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Bear Versus Chainsaw

Dreamed 2022/4/24 by Wayan

Night. My home. I'm sneaking through dark hall with a chainsaw, because it's the only weapon I have, and a grizzly bear has broken in--a bear notorious for home invasion and attacking humans who resist.

I'm not sure how to turn the chainsaw on. Smells electric not gas. Even if it's awkward to carry a live chainsaw and idling it will use up a little juice, I think I should push that big red button. At any second, I may need to threaten... or actually fight, if the bear attacks.

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

LISTS AND LINKS: nightmares - home - night - threats & bullies - bears - blades & claws - self-defense - politics - war - energy - digital dream art

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