Shy No More
Dreamed 2008/8/13 by Wayan
Five glass plates. Portraits of a girl.
Adult eyes in a frame child-small. Hair a frizz of bronze. Wide face freckled in three of the five plates; bloom and fade with stress. The five record an awkward teen
Though he adores her, he's so shy!
Walking on a beach, he finds
Bolder, bolder he is in role!
On a red-green towel they spoon
though he must face away, or... still too much for him. She hugs him, snuggles--scarce a twitch! Roundabout, but works. To a point. In later plates,
With each panel I sink more
She's body-insecure: "I look dumb.
those soul-deep wide-set eyes.
I live the last scene (a freckled one);
I strive to ease her stress. Nude myself, I peel her summerdress. Back she leans on me, awakening my cock but, too, to stretch her back. Swan neck meets my hands for a massage.
his moldy neurological script,
Write (and writhe!) our sexual duet.
I grew up scared and scarred--let down
I share history with the lovers. Both my family and community taught me I was defective; it's been a long unlearning.
The poem's critique of indulging your fears and scars wasn't a later interpolation but in the dream itself. An unconscious that can psychoanalysize itself so baldly needs no symbolic interpretation! So I take the dream at least partly as a literal alert: to watch for her.
This is Dreamverse #3. I'm trying to write one dream-poem daily. So far, my dreams are enthusastically cooperating: I wake with a short vivid suitable dream each morn.
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