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The Answer Floor

Dreamed 1985/2/16 by Wayan

I dream the Answer lives on Four;
My tower has just Three.
No Spelunk reveals the Way;
No easy Stair for me.

Whirlwinds in the Lobby
Dust-veil the carven Name.
I'm in estrange Establishment:
A Plane I've never Known.

Not sere Past, nor Mezzanine,
Nor my greener Goal.
Archive Four? What's it Conceal?
Tetrangular, my Soul.

A three-story tower with a ghostly fourth floor. Dream sketch by Wayan.


Jung had a famous dream of multifloor homes as images of the mind:

  1. A modern, well-lit ground floor, or conscious daily life; like the prefrontal lobe and its conscious value judgments
  2. A cluttered antique lower floor, his personal unconscious--old memories not present but summonable, like the memory-archives of the brain.
  3. A dark, cramped, archaic cellar, the collective unconscious--universal images & understandings hardwired into the species; structurally, like the cerebellum?
  4. A trapdoor to an archeological pit of skulls and bones: the animal heritage beneath all; our psychological brain stem?
But in my dream the floors go the other way, and seem to embody dreamwork itself.
  1. Daily life on the ground floor.
  2. Normal dreams giving an overview of daily life & testing solutions
  3. Great dreams, milestones in life, looking far beyond present concerns
  4. Level Four: spiritual visions, psychic dreams, shamanic responsibilities, what?
My dream warns I've been hitting the ceiling of Level 3, and need to go higher. For that, I first have to admit there is a Level 4. One not so easy to see from outside.


I'd been reading Emily Dickinson, I couldn't help writing the dream in her style.

LISTS AND LINKS: Jung's four types: sensate, feeling, thinking, intuitive - towers - ascent - secret/new rooms/floors - invisibility - frustration - psychic, lucid, shamanic, cledonic / transpersonal & transcendent dreams? dreamwork in general - dream poems - digital dream art

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