Mom Drives
Dreamed 1994? by Frances R. Storey
I'm in a car in the suburbs where I grew up. I'm driving this car to a highway call route 309. This highway leads to the Happy Valley Nursing Home. I am going to visit my mom.
I get there. Lots of flowers and stuff. The grass looks like really green Astroturf.
All of a sudden my mom is there. She's really, really old and is in a wheelchair. She is also blind. I think "how can this be my mom?" then I tell the nurse I'm taking Mom for a drive. Only, I insist that my mother get in on the driver's side. I want my blind mother to drive the car. She agrees. She starts the car.
We pull out into oncoming traffic. Mom has made a left turn and miscalculated. That's because she's blind. I see a large truck come rushing towards us.
Or was it a prediction of the future?
SOURCE: First Person: True Stories by Real People, a zine by Tracey West, (the Dream Issue, 1995), p.12-13
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