Fly versus Ultrasound
Dreamed 1987/9/4 by Wayan
I've long suspected my hearing range is a bit higher than normal. So I tweak my Casio synthesizer to test my hearing range. Infrasound turns out to be easy to test, if depressing--turns out I'm deaf to frequencies below 60 Hz! Adjust the keyboard to ultrasound; the neighbor's dog starts howling, and I get a mild headache, but find I can definitely hear pitches up to 38-40 kHz--well into dog and dolphin range!
Both numbers are way off from what I was taught is the human hearing range--20 Hz up to 15-20 kHz. So what else was I taught that'll test out wrong?
I shiver, curled in bed--need way more
blankets. At least my prof won't dare try again to slip that monster fly into my bed! I stopped her by |
summoning the Goddess with my high
frequency voice. Angels sang pure bat-chorales as I conducted. So when teacher brings her hairy pet again, |
I need to remember ultrasound can
repel megavermin--whether they're monster flies or equally oversize authority figures. Test all for lies. |
Ultrasound drives off vermin: true. So my dream teases "Your ultrasound scared off the flies, rats & roaches on our block! But how about that other cause of disease: believing what you're told? Your ears aren't what they told you. What else isn't?"
Not an idle question. I was sick, and had been for over a decade. Doctors told me firmly my headaches (and fevers) were migraine, I wasn't sensitive to any foods, and had no thyroid problem despite craving iodine. But after a decade of dreams like this prompting me, in the early 90s I started testing myself. Turned out my headaches & fevers were flare-ups of a stubborn infection that was cured only by a long course of antibiotics, I was violently sensitive to gluten, and I needed thyroxine. Oh, and I had a rare mutation causing Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, explaining most of my other medical oddities.
Today I'm pretty healthy for a zebra (EDS patient). But one symptom's gotten worse: now I'm really skeptical of so-called experts.
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