Dreamed July 1990 by Robert Brust
I dreamed that I was searching for a record that I wanted at a store. I was happy to find it; but, while the sale was being written up, someone warned me that I wouldn't be happy with it, and should have gone to another store.I was awakened by the phone ringing (in reality). It was a long distance call from a company, from which I was awaiting an order of supplies, which had made a clerical error in their records (as a result of which I wished I'd dealt with another store)!
--Robert Brust
SOURCE: Somnial Times: Newsletter of the Dreamers SIG [of Mensa]; Vol II, No. 6: Feb. 1991; Gloria Reiser, SIG coordinator; Judy Landaiche, editor. Original passage untitled; "Record" added as search aid.
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