SATISFACTION: by Keith Richards, 1965/5/7, a famous dream song (and a well-prepared dreamer) |
I always kept a guitar and tape recorder by my bed. I wake up and see the tape's run to the very end. I ran it back to the start and there, in a sort of ghostly version, was... |
SATORI ACCORDING TO GHOST: by Wayan; 1998/4/11, a longterm predictive dream |
A Buddhist student, troubled by a corporation marketing a product called "Satori", summons the ghost of her beloved mentor for advice... |
THE SATURATION DIAL: by Wayan; 2015/11/7, a surreal lucid dream with a control knob! |
Night. Two moons. I go lucid! Find a knob adjusting the dream's color saturation. Dial it up--and find I'm not alone! Ghosts of pure color... |
SATURN BEACH: by Wayan; 1990/4/18, a playful advisory dream |
Sunbathing on Saturn's rings with a girl who's preparing for reincarnation--like me. She's cute, but she chucks litter in the Bay of Rebirth. Maybe not Ms. Right, then... |
SATURN'S EYES: by Wayan; 1990/4/28, a surreal dreamlet |
Our expedition to Saturn finds new moons with huge, deep craters staring at us like gigantic eyes--because they are gigantic eyes... |
SATYR: by Wayan; 1999/4/1, a frustrating wish-fulfillment dream (yes, both). |
I'm a faun, the oracle for a Greek village. But my predecessor set up rituals I want to change... CAUTION: SEX, PAGANISM, SELF-SATYRE |
SATYR AND TWILIGHT: by Wayan; 2018/9/1, an epic dream perhaps foreseeing the pandemic |
A spell kills off nearly all humanity and mutates the rest of us. Now I'm a satyr living in a co-op home with unicorns, dryads, cattaurs, and shy vampires. Thing is, I prefer the Apocalypse to what came before... CAUTION: NUDE CREATURES |
SAUCER ATTACK: by Wayan; 1991/10/30, a predictive Halloween nightmare |
Nightmare: flying saucers attack, and I only have a squirt gun to fight back with! Next day I see the Simpsons Halloween special. Lisa Simpson has a nightmare... |
SAURIANS: by Wayan; 155K, 1992, 4 digital dream portraits. |
In dreams, I kept meeting a dinosaurian person who was proud, strange, beautiful. S/he introduced me to two sisters I just had to paint... |
SAURIAN CITY: by Wayan; 1996/12/1, a dream snapshot. |
I visit a world of dinosaurs who fly small planes and live in glowing tree-cities... |
SAVANNAD: by Wayan; before 1998/8/11; digital sketch of recurring dream figure. |
A sexy meadow-spirit of my California drygrass hills... CAUTION: NUDITY |
SAW HER IN HALF?: by Wayan; 2008/8/28, a warning dream-poem, Dreamverse #15 |
A sorceror's apprentice describes a medical procedure her teacher plans. Yow! I sure wouldn't trust anyone to try that on ME... CAUTION: TALK OF BLOOD AND SEX |
SAX: by Wayan; 1991/5/19, an 8-page digital comic--a true nondream story. |
Alone in my blue room, I heard sax music. Two sunbathers were jamming outside my window... CAUTION: SEX AND SAX |
SCALDED: by Wayan; 1993/7/3, a near-nightmare. |
The feud between our magical families is getting ugly. Hawk-Head's dad throws boiling water on me, so I... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
SCALES: by Wayan; 640 x 400, 1992. Digital sketch of a dream scene. |
I was on a terrace overlooking a waterfall, where a giant rabbit and a musical dragon told me... |
SCARAB: by a patient of Carl Jung's; c.1925? a predictive/synchronistic dream |
As she told me her dream of receiving jewelry--a golden scarab-- I heard a tapping on the window behind me. I opened it. In flew... |
SCATTERED TROVE: by Wayan; 2008/5/15; an esthetic-advisory dreamlet |
I find little cards all over town, each with a check for $512. A fragmented treasure! I wake and see the 512 implies a digital treasure-trove, and search my computer... |
SCHNEIDER TROPHY CRASH: by J. Lloyd-Owens; c. 1931/8/1, an overwhelming premonition |
A newsreel showed a flier for the Schneider Trophy Air Race. I felt a violent shock and said "He's going to die..." |
by SAO (Shawn Allen O'Neal); March 2001, a painting of a dream-scene. In the golden light of a primal Eden, my friends and I flock naked through emerald glades like wild deer, until the tower approaches... |
SCISSORS AND FOX-FLIGHT: by Wayan; 1996/8/20, a marsupial flying dream. |
Camping in strange mountains (Australia?), I can't sleep. So I nightwalk, and find I'm changing... |
SCONCES: by Wayan; finished 1999/5/14. Dreamlike but functional sculptures. |
Flame-like sculptures meant to hang on the wall and cup living plants... |
SCORCH: by a California woman; 1944, a lifesaving olfactory hallucination (clairsniffance?) |
I smelled scorching paint; my heater was about to burn the house. But I'd moved--my old house was six blocks away... |
SCROLLS: by Chris Wayan 1989/2/17, & Mark Varitz 1989/2/18; parallel dreamlets |
CHRIS: I find what may be a magic potion, if it has a scroll hidden in the liquid... MARK: I'm underwater. Spirits dance around me, on top of sunken scrolls... |
SCULPTING WITH NEIL GAIMAN: by Rick Veitch; pre-1995; a complex predictive dream |
I take my friend Neil Gaiman to a park where we sculpt a giant horned head. Months later we collaborate on a graphic novel. The course of the project's full of echoes from the dream... |
SEA EAGLE: by Robert Moss, 20th century, a psychic dream |
I dreamed a sea eagle I saw as a boy led me back to my native Australia, to a Dreaming place. Later a 'spirit man' of the Mununajali in Queensland led me to the exact place I'd seen in my dream... |
THE SEA-HAG RIOT: by Wayan; 1989/6/5, a wild dream hiding a warning. |
Aliens, hypnotherapy, dancing molars, riots, witches, flying pianos, lettuce... yet there is a point. |
SEA MASSAGE: by Wayan; 1995/10/3, a puzzling dreamtale. |
I can fly and breathe water. So I fly into art-rich mansions, though not to steal--I earn plenty from undersea massage... |
SEA OF TIME: by Wayan; 1989/7/26. Digital sketch of astral dream. |
I dreamed I was drowning in the Sea of Time, where dragons asked me questions. Painful questions... |
THE SEA WOLF'S BRAIN: by Wayan; 1999/11/21, a psychic dream. |
For years the Sea-Wolf enslaved me. He said I had to fight him and win to be free. I'm ready at last... |
A SEAMY REALITY: by Wayan; 1999/10/21, a surreal predictive dream. |
Sharp seams between realities cross Silicon Valley; I end up in the Dark Castle of the Oracle. When I wake... |
SEAPOLE: by Wayan; 20 illus., 2002-3, a nondream sculpture/photoessay/travelog. |
Tilt a globe so neither pole has land to build icecaps on, and extrapolate. Earth becomes a warm, flooded world like and unlike ours... |
SEARCHING FOR THE DEAD: by Acucena Q., 2007/3/4, a puzzling quest dream. |
I search rivers and lakes around the world for someone dead. But the living I meet act as strange as ghosts... |
SECOND READING: by Rose Rosberg, c.1982, a dream shared unwisely |
I dreamed my lover was metal inside. I was sure it meant he had no passion. I told him. Why did he bitterly ask me to stare into my dream like a mirror? CAUTION: TROUBLED RELATIONSHIP |
SECRET SCREEN: by Wayan; 2018/4/19 and 2018/5/16, three linked dreamlets of escape |
A friend nags me to be lookout as he steals a cult's papers. I know it'll end in murder, but foresight paralyzes me! In a videogame that keeps freezing unplayably, I find a button calling up a secret screen of second chances... I'm lost in a grim basement, but two kids show me a cobwebbed glass door you can walk through like air... |
THE SECURITY GUARD: by Wayan; 1994/12/30, a nightmare on anger. |
A crazy security guard with a deadly squirt gun kills freely over and over, for the cops keep paroling... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
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SEE-THROUGH BAGS: by Marilyn Stablein; 1968, a dream while visiting Nepal... for six years |
I give plastic sandwich bags to people in Tibet. They go wild for them. Shortage! An air shipment from Delhi breaks open; Tibetans with butterfly nets... |
SELF-MADE COW: by Wayan; 2013/4/10, a surreal psychic dream. |
I'm in Santa Cruz with my friend, a shocking-pink stuffed toy cow with sewed-on accessories: big red lips, a floral wig, and a third eye. I wake, draw the dreamcow--and my sister calls from Santa Cruz to sing me a song about... |
SELF-MADE GIRLS: by Wayan; 2000/2/15, a public dream. |
Two souls coalesce from bars of light into human beings by the power of words. Words like stupid, ugly... |
SELF-PORTRAIT AS A YOUNG COYOTE: by Wayan; 2000/1/23; portrait of recurring dream self. |
I'm more a dream artist than a realist, but one day I set up a mirror and looked in it... |
by Wayan; 1999/9/1; pencil mirror-drawing. Einstein's tongue got its own poster, why shouldn't mine? After all, even the Ein Tongue can't do this... |
SELF-POSSESSED: by Wayan; a 2000/7/10 dream of a ghost (representing the World Dream Bank itself?) |
In a pizzeria, customers walk blindly through a ghost; briefly possessed, they echo his moods. But for such an insubstantial figure, he seems strangely stable... |
THE SELL-FISH WITCHES: by Wayan; 1983/6/29, an epic corrective dream |
My sister and I are runaways, developing psychic powers. A cult of fish-selling witches wants to use us... CAUTION: SIBLING INCEST, SPELL ABUSE |
SELL THE GODS, AND RAISE HELL!: by Wayan; 1994/1/26, a dream riddle. |
Reactionaries smash a paper. To rebuild, the editor must sell the sacred tiki carvings! But gods don't LIKE being sold... CAUTION: MORAL QUANDARY |
SELVDROLLA: by Havelock Ellis; before 1922, an ignored prescriptive dream |
A doctor tells Ellis to try "selvdrolla", but he's so focused on the strange name he forgets the prescription... |
THE SEMI-INTELLIGENT ANIMAL PROBLEM: by Wayan; 1986/4/6, a dream. |
The army breeds smart animals. Scientists fear they'll upset ecosystems. No one speaks for the creatures... CAUTION: DIRECT ACTION |
EL SEÑOR DE LOS PÁJAROS: by Graciela Iturbide; 1980-83, recurring, possibly predictive dream |
I dreamed a sentence over and over: "In my country I shall plant birds." And I saw a man with many birds flying around him... |
SENTENCED TO CHEESE: by a Birmingham physician; early 1850s? a classic subliminal nightmare |
One night as I slept over a cheese shop, I dreamt I was trapped in a huge cheese, as a rat-horde gnawed... CAUTION: YOU ARE LUNCH |
SEPTIC: by Steve (age 6), pre-1961, a recurring predictive nightmare |
For three weeks he wakened screaming in fright; he said he "fell in a hole." Then, one snowy day... |
SERAFINA AND RAM DASS: by Wayan; a 2000/11/6 dream anticipating an 11/9 experience with auras |
A Finnish shaman/witch gives me a lesson in night flying; in the waking world I meet Ram Dass and sense him speak astrally before his body can get the words out... CAUTION: HIGH MYSTICAL QUOTIENT; IF ALLERGIC, AVOID |
THE SERMON OF CARMEN DOG: by Wayan; 1990/9/10, the ultimate public-speaking nightmare. |
Animal poets at an open mic. My turn! And I find... I'm one. A creature without grammar... |
SERRANA: by Wayan; Oct-Dec 2004, a sculpture/webtour; 60 maps, photos & sketches |
A dry little world with many small seas, Serrana has at least six intelligent species and an anarchist culture. It's a tribute to Ursula Le Guin's anarchist utopia, "The Dispossessed", and Kropotkin's theories of biological cooperation... CAUTION: ANARCHIST POLITICS, ALIEN NUDITY |
SESSILE UTOPIA: by Wayan; 1998/8/8, a utopian dream that hid a precise stock tip |
A writer invents an absurd setting for his Utopia, a lens of ice floating atop Saturn's atmosphere--but then such sessile lenses turn out to be real. The dream's details suggest buying a certain stock. I do, and... |
SET ON FIRE: by Wayan; 2017/10/15, a dream on reckless stupidity |
Yuppies with a lighter set me on fire--not even out of malice, just idly. I'm a shaman, I can survive it, but I'm not immune to pain... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE, UGLY POLITICAL COMPARISONS |
SEVEN SQUARED: by Wayan; 1994/2/18, a dream about the IQ closet. |
In our wizard-war, I've hidden my nature. At last I come out; but I can't tell the whole truth... |
SEWING ADVICE FROM CANNIBALS: by Elias Howe, 1845, an inventor's helpful nightmare. |
His sewing-machine design failed--until dream-cannibals caught him & jabbed him with weird needles... CAUTION: OUCH! |
SEX FIRST, THEN SADNESS: by Wayan; 1998/12/12, an advisory dream. |
At a party, a sad girl attracts me. But to reach her, I must have an affair with a sexy, frustrated writer... |
SEX FLOWER: by Wayan; 1996/11/8, clay & acrylic sculpture, 9" tall. |
Robe or petals? Head or lilybud? Face or tongue or clit or slit? An eerie hybrid of person and flower... CAUTION: SOMETHIN' HAPPENIN' HERE, BUT WHAT IT IS AIN'T EXACTLY CLEAR |
A SEX KITTEN: by Wayan; 1999/1/29, an embarrassing dream. |
A creature that's half kitten and half baby wants me to pet it... I'm reluctant, but when I do... CAUTION: SEX? |
SEX SOX: by Wayan, 730 x 600, crayon drawing, 1990? |
A life drawing I added a guy to, turning a piece about loneliness sex and socks into a wish fulfillment... CAUTION: SEX, SOX (BUT UNLIKE CLINTON, NO SAX) |
SEX THERAPY: by Wayan; 1998/5/18, a dream on the messiness of healing. |
Both of us were abused as kids. Sex is hard. So we go to a therapist who has us act out sex on the floor... CAUTION: SEX, ABUSE ISSUES |
THE SEX WORKSHOP: by Wayan; 1997/4/6, a dream on taking the next step. |
The teacher of our sex workshop picks me for a demonstration in front of everyone. Gulp... CAUTION: WELL WHAT DO YOU THINK? |
(THAT) SEXY HERBIVORE: by Wayan; 2015/4/28, variant title of a dreamlet in FOAM FURS |
SEXY SUBSTANCE EXCITES UNIGIRL: by Wayan; 2014/3/29, a dreamlet in FOAM FURS |
SEXY UNDER THE SURFACE by Wayan, 2005/11/25, a dreamlet in ALIEN GIRL, SACRED PEAKS |
THE SHADOW OF FREUD: by Wayan; 1982/3/28, a psychological dream. |
I find a lost book of Freud's admitting Jung's 'Shadow' is real. But Freud's found a Shadow-type Jung never... |
THE SHADOW OF LIBERTY: by Wayan; 1989/7/8, a comic nightmare, possibly telepathic. |
My sisters get bored with the game of power, so I watch TV-- until it melts, and a terrifying giant rises to chases me... |
SHADOW PUZZLE: THE LORD AND HIS SERVANT: by Wayan; 1984/5/23, a reflective dream. |
A puzzle-game of eyes and mirrors and shadows starts revealing the players' deepest secrets... |
SHADOWS ADMIRABLE: by Wayan; 1993/9/28, a dream on dreams. |
A dream-lecturer says Shadows aren't just what we hate or fear, but what we admire yet see as "not us"... CAUTION: IDEAS |
SHAKE! 1995; digital Muybridge tribute by Wayan. |
I love what dancers look like, seen over time, in strobe photos. Like weird undersea growths... WARNING: NAKED CATS |
THE SHAKEN PROFESSOR: by Wayan; 1996/2/11, a dream explaining amnesia and memory. |
A great teacher abruptly blanks out. Memory loss is scary, but the empty moment bared a deeper fear: |
THE SHAMAN INSPECTOR: by Wayan; 1996/7/31, a dream on core values. |
My work as a federal shaman inspector involves judging a rainbow of traditions by a few basic principles: |
SHAMANIC CHEW-TOY: by Wayan; 2011/3/16; nested dreams of strange women |
Compulsively honest spirit-women with waterjugs invade my friend's house. I wake to find my girlfriend's obsessing on hair loss. To calm her, I babble about limb loss... and wake again to find she was a dream too. |
SHAMISEN: by Wayan; 450 x 500, 1985? Watercolor on wrinkled paper. |
Me playing the blues on a Japanese shamisen... |
SHAPESHIFTER FEVER: by Wayan; 1989/1/30, a dream poem. |
A summer love affair with a shapeshifting alien turns awkward when she gets a high fever, and... CAUTION: UGH! |
SHARK SENSE: by Wayan; 1988/12/9, a diagnostic dreamtale. |
I'm a circus tiger, then a performing shark. One day, I block my human partner's high dive... Why? |
SHARK, SHARK, SHARK!: by Thomas Madden; 2017/12/3, a non-nightmare about fear |
I'm in a crowd as a man lectures about sharks. He points at me and asks "Shall I throw him in with...?" |
SHARKBIT AND WARY: by Wayan; 2017/11/17, a dream explaining my own social caution |
At the beach, I see a swim team wading in. One girl teases a laggard wader, not seeing her huge scar. She says "I won't swim till the shark-risk is mapped"... |
SHARONNE: by Paul Friedrich, pre-1983, a political dream (despite Freud and Jung) |
I was in a gang, but I quit. They stoned me--and the green heron, the green color I called "Sharonne". The setting (Israel), the green (Islam), and the name (Ariel Sharon?) all hint the dream's political... CAUTION: VIOLENCE, POLITICS |
A SHARP CLICK: by Herbert W., 1932/5/30, apparent spirit-rapping |
My friend Mr D. studied psychic research but was skeptical of telekinesis. But 24 hours after his own death... |
SHARPSHOT: by Wayan; 1977/4/3, a surreal poem of a warning nightmare |
When I was being battered, I dreamed where it would end if I didn't leave: dead wife, shot husband... CAUTION: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE |
SHASTA OCCUPATION: by Wayan; 1996/11/1, a dream of telepathic spill-over. |
I'm teaching in a wizard's college near Mt Shasta when one astral world decides to occupy another... |
SHASTA STANDARDS: by Wayan; 1998/9/19, a dream of social change. |
In a future where we gengineer ourselves instead of others, we no longer have to choose lesser evils... |
SHE CRASHES AND BURNS: by Wayan; 2005/5/7, a diagnostic nightmare. |
I ask my dreams how to find love. I dream of a 1920s bohemian girl teasing stuffy folk. But her pranks turn dangerous, then deadly... |
by Daughn Lee and Roswila; 1999 (2000?), a collaborative dream-poem Alternating stanzas by very different poets, based on Roswila's dream of bellydancing in the streets... |
SHE IS THE SNAKE: by Sharon Stricker, 1980, a warning dream from a censored goddess |
I had to decide if I'd help keep Janine out of jail. But outside, she'd headed back for the spoon. That night I dreamed a huge beautiful snake bit my writing hand, telling me "Don't go to court. Stay home and write." I obeyed her... CAUTION: JUNKIE, RESCUER |
SHE LIVES TO 140: by Wayan; 2017/7/13, a dreamlet urging crankiness |
I meet a 140-year-old hermit in her black chadoor, skateboarding down a hill near her sacred dream-spring... |
SHEEP IN THE SKY: by Myoe Shonin; c.1220/9/20, a dream of strange advice. |
A strange transforming thing appeared in the sky--a light, a sheep, a man. It told me to stop burning my head... |
SHEEPISH: by Wayan; 1985/9/24, a clear but stupid psychic dream. |
Floundering through the snows of 1917, I fall in love with actress Linda Evans, who is a sheep teaching ballet. When I wake... |
SHELDON SUES: by Wayan; 2016/6/23, a dream on meritocracy, egalitarianism & class war |
I'm a kid in Italian high school. A gifted classmate, Sheldon, provokes bullies. He sues the school to stop it. The prosecutor's reluctant... CAUTION: GIFTEDS AS A HATED MINORITY |
SHELL AND STONE: by William Wordsworth; late 1840s, a dream of a new Great Flood |
An Arab shows me a stone he calls a book, and a prophetic shell that warns of a flood rushing toward us... |
A SHELLFISH EPIPHANY: by Wayan; 1996/6/14, a spiritual dream. |
Our family of Japanese pearldivers is cast away on an atoll. One day, lonely, scared, I cast away fear... |
SHEVEK'S TIME-SLIP: by Wayan; 1996/10/14, a chronohomeostatic dream. |
Shevek invents time-travel and discreetly alters the past. But the future alters Shevek's present, to undo his changes! Who's sabotaging him? Or... WHAT? |
SHHHH!: by Wayan; 1981, daydream in ink. |
A sudden image of a woman whose other lips not only talked, they wouldn't shut up. Worse yet, they... CAUTION: NUDITY |
SHIELDS FROM THE GODDESS: by Wayan; 1996/8/3, a dream that's a slap in the face. |
A Goddess-worshiping general gets a visit from her twin daughters who bring a puzzling message... |
SHINY-EYED CREATURE: by Julia Saleh, 2009/9/23, a metabolic sex dream? |
I find myself outdoors with my legs spread for a weird creature. I protest, but I love it. Later, after I wake... CAUTION: SEX |
SHIP OF JADE: by Wayan; 2009/11/7, an illustrated dreampoem on dreampoetry! Dreamverse #64 |
My dreams are made of lovely carvable jade. Too bad my tools and skills suit our plastic age... |
SHIP OF THE SUN: by Carl Jung, c.1917/1/10; trance image |
An version of the Egyptian Ship of the Sun with a mutant Osiris at the helm, in a monster-infested sea: image of the spark of consciousness in a sea of... |
THE SHIP'S BOY: by Wayan; 1996/12/1, a dreamtale. |
Dinosaur people demand to take our Ship's Boy with them. But he knows them! They RAISED him? |
SHIRT GIRL: by Zooop and Wayan; 1993/10/17, a shared, embarrassing telepathic dream. |
A fictional niece acting sexy in a shirt, plus... water balloons? I woke, and a friend told me HER dream... CAUTION: DREAM INCEST, KIDS WITH GUNS, GENERAL WEIRDNESS |
SHIVERIA: by Wayan; 2002-3, travelog/sculpture/sketches of an alternate Earth |
I tilted the Earth, and worked out its new ecology--part Mars, part steambath. Visit the Mediterranean Abyss ruled by giant ravens, and Patagonia, ruled by mammoths, and Antarctica's jungles, ruled by lemurs... |
SHOCKWAVE: by Wayan; 1996/7/27, a predictive nightmare. |
My childhood home explodes into a vast pyroclastic cloud that comes boiling toward me, miles away... CAUTION: DOOM |
SHOOT ME, I'M LUCID!: by Wayan; 1997/10/17, a predictive didactic nightmare. |
I distract a mad gunman in a crowd. I suspect I'm dreaming, but it still seems a bit too noble... CAUTION: DON'T TRY THIS ON CRAZED KILLERS AT HOME |
SHOOT THE MIRROR!: by Sir Oliver Lodge; 1927/10/15, a dream of stagy twists |
A man frames his big brother, til their sister makes him shoot his own reflection. Neither one expects... |
THE SHOP SPILLED OVER: by AE (George Russell); early 1890s, a telepathic flash |
Closing my eyes I saw an old man and a red-haired girl in a shop. My workmate was writing home... |
SHOUT IN A CROWD, or, How to Survey Galactic Civilization: by Wayan; dreamed 2014/4/15, |
a dream exposing what my brain's up to when I forget my dreams! I wander the galaxy in my dreams, finding and testing crowds to see if anyone reacts to the sound of shouted English or Chinese. One in a thousand does! This implies... CAUTION: SCIENCE AND SHAMANISM DON'T MIX (or do they?) |
SHOVED OFF A CLIFF: by Wayan; 2017/9/7, a nightmare-warning (I'd asked what to do next). |
Atop a sea-cliff, I meet a young couple in love. One look at me and they push me off! When I see I can't save myself, I try to take them with me... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE BARING UGLY TRUTHS |
SHOWERED WITH WISHES: by Zooop; 2007/3/12, a dream that enough is enough |
I took my cellphone into the shower. I couldn't find the shampoo, and idly typed SHAMPOO in, and... CAUTION: NOW YOU KNOW WHO STOLE YOUR ODD SOCKS |
SHRIEK ADOPTION: by Wayan; dreamed 2015/8/23, a dream-poem exposing self-sabotage |
A man adopts two orphaned, talented musical griffins. But their previous guardians were so traditionalist & stifling that the cubs want to BURN all their instruments... |
THE SHRINKING POPE: by Sorcha; 2005/4/1, a Jane Bond dream |
I’m the only one who can stop the plot to kill the Pope--but if he keeps shrinking like that, will it matter? CAUTION: RECOVERING CATHOLIC |
SHRUNKEN MEN: by Wayan; 1992/2/21, a dream on the masculinity crisis. |
Day: Robert Bly's book Iron John, claiming men need male mentors, annoys me. Dream: the giants co-opted Captain Picard of Star Trek, but we don't need him to rebel... CAUTION: MOCKS ROBERT BLY |
SHY FOX: by Wayan; 2 images, 1997. Digitally tinted pencil, spinoffs from a 1997/8/20 dream. |
I love to play, but I'm a shy fox. And pushing myself to be socially brave has unforeseen drawbacks... |
SHY NO MORE: by Wayan; 2008/8/13. A dream poem, Dreamverse #3 |
I play the lovers in a teen romance: shy abused boy, insecure girl. But I get tired of the script, and... CAUTION: LANGUAGE |
THE SHY ORGY: by Wayan; 1983/3/10, a sex dream with a nonsexual predictive side |
Swimming in Spokane, I meet two teenage girls and we have a... shy orgy? Next day I go to a play... and see the two on stage! I still dismiss the dream as a fantasy--consciously. But unconsciously I start taking action... CAUTION: UNDERAGE SEX |
SHY SPHINX: by Wayan; 2009/11/27, a dream of indirect advice |
I find a shy sphinx hiding in the corner of a painting in a dull art class. But maybe she's right to hide... |
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