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Sex Sox

1986/9/1, half-imaginary half-life-drawing (crayon, 14x17") by Chris Wayan

A life-drawing of a solitary girl that I ended up adding Imaginary Me to, turning it from a thing about loneliness and sex (or socks; I really liked those socks) into a wish fulfillment.

But what a tragic end! That poor boy's disembodied head way over on that pillow, and his limp orange arm with all the bones missing like that...

Oh, well, if she's happy with Noodle Boy I guess I can just shut up.

Boy and sleepy girl spooning on lavender sheets. Crayon sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge

LISTS AND LINKS: figure studies - hot girls - hot boys (unlike this poor creature) - sex - crayon & pastel - beds - uh, what else... socks?

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