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Loneliness Haiku

Dreamed 1975/3/26 by Anonymous #52

On the first night in Japan, I was intensely aware of cultural differences. I looked through a glass door at Japanese men and women dining in another room in semi-darkness... I was silent, at that moment a part of Japan. But some of our tour group came up behind me and began talking loudly, asking foolish questions about what was out there.

Later, I tried, unsuccessfully, to get in touch with Julie, our friend in Tokyo, who would show us "her" Japan, and felt tense at not having reached her yet.

That night, [I] dreamt this haiku:

Sometimes, when you come
To these places we wake you,
Loan you loneliness

SOURCE: The New Diary, by Tristine Rainer, intro by Anaïs Nin, 1978, Penguin, p. 185. A guide to the techniques and transformative effects of journaling (dream or not)

LISTS AND LINKS: outsiders - embarrassment - loneliness - Japan - haiku - dream poems in general - more from The New Diary

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