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Penguins Talk Only to...

Dreamed 1987/7/25 by Wayan

A cat noses open my bedroom door,
Hops on my bed. Just a pioneer.
For in sidle timid whispering deer,
Then puma mates, and a shambling bear.

Next, tromping heavily alone
(Even so, our floorboards groan)
A hippo who's too dour to talk.
Last? Here comes a penguin flock.

Turns out talking beasts have cliques:
Hippos won't acknowledge cats
And they disdain that clumsy bear
Who snorts at silly, timid deer.

The Great Chain of Disdain! And all
avoid the Penguins--for they snub all.
An absolute social line is drawn:
Penguins put down everyone!

To human readers it'll seem odd,
Given that comic waddle and tux--
Adorable dressed-up polar ducks--
But Penguins talk only to God.

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


LISTS AND LINKS: beds - animal people - social class & pecking order - deer, bear, big cats, pigs & hippos (yeah, my dreams lump 'em together) - birds - snotty penguins with nukes!: Razi & the Holy Wino of Shasta - dream humor, poems & pencil art

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