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Where the Wild Things Play

Dreamed 1996? by Anonymous #45

There was a gigantic snake, whip-thin, about the length of a garden hose, and it was hissing at great speed over the forest floor, moving with unbelievable agility, as fast as a galloping horse. It was really long, and was moving at a terrific clip so when I began to chase it I had to move at a full run just to keep up with it.

I came to a high bluff with some children playing on it, and below was a river that ran half green and half muddy brown. It was very turbulent, and the snakc got away on the other side.

I followed the river to a beach, and we were fishing for striped bass. But the beach was moving like a boat, so all you needed to do was put your spinner in the water and the beach would pull the lure along and the striped bass would grab it. But when you caught one, you had to make sure you kept it under the water or it would fly into the air like a kite and sail around.

I caught one and it took off into the sky, and was flying all over the place, just like a striped fish kite. It looked like a manta ray, which I guess looks kind of like a kite, and when I brought it in the guy who owned the beach said that wasn't a very sporting way to catch a fish and maybe I could do better next time.

We gave up for the day and went into the bar, and there were porpoises cavorting like drunks, and they were having much too much to drink. I was smoking a joint and passing it around and the porpoises kept dancing on the bar and I remember thinking it's really nice they can breathe air, but somebody should douse them with water because I saw on a National Geographic special that porpoises have delicate skins that can dry out.

And they don't know how to ask for water if they start getting dry, and you know how alcohol can dehydrate you. All they can do is flop around, so I kept asking the bartender for glasses of ice water to pour on the porpoises.

Somehow, before the night was over, I ended up with Robert McNamara's cufflinks. You know, Robert McNamara, Richard Nixon's foreign policy advisor, responsible for escalating the war in Vietnam. I had his cufflinks.

When it was time to leave I picked up the red porpoise and made everybody agree that red was the best color for a porpoise, because it's like strawberry.

SOURCE: Dream Scene Magazine, a zine by Dan Holzner, (final issue 1996). Unpaged; 28-30 pages in. Holzner's title. Dreamer's name withheld; Anonymous #45 added for World Dream Bank indexing.

LISTS AND LINKS: hunting - snakes - fish - bars - dolphins - metabolism - rescue - color - surrealism - humor - Flipper the dolphin gets drunk - more Dream Scene

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