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Bongo Bongo Bongo

Dreamed 1990/8/6 by William S. Burroughs

It's 5:02 PM, Monday, August 6, Hiroshima Day. I have been thinking all afternoon about a silly old song, 1948 or earlier:

I'm so happy in the Congo
Got this book I picked up in Dillons this afternoon, called Metzger's Dog, won out in a coin toss over Realm Seven. (Take a book, any book.) Page 16: "Immelmann began to glare at him, so Chinese Gordon shifted to 'Bongo Bongo Bongo, I Don't Want to Leave the Congo.'"

Coincidence, say the anti-ESPs. Doesn't mean a thing.

SOURCE: My Education: a book of dreams by William S. Burroughs, 1995, p.156-57

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