Archive: 2022
This page is an archive of dreams added to the World Dream Bank in 2022. Newest entries on top; but they may have been dreamt years ago! To search dreams by date, see the Timeline: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, etc.
SEE ALSO: Archives (old "New Stuff" lists) for 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2015-17, 2011-14, 2009-10, 2008, 2002-7, 2001-2000 & 1995-99; plus Authors, Sampler, Great Dreams, Best Art, the Art Gallery, and INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
2022/12/31 Upload | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ROBO-NAG: by Wayan, 2022/8/20, a dream of fighting off two moralizing topdogs I'm with friends in a cafe. A robot beggar scuttles in and says I must be a saint and give, give, give. I eject the robo-nag. But it comes back in the form of an Old Testament prophet with the same spiel! This time it takes fists. At last I give the nagging saint the old heave-ho, yelling "AND STAY OUT!"... CAUTION: FUNDAMENTALIST BLASPHEMY |
TEMPLE OF DREAMWORK: by Wayan, 2006/11/13, a flying & predictive dream DAY: I have to read three academics who mock ancient, shamanic and modern amateur dreamwork as superstition. DREAM: I'm learning to fly in the Temple of Dreamwork, next to a cute new colleague. NEXT DAY, I meet her... CAUTION: APPARENT E.S.P.; DISSES ACADEMICS |
SAMPHIRE: by Wayan, 2022/12/25; apparent cryptomnesia, ESP, or both I wake up dreamnesic but singing a nonsense line about "samphires"--whatever they are. Half an hour later, I encounter the word for the first time in 45 years... |
CLOCKTOWER: by Wayan, 1986/4/2, a predictive dreamlet DREAM: a girl peers in my window & flirts with me. But why's she perched on a miniature clocktower? NEXT DAY: on campus, I spot a girl perched on a ledge of a new miniature clocktower. Oh, that's... CAUTION: CHILDHOOD TRAINING: "MEN ARE SCUM" |
WHERE IS MY MOTHER?: by Kelly Simon; 1992?; an epic time-traveling dream of roots I'm nine years old again. But my mom acts like a child--crawls into a hole. I follow, scared, and find my grandfather packing to leave the Old Country before the Nazis kill us all... CAUTION: FEAR & PERSECUTION |
BETRAY MY ANIMAL FRIENDS: by Wayan; 1999/11/12, a dream of brainwashing. As humans settle infospace, will we cheat other species trying to evolve into people? Are we already doing it? Admiring & documenting creatures we've written off as doomed? CAUTION: NUDE CREATURES; DISTURBING PREMISE |
ROGER AND TINA: by Lisa Horton Zimmerman; 1991?; a gender-bent dream As Roger, I can't get enough of Tina, though I know she lies and steals. After she vanishes with my leather jacket, I hunt for her. Spot her shoplifting, and I want to catch her, but let go at last... |
SILKY'S WOODCUTS: by Wayan, 2006/12/15, an art-prompt dream with spiritual overtones I dreamed I'd made a set of woodblock prints showing a scene from varied times & angles: my anima Silky, part girl part mare, contemplates another set of prints--famous Zen ones... |
A DREAM OF HEREDITY: by John Calvin Rezmerski, 1986 or earlier, a shape-poem of a comic nightmare I'm in a tower of men, each son on his father's back, down to a patient overburdened ape. His savanna's full of angry women who can only see him to yell at. Standoff. We can't escape. I wake saying "Ease off, let the ape breathe. Let me down... |
PENGUINS TALK ONLY TO...: by Wayan; 1987/7/25, a comic dream-poem. Talking animals flood my bedroom. Well, they'll talk to me--but they're cliquish. Hippos snub cats snub bears snub deer, and no one talks to penguins, for... |
SIGNALS: by Patagia, 2009/11/5, a dream-poem on the conflicting demands of creative life I dream I'm trying to understand how I write poetry, but then I recall my daughter's sick from a bad prescription. So I try to research her illness, but our library's renovating... |
THE BOARD OF KIBITZERS: by Wayan; 1993/10/18, a pseudo-psychic dream about dreams. My therapist changes into a good ol' boy? I can handle that. But that State Board of Kibitzers behind him... |
ON BEING 29: by Gray Stanback; 2022/9/10, an uneasy milestone dream The night after my 29th birthday, I dream my youth is literally leaving me. I'm at a party full of kids and teens; I can't get anyone's name, and they slip away leaving me alone... |
TRESPASSER TRIANGLE: by Wayan, 2022/3/6, a comic frustration dream My girlfriend and I find ourselves naked in my neighbor's yard! A second neighbor spots us, and knowing my house is empty, she breaks in! The first neighbor, seeing her home's empty, breaks into hers. We go home, stomping loud so our burglar flees back home, driving her burglar out, and... CAUTION: UNINTENTIONAL NUDE PICNIC |
CALVIN'S DREAM: by Calvin, c.1960?, a teen's sex dream on family & religious abuse I'm naked in a forest where the trees talk. They want my cock. A girl materializes, and we make love, but now the treefolk are our congregation, cheering us on. Only they call her my sister! She says "Yes. But I was never born. Dad beat Mom to abort me." She fades away, a ghost! I pick up a knife to protect Mom against Dad... CAUTION: PORNY SEX, SUDDEN GRIM END |
BOXED IN : by Wayan; 1984/3/25, a predictive dreamlet proving I never, ever learn a thing I dream I've decided to jog to Alaska. But that Arctic wind slows me, and then a traffic-snarl boxes me in... Awake, I bike to work. Distracted by the dream, I leave my coat. An Arctic blast slows me, and then a... |
BONGO: by William S. Burroughs, 1990/8/6; a nondream synchonicity All day I've had a stupid song from 1948 in my head--"Bongo Bongo Bongo." Then I buy Metzger's Dogs. Start reading. Page 16: "Gordon started singing "Bongo Bongo Bongo, I Don't Want to Leave the Congo"... |
CATS FORESEEN: by William S. Burroughs, 1991/12/22; a predictive dream I dream of huge, weirdly marked & colored cats all over. They don't bother my cat Fletch as I expected. Next day, I read the Audubon Book of Animals and recognize these patterns & colors.The flying fox even looks like Fletch... CAUTION: WILL ANNOY ESP SKEPTICS |
THE DAY AFTER: by William S. Burroughs, btw. 1984 & '94; a black-humor dream poem I'm in Lawrence, Kansas, watching a TV ad for hemorrhoid cream that won't solve your nuclear war problems... CAUTION: LANGUAGE; ADVERTISING; HUMAN EXTINCTION |
GROTESQUE: by William S. Burroughs, c.1986; a primal nightmare of emotional abuse Genteel gay guests first humiliate then torture their hosts--the rich but sick wife, then her weak, gay, parasitic husband... CAUTION: LANGUAGE, MISOGYNY, CRUELTY, SHIT |
HEADSHRINKER: by William S. Burroughs, c. 1990? A dream of rage against liars A CIA man trying to infiltrate a revolutionary group flunks a lie-detector test, so the Headshrinker... CAUTION: REAL HEADSHRINKER |
THE MONKEY'S HEAD: by William S. Burroughs, c. 1990? A dream of wishes gone wild. I find a magical monkey's head. It grants wishes--too many, everyone's, they cancel, they clash, it's a wish-flood... CAUTION: ASSUMES WISHES WORK |
MY EDUCATION: by William S. Burroughs, 1959-94, a recurrent dream theme or mantra. At the airport, I'm told I can't take my flight; I must finish my education first. Decades have passed, and I still dream of borders and officials who won't let me go until they decide I've finished my... |
SIT ON A CLOUD: by William S. Burroughs, 1990?, a big-city flying dream A thousand feet above New York. I meet two naked angels who say it's their first flight, but I got no fear of falling anymore; got no body to fall. Sit on a cloud. Just me and my shadow... |
THE BABY: by Gloria Reiser; 1991/3/20; a nightmare of a migratory pregnancy I'm pregnant. I feel abortion's wrong, but can I safely bear a child at 45? But then... It's my son's ex-girlfriend who's pregnant and my son's the father! But then... It's my daughter who's pregnant. At least her boyfriend's supportive. But... CAUTION: THIS FETUS GETS AROUND |
MONK: by Anonymous #2323; 1945-1991 (at least); a recurrent dream of a past life All my life, from age three or four, I've dreamed of being a young monk named Stefan somewhere in southern Europe. And aspects of his short life have shaped my own... CAUTION: SEXUAL EXPLOITATION |
TODDLER SHOT BY SPOUSE: by Gloria Reiser; 1948-49; recurring childhood nightmares As a toddler I repeatedly dreamed I was a married adult with a daughter of my own, but the dreams always ended with my husband shooting me... CAUTION: RECURRENT MURDER |
MUTANT WEDDING: by Lisa Shea; 1991/8/3; an epic Jungian action dream! I hide a chip of secrets from thugs, fight a running light-gun battle, and hide in my workplace's crawlways, amid live cables and pipes. As the factory burns, I run a gauntlet of goons. A girl leads me into the underworld. Fires glow and mutants dance. I marry the leader of the pack. |
ALIENS, MONSTERS, WITCH: by Judy Landaiche; 1991/11/8, a dream on judging by appearances Our starship crashed on an alien world. Humanoid aliens attack us. A witch saves us. A second kind of alien attacks; again she saves us. A third--ugly, monstrous--and the witch goes off with them! Turns out they're friendly... |
ICE: by Doug Montgomery; c. 1958, a surreal childhood dream Drops fall outside. But it's not rain! It's dripping from a gray-purple block of ice floating fifty feet above me... |
NIGHTMARE QUARTET: by Hans Rickheit; before May 1991, four Dada nightmares Ow! My body parts grow & shrink... A mad orchestra leader pulverizes me for nonconformity... The Brady Bunch crams siblings into a waterpipe one by one. I'm next! My bones crunch... I'm blindfolded, perched on a miles-high needle piercing my big toe. Blood drips down... CAUTION: GLEEFULLY GROSS |
PONDICHERRY: by Toni Emrich, 1991/6/6, and Margaret Thomas, 1991/7/??, linked asynchronous dreams EMRICH: I'm in a conference center in "Pondecherry", even though it feels nothing like India... THOMAS: A woman picks fruit off a tree by a pond and calls them "pondicherries--with an 'i'"... CAUTION: WILL ANNOY E.S.P. DENIERS |
BLONDE OR BRUNETTE?: by Mike Bickel; summer 1966, a recurring dream pointing out a choice I DREAM I'm helping my mom make a bed, but the light keeps going out. Each time, her hair changes color! NEXT DAY I tell my dream to a co-worker. He says it means a romantic dilemma I fear to look at. He's right... |
THE STAIR: by Mrs. Bickel; c.1991, a time-bent gender-bent dream of a ghost I find myself in armor, sheltering from a hard rain in an English undercroft. As I climb out, I meet a second knight on the stair. But he won't step aside... |
CRITIC: by Robert Brust; June 1990; a dream reading either the future or another's mind I DREAM I'm discussing art with a critic who's been hard on my paintings. But now he's friendly! TWO HOURS LATER: he calls, interviews me about my new show, then publishes a nice review... |
WHY ME?: by Karen Smith; 1991/7/22; nested flying/oracular/tragic dreams I flew joyfully over Sun Valley. But when I landed, I wore a uniform. As I slept in our barracks, I dreamed--within my dream--of finding two friends in the lake, tangled in a net, long dead. I "woke" and told a friend my dream. She said in tears "I know someone has to die, but why me? |
CARSON: by Kitty Ostrander; 1991/6/23; an apparent clairvoyant dream I DREAM: I'm at the scene of a fatal car crash. They thought it was Johnny Carson, but it's his brother Dick. I WAKE: On the news: Johnny Carson's son Dick died in a car crash. The scene looks like my dream... CAUTION: WILL TROUBLE E.S.P. SKEPTICS |
TEACHER'S NAME: by Robert Brust; 1977; an apparent predictive dream I DREAM I'm a kid again, in detention after school. The teacher eyeing me is familiar, but... what's her name? I WAKE and go to art group. One member says "I visited my retired sister. She talked of you. She taught you!" It's... |
RECORD: by Robert Brust; July 1990; a punning, possibly psychic dream I DREAM I buy a record I've wanted. But someone warns "You'll have trouble with it; you should have gone to another store." I WAKE as my phone rings. "A clerical error in our records will delay the supplies you ordered." Wish I'd picked another store... |
KRISS: by Toni Emrich; mid-January 1991, a nightmare personalizing the US-Iraq war Sunset. Walking home from work. A smiling, creepy American offers a ride. I back away until I'm against a tree. I don't give away the Arab hiding in its branches. I have a knife, and I know I will kill this American... CAUTION: FIGHT TO THE DEATH BREWING |
QUAKE: by Robert Brust; 1964/3/24; a possibly predictive daydream or hypnogogic dream. Drowsing on the bus, I see great holes open in the pavement. Our bus falls in. We climb out to find devastation... I wake and get off the bus. A few days later, I see my nightmare on the news: that massive quake in Alaska... |
HINDU GOD: by Judy Landaiche; Dec 1990, a sex dream with multiple twists It started like a nightmare--someone behind me, a groping hand that's not human... It was a Hindu god! He made love to me. Felt great until he said: "You're taking too long!"... CAUTION: SEX WITH A SELFISH DEITY |
GREEN SHOES: by Debbie Ifasi and "C."; late 1988? shared or parallel dreams DEBBIE: I dream of my friend G's new girlfriend C (who I've never met) and tell her "you'll never fill my shoes." C: I dreamed I met Debbie. She wore green shoes, and said "See these shoes, you could never fit into them"... CAUTION: WILL ANNOY E.S.P. DENIERS |
TIMER: by Robert Brust; July 1990; a clockish dream. Subliminal, circadian or psychic? In my dream I worry I'm going to wake up late, so I ask what time it is. Immediately, white digits form in the air saying 10:00. I wake, but can't read my clock until I put on my glasses. It says... |
BOGUS: by Ed Pell; 1990/11?; a financial forensic dream DAY: I'm preparing a report on our industry; but the numbers seem a bit odd. DREAM: Someone points out a big inventory generated no sales or income. NEXT DAY: Awake, I hunt for evidence the inventory's real. And find... |
TIPCAT: by Anonymous #57; c.1920; a funny little dream-poem Four lines of comic nonsense composed in a dream... |
MARS GLOBE : by Emmy Ingeborg Brun, 1909, a nondream but hallucinatory globe This handmade globe of Mars, state-of-the-art for 1909, has Schiaparelli's nomenclature and Lowell's canals--mostly illusory, though not quite all... |
2022/10/20 Upload | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SILKY'S BRIDGE: by Wayan, with brief parallel dream by Liz; 1987/5/7, apparent shared dreams WAYAN: I'm a cat climbing on sea-cliffs. Fear I'll fall. Run into Silky, an archer firing a line across to an islet. Now the Deer People can build their gossamer bridge... LIZ: I was hiking along a trail atop sea-cliffs. But I feared I'd fall... |
HER FIRST INCARNATION: by Wayan; 1983/11/10, a dream of a surreal shamanic duel Forced into a duel, I let my spirit fight for me using Boomerang Blades. But my enemy becomes giant floating sticky lips! My spirit finds incarnation confusing... |
CHOCOLATE BALLS: by Wayan, 2022/5/10, a surreal furry dream on Covid bloat I find I'm a self-made... critter. A plushie sewn with zippers so I can stuff any bits of me that seem flat or limp. But my filling's not cotton, polyester or foam. It's chocolate! So I have... CAUTION: CRUDE DREAM, AWFUL PUN |
DEERTAUR TRANSFORMATION: by Wayan, 1987/6/22, a dream of mythical art A strange book has woodblock prints telling how a princess turns to a deer-centaur and meets animal-headed forest guardians. But the message is rather practical... CAUTION: (FURRY) NUDITY |
TURNER'S RECURRING DREAMS: by Jack Turner, 1991-2, a set of genderbent grief dreams After my mother died, I dreamed I was a girl living after the Apocalypse. I rode my elk past cars full of corpses, saw friends die, and never could find a single fertile mate... |
JOVIAN REVOLUTION: by Wayan; 1987/2/22, a dream-poem of another life. Deep in Jupiter's atmosphere it's dark as a moonlit night, but warm; we sail a world-sea. And mutiny against our commanders! Clouds clear to a red dawn... CAUTION: RED POLITICS, GREEN NUDITY |
CULT OF CAKE: by Wayan, 2022/4/16, a dream on disinformation? I infiltrate the Cult of Cake. Novices drool over chocolate frosting and hand over their life savings. It's a pyramid scheme! A food... CAUTION: TRUMP REFERENCES; HIDEOUS PUN |
FLY & ULTRASOUND: by Wayan, 1987/9/4, a surreal dream on chucking out experts THAT DAY: I test my hearing range; it turns out to be more dog than human... DREAM: To banish a teacher & her giant fly, I summon a musical goddess... |
TIGER HONEYMOON: by Wayan, 1987/3/16, a dream of a trickster I buy a charming ruin in the woods. Newlywed tigers prowl! The tiger bride tells me "He expects predictability. But I'll show him what a tiger really is..." |
HOW TO BE A WOLF: by Wayan; 1987/3/15, a dream of a trickster-mentor We're hiking in the Sangre de Cristos when a girl offers to show us how to be a wolf. We're eager--until she turns wolf, bites us and leaps off a cliff! Furious, we stupidly follow her over... CAUTION: NUDE FLYING WOLVES |
VANDERMEER'S STAIR: by Jeff Vandermeer, 2013 or before,, a nightmarish creative prompt I was on a spiral stair. The walls had scrawled messages, not sprayed, carved or painted but living tissue--and getting fresher as I descended. Whatever was growing them was still below me, and still writing... |
LION SUIT by Wayan, 1987/5/4; a short dream-poem; predictive or clairvoyant? DREAM: A series of old films with Erroll Flynn looking shy in his glasses, and his... lion suit? NEXT DAY: Hunting pumas is legalized; the paper shows a sit-in full of people in lion suits... |
BEAR VERSUS CHAINSAW: by Wayan; 2022/4/22; a political nightmare hinting at a solution Night. Home alone. A huge bear breaks in! To defend myself, I have a chainsaw. Curiously, an electric not a gas-powered chainsaw... |
THE LION LIES DOWN WITH THE MARE by Wayan, 1986/6/7; a surreal predictive dream THAT DAY: a play in the park about human-car hybrids. Jaguar girl, Mustang boy! Surreal. THAT NIGHT: Lions & jaguars hunt a mustang, but she flirts instead of fights, and soon... CAUTION: INTERSPECIES SEX |
HUMMINGBIRD MEME: by Althea; 2022/1/14, a dream of 15 minutes of fame I rescue a hummingbird who drinks nectar from my ear. It becomes an Internet star. But then a girl rides a waterslide with her tits showing, and my meme is over ... CAUTION: CARTOON BREASTS |
NON-GHOSTS: by Wayan, 2022/2/5, a dream-poem on two... beings. I met two transparent spooks who insist "We're not ghosts! We were never human." I'm sure they're wrong; they've just forgotten. But I phone a witch, who confirms... |
SHROPSHIRE: by Wayan; 1985/1/6, a predictive warning dream DREAM: chased by a sniper, I trick him into blowing himself up. Then, in the Watchtower, I know every name & address in Shropshire, but must hide them till all the snipers are caught... NEXT DAY: at work I run across a book with every name and address in 17th-century Shropshire... CAUTION: FATAL EXPLOSION |
MY NEW JOB: by Wayan; 1987/4/20, a haiku-ish dream joke? At the library, my boss says we're restructuring, modernizing. My new job is to... |
BLACKSLIME TOWER: by Wayan; 1986/11/13; a transformation dream with political tinges Humanity's trapped in a Quad, overseen by the Guardians of Blackslime Tower. Feather by feather, I grow wings, and plot to escape with the Flying Cat... CAUTION: THE SLIME IS REAGANOMICS |
CAT-FOX: by Wayan, 2022/4/7, a surreal covid-frustration dream I live in a highrise. But a fox appears on our balcony! Through the glass door, he flirts with our pet cat-fox. But wild foxes can carry distemper, so I keep the door locked. Useless! This urban pioneer is talented. He steps through the glass... |
ALPENFLIGHT: by Wayan; 1986/4/1, a predictive flying dream Fleeing hunters, blocked by a cafe crowd, I fly up a long slope--but the cafe climbs on & on! At last I perch exhausted on a peak, looking down on a now-alpine cafe above a sea of clouds. Next day... |
QUEEN KONG: by Wayan; 1986/3/17, a surreal dream of nerd defiance A giantess strides across the desert. The Great White Hunter fires his elephant gun, but the books she's made of stop his bullets. I think I'll join the Queen Kong Library... |
MANTA-SQUID: by Wayan; 1986/3/13, a nightmare on the Senoi hoax DAY: I read an exposé on "Senoi dreamwork"--the Malaysian Senoi people disavow it. Some white guy just made it up! DREAM: I'm a dream researcher in Malaysia. A manta-squid attacks! Now the "Senoi" focus on my needs makes sense... CAUTION: TENTACLE-RAPE ATTEMPT |
HAV TOWERS: by Wayan; 2022/1/3, a predictive dreamlet I find my city has changed during Covid; a huge Chinese gate or folly near Fort Mason and a monstrous tower in the central hills, made of Space Needles, umbrellas & balloons... Next day I read Jan Morris's Hav... and there are my towers. |
YELLOWSTONE: by Wayan, 2022/5/3, a predictive dream of politics DREAM: I'm in Yellowstone, in a monstrous resort. Local tribes fight white exploitation of sacred land. NEXT MORNING: I read a Native American critique of racist land-theft in a TV show: Yellowstone... |
PUTIN GETS OFF: by Wayan; 2022/2/22, a gross political dreamlet. A library book with a brutal attack & rape scene has pages stuck together. Why? Some trollish reader masturbated all over it! Oh. Not an orgasm, a wargasm... CAUTION: HARSH TOWARD PUTIN (AND HIS AMERICAN BRO) |
DINO RODEO: by Wayan; 2022/2/17, a flying dream about... dream theory? Two men down at a rodeo. The velociraptors and pterosaurs draw near. To scare them off, I need to do something alarming, impossible... |
SEA-SPHINX: by Wayan; 2021/9/26, a nightmare? or advice on desire? Three successive attacks! I escape the Roadrage Nut, I withstand the mob of Angry Ghosts, but the Tsunami floods all. Strange--that angry, glowing, blue Sea-Sphinx who summoned the flood is really sexy. Why is she mad at me?... |
BOAT MEETING: by Wayan; 1985/4/28; a predictive dream that hints at its own nature I swim far out in a lake to a business meeting on a dinghy; but that's trivial. What matters is mapping the murky lakebottom, dive after dive... |
NEED AN ADVENTURE? by Catshall, 2022/5/18-25, collage-poem on recurrent dreams For a week the same dream-figures and settings have been recurring: shapeshifters and sea monsters. What are they hiding? Or guarding... |
SPOTTED FAWN DODGES ARROWS: by Amanda Strong; 1998, a dream on the power of names Soon after I was given the name Spotted Fawn, I dreamed I was one, fleeing faceless hunters under the full moon. There's history in this... |
MAGICAL LIGHT: by Wayan; 1985/10/8, a dream on micromania Linda Evans of Dynasty survives a shapeshifters' war, though her mansion's wrecked. She meets a caped superhero--and superdog, and supercat, squirrel, hamster, mouse! These micro-heroes make me see I too have been minimizing my own bravery... |
MUGS: by Wayan; 1985/12/25, a dream of weird Christmas gifts A shop sells coffee cups covered in tales & creatures begging to be drawn... |
PIE HOLE: by Wayan; 2021/9/12, an Emperor's New Clothes dream with a twist I'm shyly making love with a classmate, Cynthia. Classmates gawk & point, through the pie-hole in the ceiling. But our perspective reveals that under our critics' skirts... CAUTION: UPSKIRT NUDITY |
THOREAU'S MOUNTAIN: by Henry David Thoreau, 1857/10/29, a recurring hypnogogic dream I dreamt again of that mountain east of Concord where no hill exists. I ascended that long rocky ridge where wild beasts haunted, into a superterranean grandeur and sublimity... |
EAT THE WORLD: by Ralph Waldo Emerson, between Jan 1838 & Nov 1839; a dream of surreal advice I was floating in the Ether, not far from this world, which seemed small as an apple. An angel took it in his hand and brought it to me and said, 'This must thou eat'... |
POEM COMPOSED IN SLEEP: by Lidian Emerson, 1867, a lyrical love poem. Will you walk in the fields, love? / Let us be gone. The tall grass will wave to thee / Fairest one... |
OSMAN'S DREAM: by Osman I, founder of the Ottoman Empire, 1280?, a predictive dream |
The moon rises from my friend's body, and sinks into mine. Then a great tree grows from my body, covering much of the world... CAUTION: ORAL TRADITION AT BEST |
FOOD CAME BETWEEN US: by Wayan, 1993/4/25, an incubated epic diagnostic dream. |
The terror of Navy breakfast, the joy of filterfeeding, how to marry pudding, and a sniper lunch with kisses... |
PAGES: by Wayan; 1993/9/2 & 9/3, punning predictive dreams. |
Dream-journal pages, Tarot's four Page cards, getting paged,and a girl named Page--all warn me I lie to myself about what I want... |
SPIT DOOR: by Wayan; 1997/9/7, a flying dream. |
My job is to set up portals to other realities, and create secret routes through our world between them... |
AMATERASU'S MIRROR: by Lady Sarashina and an unnamed priest, c. 1035/3/22, two dreams of a life-choice |
Sarashina dreams (again) she needs to leave court life and a spiritual path. Her skeptical mom sends a priest to the temple to dream for her! But he too dreams the Goddess shows two life-choices--happy or sad... |
AMIDA: by Lady Sarashina, 1055/10/13, a dream of a salvation-offer |
Three years before her husband died and she was left alone, Sarashina dreamt Amida Buddha stood in her garden and told her "Later I shall return to fetch you"... |
REBORN AS A CAT: by Lady Sarashina's sister, April or May 1022, a dream of a friend's past life |
Sarashina adopts a stray cat with oddly refined manners. Her sister dreams the cat tells of her last life, as the daughter of a high official. The cat does seem to understand human speech... |
UNFINISHED DREAM: by Walter de la Mare, before 1922, a dream of Faerie cast as a poem |
The dream land was beautiful, but seemed empty 'til I heard piping voices. An elven band! I gazed in wonder. But they could not (would not?) see me... |
MARCOUX'S DREAMS: by Shirley Marcoux, 75/11/4, 76/4/2, 4/28 & 6/24; & one by Cheryl, 76/4/3 |
Four apparently psychic dreamlets of a gun in a desk, a guy needing to hide, a canyon with woodpiles & a locked gate, and a blonde girl named Cathy... CAUTION: SMALL DREAMS, LARGE IMPLICATIONS FOR E.S.P. |
CINCINNATI HUNCH: by Anonymous #56, 1969/9/8, predictive hunch & clairvoyant dream |
My husband had to go to Cleveland. I FOUGHT to keep him from flying out of Cincinnati; he took a night train. I dreamt I was flying, falling, and woke feeling the house shake. Later that day, my sister called to tell me... CAUTION: DID SHE SAVE HIS LIFE? WIKIPEDIA CASTS DOUBT. |
DICKENS AND CAFTAN: by Anonymous #55, 1970/12/24 & 29, predictive dreams |
CAFTAN: My ultra-conservative brother wears a caftan. No way! I woke amused. But later that day, he gave me a Christmas present... DICKENS: A voice rants "I love Dickens! It has to be Dickens!" Next evening on Night Gallery, Agnes Moorehead begs for... |
BOTTLECAPS: by Anonymous #54; late June 1968,69,70? a surreal psychic dreamlet |
Reaching into her coat pockets, my sister pulls out fistfuls of bottlecaps. Silly dream! Then my sister visits. Reaching into her coat pockets... |
LIME FROST by Anonymous #53, Jan. 1957, a short psychic dream |
I felt dread as I peered out my parents' window into the garden. My dad lay on the frosty grass, dead... |
LONELINESS HAIKU by Anonymous #52, 1975/3/26; a haiku in a dream |
THAT DAY: I landed in Japan, but felt an outsider, cut off. THAT NIGHT: I dreamt a haiku expressing my loneliness... |
I FIND MYSELF CRYING: by Anonymous #51, before 1978, a cathartic dream of acceptance |
I was in a sort of commune. A girl snuggled up to me and I got an erection. I felt embarrassed and apologized. She said "NEVER apologize for THAT..." CAUTION: SEXUAL SHAME/HEALING |
AN ETHNOHISTORICAL INTERVIEW: by Will & El Nichols, c.1935? ; linked dreams leading to treasure |
Will and El each dreamed of gold buried under a walnut tree near Tulpehocken. They didn't talk about it, just walked up there and dug. They never said how much they found, but they were rich for the rest of their lives... |
THE CRANE SPOKE: by Thomas Takashi Tanemori; 1945/8/5, a child's dream foreseeing Hiroshima |
A crane came and spoke to me, reassuring me "I'll be back" even as a great fire burned it. It returned as a white butterfly. Next morning, as we played hide and go seek, I shut my eyes and counted to... CAUTION: CIVILIANS MASSACRED |
BIRTH STAMPS: by Anonymous #50; late 1993? a feminist dreamlet |
Someone is giving birth, and we're panicky. Fortunately, the Postal Service has issued stamps with helpful advice like "Stay Calm" and "Boil Water"... |
RETURN FROM EXILE: by Anonymous #48, early 1994?, a fierce political dream |
I'm a rebel leader released from prison only to find my people beaten down and malnourished. I swear to eject our oppressors despite the price of war. ... |
URBAN ARTHUR: by Anonymous #47, early 1994?, an alarming dreamlet |
You're in a subway station. You put coins in a coffee machine. Down drops the Holy Grail. And begins to fill with blood... |
TRANSLUCENCY AS AN ADAPTATION IN ARBOREAL CRUSTACEANS: by Anonymous #46, early 1994?, an epic dream |
Arboreal marsupials with megaphones narrate a Polynesian documentary, while the rare translucent lobster sings its death song, sacrificing itself for lunch CAUTION: WILL CAUSE VEGETARIANISM |
WHERE THE WILD THINGS PLAY: by Anonymous #45, 1996? |
In a jungle river, I fish for giant kite-bass, then relax and have a drink. A lot of very drunk porpoises dance on the bar. I worry their skin will dry out. Alcohol is so dehydrating! |
BOBCAT: by Anonymous #44; 1996?; a surreal diving dream |
Scuba diving, we find Atlantis. Beautiful Greek statues. But some kid painted a baseball in Aphrodite's hand. And the bobcat diving with us has been holding its breath for an hour... |
BAD SECTORS OF THE PSYCHE: by Anonymous #43; 1996?; a (sarcastic?) dream-diagnosis |
I'm in psychoanalysis. A diagnostic chart maps which areas of my psyche are bad: nearly all of them. My therapist says "My God, how did your parents raise you?" |
RADIANCE: by Anonymous #42, 1996?, a transcendent dream backed away from |
In the recording studio, some background noise. Isolated and amplified, it's a chorus of inhuman voices praising an unknown deity. The song becomes a mandala pulling me in... |
TORRENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS: by Anonymous #41, 1996?, a surreal word-association dream |
Asparagus, wings, an unhinged hand, a boxed ghost, butter, sister incest, tomato-pincushions, secret volcanoes, one-eyed integers, chickenleg dresses, mirrors and bananapeel beds... |
THE DAYS WHEN WOMEN WERE BEING HURT: by Anonymous #40, 1996?, a surreal dream |
I was big as the world, so whole cars fit in my vagina. But men were selling women to supermarkets, to be cooked & resold. So I crossed the Atlantic sea-floor on foot... CAUTION: CAR SEX. NO, NOT SEX IN CARS... |
WHAT A CONCEPT: by Anonymous #39, 1996? A logical dreamlet |
I visit a tribe into simplicity, proud of the fact they limit themselves to 99 concepts. I point out their limit is a concept, so they really have 100. They are not amused... |
CAR: by Carrie Elizabeth, 1994?, a lucid nightmare--yes, that's possible! |
I don't even notice the car until it's hit me and I'm dead. Now I have to lie here forever, even though I know it's a dream. But if you die in a dream, you die... |
DRAGON/WOMAN: by Pam Cardiff, 1994/6/20, a dream of a dad's curse |
A mage turns his daughter into an ugly dragon. She pines for a sailor, but though they make beautiful music with magic crystals, he rejects her... |
DREAM OR REALITY?: by Ben Torter, 1994?, a (subliminal? psychic?) lifesaving nightmare |
I'm in a small pond. A monster goldfish stalks me. I seem trapped in place, and wake in panic, sheets drenched--to find my pet goldfish gasping on the floor... |
HERE IN MY IMPOVERISHED PSYCHE: by Tracey West, 1987? 88?, recurring nightmares |
I'm Mary Ann on Gilligan's Island. But the theme song repeats endlessly--not the later version with my name, but the early one dismissing me and the Professor as and the rest. I wake up screaming... |
MOM DRIVES: by Frances R. Storey, 1994?, a warning dream--but of the future, or now? |
I'm back in the suburbs, but decades have passed. My mom's really old & blind. Yet I insist she should drive the car, not me. She pulls out in front of a huge truck... |
MOSQUITO: by Kelly McCracken, 1994?, a dream of... bloodsuckers? |
At first it's Michael J. Fox flirting with me, and I'm not excited, he's kind of a loser. Then it all changes, and he's a monster mosquito humping me, and I hear someone saying "Do me, do me." Him? Or me? CAUTION: SUBTITLED "THE UNSEXIEST SEX DREAM EVER" |
TURKEY: by Erin Wagner, fall 1994?, recurring nightmares |
I get painful menstrual cramps, and with them come nightmares of birth. Not always child birth; once it was five kittens. Most recently the baby was human but encased in a Butterball turkey... |
WHODUNIT? AND WHAT DID THEY DO?: by Derek Gullino, late 70s? Five nightmares, five years old |
1: Dad picks up Bigfoot; he bites off my ear. 2: Dad abandons me in a canyon full of wolves. 3: The man who killed my family hands me his ax. 4: Bees move into my pillow. 5: A marionette with razor-nails lures me close... CAUTION: OUCH |
UNSWEPT HOUSE: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/1, a flying-searching-unreadiness spiritual dream |
Swedenborg flies on horseback through a house seeking someone. One room's clean, lit, full of people, but most are empty and dirty. Longing to meet God is not enough! He's only cleaned up one aspect of his life... |
BROMAN'S DOG: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/5, a dream of a man-serpent-dog |
Swedenborg fights a worldly acquaintance, then his dog, who turns into a serpent... CAUTION: FIGHTING, SCORNS MATERIALISM |
SHAKING: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/6, a dream of the physical side of spiritual struggle |
Swedenborg shakes uncontrollably all night, releasing or discharging some strange energy. He frames it in religious terms, but it's a phenomenon even secular writers have reported... CAUTION: WEIRD |
SWAB'S DOG: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/8, a warning dream |
Swedenborg cuddles a talking dog who asks after its old master, Swab, and then kisses Swedenborg, grossing him out. But he wakes knowing just what his doggy pest represents... |
POLITICS BITES: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/13, a dream of... read the title! |
Swedenborg's in bed with a woman, but she has teeth down there. Oh, now and she's not a woman, but his political buddy Johan! Well, maybe it means not to get involved with women, or men, or... politics? CAUTION: JUST WEIRD |
MUSCULAR STUDY: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/14, a sexy dream of work advice (no, really) |
Swedenborg jokes with his cousin's new girlfriend as she grows bigger and stronger and bigger and... Oh. He needs to study the muscles! |
HEADSMAN: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/17, a cannibal nightmare prefiguring Jung |
Swedenborg meets an executioner who cooks the heads he chops off, and eats them. Yet in context, the nightmare may be constructive... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
FLYING, FIGHTING, LOVE: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/23, a dream of... oh, guess! |
Swedenborg fights a flying woman over a lake, then is in bed with another. After some language and privacy problems, all goes so well he thinks they've made a child... CAUTION: VIOLENCE, SEX |
THE KING'S LANGUAGE: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/24, a dream on the language of dreams |
Swedenborg struggles to grasp the King's broken French. He wakes to realize he's trying to learn a greater King's difficult language. Still relevant today, for he saw the problem's twofold: the difficult language of images, but also issues the waking mind missed--or wants to deny! |
SWORD AND BOAR: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/30, a dream warning of excess. |
A boar attacks Swedenborg's late brother, alive again. He tries to help, but the pig eats his brother's head. That's what you get for drinking, partying, and gluttony... CAUTION: VIOLENT DEATH |
SAVED TWICE: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/5/19, maddeningly brief mention of two predictive dreams. |
Swedenborg dreamt of danger on his London trip, twice. Both situations then came true, but he was prepared... CAUTION: ANNOYING TO E.S.P. SKEPTICS |
IN THE FORM OF WOMEN: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/7/3, the earliest recurrent dream-symbol? |
Swedenborg tenderly says goodbye to a lover. A few nights later he realizes his dream lovers repeatedly represent scholarly fields! An avid scientist, he find research as sexy as, well, sex... |
WINGED BEAST: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/7/29, a dream of fighting one's own flaws |
Swedenborg fights a monster but lacks strength. Yet later, on a higher plane, he learns the beast did die... CAUTION: VIOLENT |
SWORDLESS: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/8/4, a dream warning about bragging |
Swedenborg gets in a duel, but his beautiful silver hilt has no sword attached. Uh-oh... Then he's in bed and realizes he's been sexually boasting... CAUTION: PHALLIC SYMBOLISM |
DENTATA: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/10/9, a dream of a toothy vagina--yet not a nightmare |
Swedenborg's in bed with a woman, but finds she has teeth in her vagina. He interprets it not as revealing some fear of women but as advice about pacing his scientific work. And the surrounding dreams hint he may be right... CAUTION: ALMOST-SEX
| 2022/5/3 Upload |
ODESSA STEPS: by Wayan; 2022/3/18, a predictive dream? I hope! |
A man's stalking me and my friends. We try to escape but a circus is in the way. My friends shrink to babies, so I pop them in a stroller and flee over steep hills, bouncing down stone stairs! "OW!" the babies howl! Hey... why do I feel deja vu? CAUTION: INTERPRETATION INSULTS BOTH RUSSIA AND NATO |
ARIANA'S EVENING: by Andrea McFarland; 2022/4/28, a dream of a long-lost love |
Fifty years after I drove him away with high-school idiocy, I get one last kiss before... |
FOUR OF TEN: by Wayan; 2021/4/3, four examples from ten dreams in one night |
Books are clothes, and always were. A potato makes me lie, and everyone gets it but me. Sex in a crowd disarms the Mom Squad! And a Mystic Autistic's soul explores my room... CAUTION: PUBLIC SEX? PROBABLY. |
SAVED BY A CYMBAL: by Wayan; 2021/11/29, a dream punning about dreamwork! |
Stranded on an island where a marching band drowned, I escape by paddling across the Pacific using a rusty, er, cymbal... |
BUNNY GROPER: by Wayan; 2022/2/4; a dream on harassment's roots and goals |
A fantasy bazaar full of wolf, cat and rabbit shoppers. But my human friend Mark has a booth by the exit, and grabs a rabbit girl's tail! She glares daggers, but seems resigned to harassment... CAUTION: SEXISM OR SPECISM? |
PARROT SITTER: by Wayan; 2021/11/19, a flying-pulp-fiction-babysitting dream |
A girl becomes a raven to cross a pond. Asks me to fly across carrying her (flightless) pet parrot in a bag. I do, but later the parrot falls downstairs. So yuppies call me an irresponsible pet owner... |
AZOREAN PAN: by Wayan; 1988/6/3 & 6/6, two subtly predictive dreamlets on a Greek god |
1: On a mid-Atlantic islet, a farm family plays music to summon the Greek god Pan. It works! 2: A mystical picturebook shows Pan & his mermaid lover. Again I'm told music summons Pan! CAUTION: GOAT-GOD NUDITY |
THE GHOST IN MIRIEL'S BUG: by Miriel & Wayan; 1985/10/1, an apparently shared dream |
WAYAN: I dream a transparent ghost steals my sister Miriel's white VW bug... MIRIEL: I dream about a ghost and my old white VW bug that was stolen... CAUTION: E.S.P. CLAIM |
UNDERSECRETARY FOR THE ARTS: by Wayan; 2022/2/13, an advisory dream |
I'm named the Undersecretary for the Arts. I sift through all the grant applications. But I'm a webtroll; I hang furry pastel pinups in my office. The humans see postmodern irony... CAUTION: FURRY PINUPS; UTTER LACK OF IRONY |
WITNESS IN THE FIELD: by Wayan; 1985/7/8, an apparent predictive nightmare |
DREAM: I witness a murder on a farm. So I hide in the fields as assault-gun bullets fly... NEXT DAY: I go see a love story set on a farm. But suddenly killers show up to eliminate a witness to a murder. Assault rifles in the cornfields... CAUTION: VIOLENCE & APPARENT E.S.P. |
CARSELVES: by Miriel; 1985/6/21, a predictive dream of putdowns |
I dreamed I was a classic hippie bus. My brother was a lovingly customized Mustang. We were real collector's items. So our parents decided to sell us. Their asking price was... |
FLYING IS TASTELESS: by Miriel; 1985/12/11, a warning dream |
I dreamed I learned to fly. But my so-called friends told me flight is tacky and I should stay grounded... |
MAMA BEAR'S ADVICE: by Wayan; 1985/12/8, a dream on love-tactics. |
A bear-girl seduced by her coyote professor gets a little advice on revenge from her anthropologist mom... |
MYSTERY BETWEEN: by Wayan; 1985/9/27, crayon and acrylic drawing on dreamnesia. |
Okay, you got your heaven, and your earth, and between, you got... CAUTION: MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE |
TEN RULES OF LIFE: by Wayan, 1994/5/4, a nondream fount of wisdom. |
After reading 170 capsule biographies of famous people I conclude life-plans are a joke. But I do deduce ten negative rules--ten universal don'ts--that may be of use... CAUTION: CYNICAL, BUT 170 OBITUARIES WILL DO THAT |
CHEESE AND SCAB GRAPES: by Wayan, 1988/8/9, a warning/predictive dream I firmly ignored |
DREAM: my parents nag me to go on a picnic, then bring plastic cheese and sprayed, scab grapes. Eat this & I'll get sick... DAY: a farewell lunch at work. No one likes her, so folks brought only plastic cheese & scab grapes. I eat a bit & get sick... CAUTION: PSYCHIC DREAM, STUPID DREAMER |
SELFISH FOR LEAVING?: by Wayan; 1988/7/12, a psychic dream on (shudder) family values |
DREAM: I'm at a party. Family scolds me for protecting my health. I leave--and they call me selfish for leaving! MORNING: My sister calls. "I was at a party. Family scolded me for guarding my health and for trying to leave..." |
THE ANSWER FLOOR: by Wayan; 1985/2/16, a dream-poem inverting a famous dream of Jung's |
I dream of a three-floor tower--but the Answer is up on Level Four! No elevator, no stair. I can't even see it. Yet it's there... |
TINGLE: by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, c.Sept. 1825, a dream of Good Vibrations |
I experienced a delicious tembling throughout my being, sweeping up from my toes to my head. It shook me to the marrow of my bones... |
CAT AND MOUSE: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, early 1860s?, a startling dream image |
A lab. The cat doesn't mind a swim in this liquid harmlessly rendering it clear as glass. It catches a transparent mouse I didn't even see! So now I faintly see a glass mouse inside the glass cat... |
COCKEREL: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, 1846, a comic transformation dream |
I meet King Louis-Philippe, but as I recall his symbol, the cockerel, he transforms to suit. Now he cannot read the letter presented to him, so it becomes a basket of bird-seed... |
CRYPTOMNESIC SHOP: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, c.1839, an early cryptomnesic dream |
A charming street, a peculiar shop... imaginary, or not? Saint-Denys found it at last, years later, in Frankfurt where he hadn't been since childhood... |
DREAM FIGURES: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, dreamlets between 1835 & 1865? |
Why do I treat dream-figures as real people, even in otherwise lucid dreams? And if dreams universally suspended disbelief, how did I know, in one recent dream, that the woman I argued with was another part of me? |
OUT OF BODY TO THE MOON: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, 1860?-67? Early out-of-body dream |
I rise out of my body, find I'm invulnerable, visit the moon, with its volcanic rocks, re-enter my body, "wake" and write the dream--only to wake again and find all my notes gone!... |
PERFUMES: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, early 1860s? Experiments in scent-triggered dreams |
I trained myself to associate one scent with the mountains, one with an art studio. On a random night my servant applied both secretly, and I dreamt artist & model burst into a mountain scene... |
SYLVIA, OR, PUN-DREAMS: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, early 1860s? 4 dreams of French puns |
A comet grows hair, a girl named Rosalie becomes a bed of roses, writing in a beautiful hand appears on a beautiful hand, and Sylvia becomes a talking forest bird... |
TWO RESCUES: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, 1836 & '60-66?, early genderbent dreams |
A TAILOR'S APPRENTICE: I become her to fight back against his abuse... DAMSEL ON THE PYRE: I become a girl being burned alive, but get so distracted by my beautiful body I forget to escape until it's too... |
YATAGHAN: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, c.1840?, a dream of rescue--and summoning |
Night street. Two masked assassins attack a woman. I intervene. But I need a weapon! I picture the Turkish sword on my mantel. The yataghan appears in my hand and I... |
PRODROMAL DREAMLETS: by Arnaud de Villeneuve, c.1300; Conrad Gessner, 1565/12/8; |
M. Teste, 1830-1848, and Maurice Macario, early 1850s? four dreams predicting illness Dog bites doctor's leg. Snake bites scholar's chest. Apoplexy kills a government minister. Tonsillitis flattens a sleep and dream researcher... |
HER DEAD BROTHER: by a Bereaved Lady, as told by Hervey de Saint-Denys, 1850s? |
Saint-Denys pushes a strange theory of dream-incompetence, using as an example a woman's dream of grief over her brother, killed in a war. But her case suggests a second explanation a 19th-century scholar isn't equipped to see ... |
BRIDGE-GUARD: by Alfred Maury, early 1861?; one of the first cryptomnesic dreams recorded |
I found myself in childhood again, in a village where my dad was building a bridge. A man in a guard's uniform introduced himself as C--. Awake I could recall no such person, but research revealed... |
MORNING DREAM: by Santiago Ramón y Cajal, 1926/12/12; a dream modeling the mind |
I dream I'm ranting about the structure of the mind, postulating four layers--odd, since I think dreams are meaningless--just neurons getting some exercise! So whence this theory? CAUTION: JARGON |
WAR BETWEEN LIBERALS & REACTIONARIES: by S. Ramón y Cajal, 1929/5/26; a predictive dream? |
There is a war between liberals and reactionaries, but the dream makes no sense: friends claim to be hit, to be wounded, but I see no bodies, no blood... CAUTION: ANTICIPATES THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR |
THREE CLASSES: by Santiago Ramón y Cajal, 1928/12/10; a dream on scientific integrity |
I dream I'm teaching my students that those willing to let evidence change their minds are rare. Climbers seek fame and status, while iconoclasts seek to upset order without regard for truth... CAUTION: SOBERING FROM A NOBEL PRIZE WINNER |
TERRIBLE DREAM, TACTILE DREAM (EVENING ESPRONCEDA): by S. Ramón y Cajal, c.1930; a nightmare |
Doctors remove my upper skull and sew my scalp over my brain. I can get around, if I stay upright, but I'm terribly vulnerable... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE REFLECTS REALITY |
CARTWRIGHT'S HARLEQUIN: by Rosalind Cartwright, 1927? to 2020/12/5? Lifelong recurring dream |
All her life, Cartwright dreamed of a figure disguised in a harlequin costume; she never saw his face. He always drove her to self-sabotage. But near her death, she dreamt she gave a lecture, and he... |
BULLFIGHTERS' BRAIN MODEL: by Santiago Ramón y Cajal, 1927/8/9; a silly dreamlet |
I dream I'm at a center for bull fighting, teaching the structure of the brain, but they believe the brain is a structureless gelatin and the soul is all... |
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