Archive, 2008
This page is an archive of dreams added to the World Dream Bank in 2008. Newest entries on top; but they may have been dreamt years ago! To search dreams by date, see the Timeline: 2020, 2019, 2018, etc.
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What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000+ dreams plus 1000 more pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
2008/12/21 Upload | |
THE DEVIL'S TRILL: by Giuseppe Tartini; c.1713, a musical inspiration dream. I sold my soul to the Devil. On an impulse, I handed him my fiddle. To my wonder, he played a sonata of exquisite beauty. When I woke I retained only echoes... |
O LA LA, WHAT A STRANGE DREAM: by Julie Doucet; 1989, a comic space sex dream Mom gave me cookies for my three-year solo spaceflight. Special cookies for both ends of me... CAUTION: NUDITY, BAD SEX ADVICE |
I WANT A SHILLING: Anonymous #4; c.1920?, a dream on the precise value of ideals I’m at a lecture on Art, Beauty and the Nude, but no one paid the model and he wants a drink... |
HELL HALL: by Anonymous #3; c.1920?, a dream of initiatory cannibalism A revival meeting goes bad--suicides, 'long pig', a hell-pit. If you sup with the devil, carry a long fork! |
HYPNOGOGIC ASSAULT: by Dr Simon Forman; 1559-63, recurring hypnogogic images. From age six on, Simon nightly climbs mountains and faces roaring floods in a sort of naptime bootcamp... |
LINCH-PIN: by George Stevens; c.1895? a frustrating psychic dream George sees a cart-crash pinning a friend. He yells to bystanders to free the wheel, but they can't hear him... |
HEART-SWING: by Havelock Ellis; c.1920? a dream-conversation with a heart A young woman and I swing one another into the air. I asked her to swing me more slowly and regularly... |
SELVDROLLA: by Havelock Ellis; before 1922, an ignored prescriptive dream A doctor tells Ellis to try "selvdrolla", but he's so focused on the strange name he forgets the prescription... |
ALBATROSS LOVE: by Havelock Ellis; c. 1880?, a dream of unrequited love An albatross with beautiful eyes transformed into a woman. But her nose remained a beak! She asked... |
MOLLUSCUM FIBROSUM: by Havelock Ellis; c. 1920? A surreal dream of... sex? medicine? A woman models an elegant gown baring her breasts. All five of them. Wait, those aren’t breasts, they’re... |
THE LOST RING: by Helen Fraser; 1924; an astral lost-and-found dream A friend in Heaven promises Helen a lost ring would return to her. Three days later it did; but its path had been strange... |
HALF PAST FOUR: by J.W. Dunne; 1899, a dream of clocks and time I say it's 4:30 PM; the waiter says 4:30 AM! I wake in the night to find my watch says 4:30, but it's stopped! I wind it, and next morning... |
LONDON TRAFFIC: by Gheury de Bray; between 1923-1938, a warning dream. De Bray dreamed a speeding car nearly hit him; a month later, he abruptly recognized the street from his dream and paused... |
FLAMING LEAVES: by Dr. Adele A. Gleason and John R. Joslyn; 1892/1/26, a shared dream. Adele: alone & scared in a dark wood--but her friend John came & shook a tree; it burst into flame! John, the same night: found Adele scared in a dark wood. Shook a bush & it burst into flame... |
A WORD DREAM: by Maude Meagher; before 1936, a wild word-association dream. I often dream of words forming on a page as their images dance around me. Here's an example... |
MR. PERCEVAL'S MURDER: by John Williams; 1812/5/2-3, a recurrent predictive dream. Thrice I saw the Chancellor of the Exchequer shot in the House of Commons. I nearly went to London... |
THE GREEN GODDESS: by William Archer; 1919/9/1, a playwriting-idea dream that paid off I was held hostage in India by courteous revolutionaries who avoided spelling out that we were soon to die... |
THE GIANTESS OF THVERA: by Viga-Glum Eijolfsson; early 940s?, a very public clairvoyant dream. Viga-Glum dreamt a giantess came to visit. "She is the spirit-guide of my grandfather in Norway. He is dead... |
A HAND AT CARDS: by Loomis C. Johnson; around Dec. 1916, a predictive dream. I dreamt of a surreal poker hand where one card changed to create a full house. Next weekend, I was losing when... |
GISLI THE OUTLAW: by Gisli the Outlaw of Iceland; 966-973, a series of at least ten life-saving dreams. Gisli had two spirit-wives who told him in dreams how to evade the bounty-hunters after him... for 13 years! |
LINES COMPOSED IN SLEEP: by Owen Meredith; before 1887; a Kubla-Khanlike poem-shard I dreamt an epic poem on a sinister ruined city now home only to reptiles. I woke with at least a hundred lines, but... |
SHOOT THE MIRROR!: by Sir Oliver Lodge; 1927/10/15, a dream of stagy twists A man frames his big brother, til their sister makes him shoot his own reflection. Neither one expects... |
A FACTORY FIRE: by J. W. Dunne; late 1903, a predictive nightmare. Dunne dreamt of a fire with smoke so toxic it killed people on a balcony in open air! Then came the evening newspaper... |
INGENIOUS ADVERTISEMENTS: by Elizabeth Kew; 1930s?, a cynical dream come true. My friend put an ad on her gown, so I try one on our house. I have big ideas for more, but a pickpocket... |
NAMELESS HAT: by Elizabeth Kew; 1930s?, a comic dream. Giant worms put me on trial for wearing a nameless hat, but I like their punishment so I taunt the judge... |
FLYING MACHINE: by George B. Burgin, c.1860 on, a recurrent flying dream When I'm stressed, I build a set of luna-moth wings and fly invisibly. Though once a blind man caught me by ear... |
STALAGMITE VALLEY: by Maude Meagher; 1902?-07, a recurring childhood dream. I found myself on a stone pillar in a valley. Invisible people sat on other stalagmites, but my voice didn’t reach... |
IRISES: by Frederic Mistral; 1834, a four-year-old's ecstatic dream That day Frederic, craving irises, fell in the water three times. At night he swam through an iris paradise... |
VICARIOUS ATONEMENT: by Anna Kingsford; 1880/1/31, an anti-shamanic dream Kingsford meets a girl who burns herself as a protest. K flips out! Rants instead of helps... CAUTION: RANT MIDWAY YOU'RE BETTER OFF SKIPPING |
THE GOLDENE BOOK OF VENUS: by Anna Kingsford; 1881/3/15-16, a poem read in two dreams Poem from a book on how love can save lives & souls, read in two dreams of a Renaissance astrologer's library... |
THE BLOOD OF CHRIST (BUT, MOM!): by Anna Kingsford; 1879/10/17, a doctrinal dream gets personal I say Christ’s “blood” is a metaphor for “spiritual perfection.” My mom says "You're killing me; please repent"... |
ORB: by Walter de la Mare; before 1939; a feverdream image I held the strangest and most entrancing object I have ever seen: the very citadel of life itself!... |
EAGLES IN LOVE WITH A SWAN: by Thorstein Egilson; c. 982 AD, a twenty-year predictive dream Before his daughter's even born, Thorstein dreams two eagles in love with a swan kill one another in rivalry over her... CAUTION: PATRIARCHAL BARBARIANS |
THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF AN ANT: by Walter de la Mare; 1920s, a tutelary dream. The book's first two pages showed an ant's awareness, then a human's wider grasp--both mere freckles on reality... |
DIVINE IMAGE, or, A VISION OF ADONAI: by Anna Kingsford, 1877/7/23, a waking vision Gazing at the moon, Anna finds herself touring the Solar System, meeting all the planetary guardians... CAUTION: MYSTICAL ECSTASY |
PRIMAVERA: by Walter de la Mare; 1920s, a dream persisting into day I dreamt the Goddess of Spring paraded by my house. I woke and leapt to my bedroom window, and there she was... |
THE SWAFFHAM TINKER: by John Chapman and a London shopkeeper; c.1454, two interlocked dreams Chapman dreams he must walk 100 miles to London Bridge; on the bridge, a stranger says "dreams are nonsense! Why, I dreamt of buried treasure 100 miles away, in some town called..." |
EAGLE AND GEESE: by Penelope of Ithaka; c.1240 BCE, a subliminal, self-interpreting dream I dreamt an eagle slaughtered my twenty geese. I wept until he spoke to me: "Take heart! I am thy husband..." |
JOSEPHUS, LET GO: by Josephus Flavius; c.65 CE, vague predictive dreams Resistance fighter Josephus, cornered, took a hard look at his prophetic dreams and decided to make peace... |
RAGNHILD'S TREE and HALFDAN'S CURLS: by Queen Ragnhild and King Halfdan of Norway; c.850 CE twin dreams predicting their children and nation will prosper. Ragnhild sees a lovely tree rooted in her pain and blood; Halfdan sleeps with pigs and dreams he has a great head of hair... CAUTION: KIDNAPPING, ARSON, GENERAL BARBARISM (check the date!) |
WOLVES IN THE BOOTH: by Thordhr "the Terror"; c.1000, a warning dream Thordhr dreams a pack of wolves attack him in a trade-booth! He wakes sure the trade-fair will be trouble... |
STEPHENSON AND BELL: by Matthew Talbot; 1768, a recurring predictive dream. A man in a blue coat on a white horse delivered papers from a nearby wrecked ship, signed Stephenson and... |
ODE TO PSYCHE: by John Keats; 1819, a poem based on a dream-encounter Keats met two winged lovers nesting in the woods: Eros and Psyche, the last Olympians, worshipless... |
HELL IS HEAVEN!: by John Keats; 1819, a happy scandalous dream I dreamt I was in the outermost circle of Dante's Hell, among condemned lovers, floating forever, in love, in bliss... |
DYING ONCE, DYING TWICE: by Walter de la Mare; c. 1920?, two dreams of death. My only chance of life and freedom is to leap. He raises the gun and fires. I'm flooded with a soundless explosion of light... |
BLACK PUPPETEER: by Anonymous #2; 1930s, an eerie dreamlet. My friend F. saw a child whose every move was controlled by a weird figure behind her... |
THE BOAT IS SINKING: by Mrs Griffiths; 1734/8/6, a recurrent warning dream Mrs Griffiths has the same nightmare three times before she asks her nephew to skip a fishing trip... |
COLLAR OF GOLD: a Welshman of Kemmeis District; 1170s? A recurring dream of treasure A rich man dreamt thrice that hidden in St Berner's Well near his house was a golden collar. He reached in and... CAUTION: OW |
THE FLYING HART: by King Charles VI; c.1390, a flying dream. King Charles loses a new hawk. But a winged deer lands, bows to him, and offers him a wild ride across France after his bird... |
THE CHAPARRAL OF TIME: by Wayan; 2008/10/21, a timetravel dream-poem: Dreamverse #36 I snorkel over time-reefs to an era of talking animals--but why crash on the head of rocker Suzi Quatro? |
ARROW OF FIRE: by Archbishop Anselm, King William Rufus & a monk, 1100/8/1, 3 predictive dreams Anselm dreams God orders King William's death by an arrow of fire; the King dreams his blood covers the sun. Waking, he mocks a third man's ominous dream, goes hunting, and dies bloodily at sunset, an arrow in his heart... |
THE DREAM: by Theodore Roethke; before 1958; a dream-poem? Or not? A mysterious night-encounter with a shapeshifting spiritwoman as elusive as Roethke’s poetry... |
SNOT-BIRD FORGERY!: a dream by Samuel Pepys, 1667/6/29, & a nightmare by Thomas Macaulay, c.1857 Samuel Pepys dreamt of kidneystones, pee, come, & snot--or did he? Thomas Macauley dreams his niece confesses... |
TWO POLLYS: by Lewis Carroll; 1879/5/15, a dream of psychological splitting. With no sense of incongruity, I planned to take the child Polly with me to the theatre, to see the grown-up Polly act... |
"LOOK IN THE WELL!": by Elizabeth Harcourt; 1777/9/15, an unheeded warning dream. Elizabeth tried to tell her dream, but her husband didn't listen. When his dad didn't show up for dinner, it was too late... |
DISEASE OF THE HEART: by Virginia Woolf; 1929/11/2, a false diagnostic dream--or is it? I dream I have just six months to live. I go through a dozen phases and moods, preparing for death... |
THE PEN: by Elector Frederick of Saxony; 1517/10/30, a predictive political dream. Frederick dreams a monk writes words on the door of Wittenburg’s church with a pen so big it pokes the Pope. The next day... |
MISCARRIAGE: by John Donne; 1612, a clairvoyant hallucination. Donne, in Paris, was alarmed by a vision of his wife holding a dead baby. At that hour, in England, his wife... |
I DIDN’T DIVE IN: by Herbert Read; before 1938, a dream-poem experiment. I watched her dive into the lake... and fail to come up. Her golden cloak floated on the water. I hesitated just a moment, and... |
REVELATION: by Anna Kingsford; 1885/11/27, a prophetic, almost messianic, dream. Dreams and other revelations shouldn't be dissected--they need to be reveiled, not revealed... CAUTION: INTENSE MYSTICISM |
QUOD VITAE: by Rene Descartes; 1619/11/11, three mystical dreams. In one night Descartes had three dreams convincing him he had to change the course of his life... |
THE BATTLE OF PHILIPPI: by Augustus Caesar's friend; 42 BCE, a lifesaving dream Augustus was ill, but a friend's dream prompted him to leave his tent before Brutus's assassins... |
A FLYING DREAM IN WAR-TIME: by Mary Arnold-Forster; Nov. 1914, a hyperrealist dream. I can always fly in my dreams, so the military command asks me to levitate across war-torn Belgium as a courier... |
CHANGING IDENTITIES: by Mary Arnold-Forster; 1910-14? a dream of alternating selves. I was the new girl among rich students, then an adult among snobs, then a girl again--always craving freedom... |
DEJA REVE: by Percy Bysshe Shelley; before 1810, a flash of a premonitory dream While walking in the country, a vista suddenly terrifies Shelley: he recognizes it from a dream years before... |
RIB-CRUSHER: by Robert Southey; 1823/10/5, a nightmare leaving traces I was in the grave. Worse, a living skeleton was trying to crush my ribs. Though terrified, I fought back, and... |
TWENTY OF ME: by Robert MacNish; before 1830. A dream of multiplicity. I possessed ubiquity: twenty of me, and each possessed by my same soul, so I could not say who I inhabited... |
EDITORS: by Gavin Ewart; late 1970s, recurring nightmares of censorship. My new editor starts rejecting my poems. My new new editor rewrites them for me. I feel lucky not to be arrested... |
A PROPHETIC DREAM: by William Archer; 1921/4/24, a quiet predictive dream naming names. A literary agent proposes a novelization offer from a writer I've barely heard of. Twelve weeks later... |
LIONS AND TIGERS: by William Archer's friend; before 1924, a zootheological dream. At the zoo, Archer's friend found the tigers caged but the lions roaming free. The reason? Lions fear hell, but tigers... |
MISSION TO MACEDONIA: by William Archer; 1919/7/6, a pseudo-psychic dream-within-a-dream. I'm offered a spy-mission to Macedonia, and recall I dreamt this last night--a prophetic dream! Then wake... |
PYLONS: by Louis MacNeice; Jan. 1940. A surreal political dream. I was on a steamer run amok, in a boiling yellow incredible sea out of which great pylons rose... |
CHE FANNO GLI INGLESI?: by William Archer; 1917/7/30, a senseless dream. To help the King of Italy, I become a baker in Baluchistan-- learning Norwegian, levitating, meeting quaggas, riding landslides... |
STOCKDEN'S MURDER: by Elizabeth Greenwood; Dec 1695-Jan 1696, six dreams solving a murder. Greenwood dreamt her murdered neighbor's ghost gave her tips helping her catch his three killers... |
JUST BEFORE 9/11: by Patti Viscardi; 6 AM 2001/9/11, a predictive nightmare I was on a plane... It was almost graceful, the plane actually entered the building before everything dissolved into flame... CAUTION: DEATH. DEATH TWICE. |
TORCH-BEARER: by Queen Hecuba of Troy; c. 1270 BCE, an alarming dream. Hecuba dreams she gives birth, not to a child but a flaming torch! But she lets Paris live... CAUTION: MORAL NO-WIN SITUATION |
GOBLET OF GOLD: by Sophocles, between 450-406 BCE; a detective dream. A huge gold cup was stolen from the Temple of Hercules. Sophocles thrice dreamt Hercules named the thief... |
CALPURNIA'S DREAM: by Calpurnia and her husband Julius Caesar; 44(BCE)/3/14, two warning dreams. The night before Caesar's assassination, he dreamed he flew above the clouds and met Jupiter; his wife Calpurnia dreamed he'd be stabbed, and begged him not to go out, but politics... |
SNAKES AND CENTIPEDES: by Russ Thornton; 2008/11/1, a shared/telepathic dream. Two snakes fight as centipedes emerge from under rocks. I tell my friend. Next day her co-worker tells her the same... |
WHOSE DREAM WAS IT?: by Wayan; 2008/10/18, a nested-dream poem, Dreamverse #35. I'm a Chinese kid fleeing the Japanese Occupation in 1938. As we near San Francisco, I wake to find it's all my dad's dream. Wait--he's alive again? But he was never a refugee. Is it a pastlife memory? If so, whose--his or mine? |
INVADE GREECE, OR ELSE!: by Xerxes I and his uncle Artabanus; 480 BCE, three linked, deceitful dreams. Xerxes twice dreams a god orders him to attack Greece. So he asks his uncle to dream of the god to confirm... |
PRAISE THE DANCING GOONS: by Wayan; 2008/10/16, a dream-poem: Dreamverse 34 Three big tap-dancing kidnappers is too many to fight. So I try admiring their kidnapping technique... |
SENTENCED TO CHEESE: by a Birmingham physician; early 1850s? a classic subliminal nightmare One night as I slept over a cheese shop, I dreamt I was trapped in a huge cheese, as a rat-horde gnawed... CAUTION: YOU ARE LUNCH |
SUN AND MOON: by Katherine Mansfield; 1918/2/9, a dream-story I dreamed a short story--even its title. Not that I read it. No, I lived it, through the eyes of a 5-year-old... |
SWORD IN MY BACK: by Franz Kafka; 1915/1/19, a surreal but un-Kafkaesque dream. I slept late and felt a bit stiff, but until my friends pulled it out of my neck I had no idea... |
SHELL AND STONE: by William Wordsworth; late 1840s, a dream of a new Great Flood An Arab shows me a stone he calls a book, and a prophetic shell that warns of a flood rushing toward us... |
DREAMS IN WAR TIME: by Amy Lowell; c. 1917, a chain of seven small dream-poems Terse dreamlets quietly catch World War I's effect. Faith died in the trenches... |
TERRIBLE HORSE: by Louise Bogan; 1941, poem of a healing dream A stallion reared to strike me. He was all the fear and rage I’d repressed... A woman said “offer him... |
TUCCOTINE: by William Archer; 1917/1/14, a tasteful dream. The innkeeper insisted I try a strange-looking liqueur, a house specialty called "Tuccotine"... |
YOUR TURN: by Julian Green; 1933/10/18, a surreal but fair-minded dream. I was nineteen again, riding my horse down a bad road in Virginia. After three hours, my horse spoke up... |
FALSE BOTTOM: by Edith Wharton; October 1913, a summing-up nightmare. Demons open a trunk full of the horrors I've faced this year, and lay them out, mocking me... but is that all? |
EBON EBON THALUD: by Samuel Coleridge; 1800/11/28, a nightmare struggle leaving physical traces. Ebon Ebon Thalud, a woman blended with darkness, tries to gouge out my right eye. I wake screaming. My right eyelid... |
ENTER, NERO!: by Emperor Nero; c. 58 CE, a series of guilty surreal nightmares. After murdering his mother, Nero dreams he's losing control: ships drift, statues chase him, and his own tomb says... |
OLD ADAM: by Robert Southey; 1804/12/7, a comic dreamlet. I meet the original Adam. He complains Eve neglects him, but he hopes to meet one of his cleverer descendants... |
CROCODILE KING: by Christina Rossetti; 1855/3/9, a weird dream-poem she may have faked. On the Euphrates, a monstrous crocodile eats all his kin. But when a winged ship appears, he feigns remorse... |
THE WORLD NEWS: by Nathaniel Hawthorne; 1843; a dream-job (and career advice?) I dreamt the world itself hired me, at a generous salary, to report its great affairs exactly as they happen... |
BUTTERFLY: by Zhuang-zi; 340-330 BCE?, a dream questioning identity. I dreamed I was a butterfly, fluttering about, content with my lot. Suddenly I awoke and was Chuang-tzu again... |
CREATING WINGS: by Robert Southey; 1805. Beauty to nightmare to flight. Saints and devils in a sunken statuary garden turn too real for comfort; so, creating my own wings, I fly... |
GARDEN OF SWORDS: by Louis MacNeice; 1937, a dream foreseeing World War II. I'm at a garden-party when They attack. I flee through a garden of swords, but a guard with a bayonet... |
THE THREE VEILS BETWEEN MAN AND GOD: by Anna Kingsford, March 1881, a messianic dream. I was shown what veils the God in us: Blood (violence), Idols (dogmatism), and the Curse of Eve (sexism)... CAUTION: FUNDAMENTALISTS (OF ANY FAITH) WILL SEE RED |
DONE FOR: by the Reverend Francis Kilvert; 1872/10/14, a nightmare within a nightmare I dreamt a friend poisoned me. I "woke" and slew him in fury. But guilt gnawed me. I confessed and was due to hang... CAUTION: NOT A CALM GUY |
THE LABORATORY UNDERGROUND: by Anna Kingsford; 1880/2/2; an animal-rights nightmare. I find myself in a vault with tables where half-dissected animals writhe. Hidden in each was a human shape... CAUTION: GRUESOME |
THE KEY TO HIS LIFE: by an English rebel's wife; 1745; a lifesaving oracular/psychic dream. Twice a condemned man's wife dreamt of a key lost in rubble below a wall. The second time she went out to find it... |
SIGNORINETTA: by Alfred Douglas; late May 1908, a predictive (and profitable) dream. I dreamt a grey filly won the Derby. My friend, a fan, said no fillies were racing this year; but he forgot one named... |
SIEGFRIED MUST DIE: by Carl Jung; 1913/12/18, an archetypal (and predictive?) dream. Jung and a little brown man shoot down Siegfried the German Hero, riding his chariot of bones. Wait... his what? CAUTION: GRIM |
COACH AND ARCH: by William Cavendish-Bentinck; 1901, a practical warning-dream. I dreamt the royal coach got stuck in an arch on the coronation route. Awake, I checked the heights of coach & arch... |
THE PHOENIX: by A.C. Benson; 1894. A dream-poem. I don't understand this poem's symbolism or even its style. It came to me whole, in a dream... |
CHESTERTON'S POUNCE: by William Archer; 1920/4/6, a literary nightmare G.K. Chesterton was a leopard, and he ambushed George Bernard Shaw... Oh, the blood! Why didn't I intervene? |
ROBERT’S PLAN: by William Blake; late 1788; an advisory dream... Blake was broke. Couldn’t typeset Songs of Innocence and Experience. But in a dream, his brother advised him... |
2008/11/4 Upload | |
BROKE LIKE GLASS: by Katherine Mansfield; 1919/12/15, a warning-dream. A long terrible shiver, and my whole body broke like glass. I may live months, but in that dream I died... |
TOASTING FORK: by Charles Dickens, August 1843, a surreal tragicomic dream. A gentleman clad but in a sheet notified me that an old friend had died of a terrible disease. What disease? Well... |
TO KEEP HIM COMPANY: by Robert Southey; 1806/1/23; a Wertheresque suicide dream-comedy My German friend resolved to commit suicide, so I agreed to poison myself to keep him company... |
WHITE-FACED: by John A. Symonds; 1861/7/3, a mutation nightmare My face was leprous white like parchment; my eyes shone with a cold blue eerie light. I shrieked "Papa, don't you know me?"... |
HE LOOKED SOURLY: by John Dee; 1582/11/24, a mage's dream of dying, and after. The foremost wizard of Shakespeare's age dreams he's dead. They're burning his books, but that doesn't bother him... |
THE VISION: by Robert Herrick; 1648, an eroti-political dream poem I dreamt Anacreon the poet reeled with drink and lust--and I am wild and wanton like to him... |
BOGNOR MARRIAGE: by Thomas Hood; 1825; a newlywed nightmare I found a honeymoon cottage by the sea, and the old landlady gave me a very reasonable rate. Everything was fine... |
DRAMA IS HELL!: by Thomas Hood; 1824?; a comic nightmare When my first play failed, I tried to console myself by reading Paradise Lost. But drama and devils don't mix... |
THE WILD HUNT: by Carl Jung; Sept. 1922, a clairvoyant dream hinting what death is A huge wolfhound tore past me. My blood froze. The Wild Hunt was carrying off a soul... |
THE NIGHT DREAM: by Archibald MacLeish; c.1930, a dream poem. A joyous day with a strange woman who seems not to be his wife, until he touches her hand and knows... |
BOTH MOURN, BOTH DIE: by "J.H., Esquire", 1694/12/9, a double premonitory dream J.H. dreamt both his mother and Queen Mary appeared in mourning. Within days, both were dying... |
JACK OF GREATNESS: by Mistress Abbot of Guilford; 1562; a predictive, pregnancy-craving dream. Mistress Abbot dreams if she eats a jackfish her child will be great. Next morning one swims into her waterbucket... |
A DIFFICULT PATH: by Anna Kingsford; 1877/11/3, an advisory dream. I lead my daughter up a thorny path; she’s getting scratched. She'd rather stay in that fishing village below... |
YEW: by Mrs. Cl. of S.; 1670 or 71; a risky dream-prescription. In a dream, a dead friend told Mrs. Cl. how to cure her daughter's chronic illness: the yew tree. But yew is toxic... |
TREASURE UNDER STONE, or, OOPS: by Daniel Healy; Jan. 1774, a recurring dream of treasure Daniel thrice dreamt of money hidden under a great stone in a nearby field. He dug and found a surprise... CAUTION: IRISH HUMOR |
CRUSHED BY NETLEY ABBEY: by a Mr Taylor; 1704? A warning dream. A carpenter demolishes a ruined abbey despite dreams he’ll be crushed by stones falling from a window... |
REMARKABLE: by Joseph Wilkins; 1754, an out-of-body dream Wilkins visits his parents in a dream. Only they think he's a ghost, and panic--in the real world... |
THE AXE OF DEATH: by Catherine McDiarmid Paton; c. 1830, a grisly predictive nightmare. She dreamt Death attacked her but her youngest kids bravely fought back--and died. 3 months later... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
THE ADMIRAL'S DEATH: by Mary Deane; 1653/6/2, a clairvoyant warning dream. The wife of Admiral Richard Deane dreamt how he died two days before the news arrived... |
HIDE THE LIST!: by Anonymous; c. 1550, a recurrent warning dream. A London Protestant dreamed Bloody Mary would find the congregation's member-list and burn them all... |
SAINT HELENA: by Edmund Halley; 1676, a predictive dream. Astronomer Edmund Halley had dreamed of sailing to St Helena in the South Atlantic, but until he arrived hr didn’t realize how accurate his dreams had been... |
GUNNHILDR’S BIRTH DREAM: by Gunnhildr; c. 1150, a surreal predictive dream. I dreamt I gave birth to a white-hot stone shedding sparks. Most folk would find my son strange... |
D, D, D: by Wayan; 1988/2/1, trance-poem during automatic writing (done to rewire my brain) I always wrote some letters strangely--my 'd' was nearly illegible. So I set out to retrain my deep motor skills... |
THE DREAM: by John Hollander; spring 1974; a painful dream-poem I find my lover sharing our secret joke with another. But I already knew I'd lost her! Why'd my dream salt the wound? |
DREAM DANCE: by Allan Goldhammer, 2004-6; a dream-poem A high place at night. The lights of a great city below. I step off into the air, and dance... |
THE TRAIN: by John Hollander; spring 1974; a poem based on a shared dream A couple slips in and out of sleep, dreams, one another's bodies and dreamworlds, trying to connect... CAUTION: FREUDIAN SYMBOLISM, LITERATE WRITING |
THE ARMY ORGY: by Charles Scoy; late Sept. 2008, a recurrent nightmare that changed An Army nightmare suddenly changes--my enemy kisses me, & we start doing every kind of sex... CAUTION: GAYS IN THE ARMY? DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL! |
MY MOTHER'S CLOSET: by Rachel Hadas, c. 2000; a dream-poem provoking a 2008/9/16 dream by Chris Wayan I was in my mother's closet, trying on her outfits, and trapped in Hamlet, too... |
AFTER HE DIED: by Jane O. Wayne, 1990?, a dream-poem fragment After he died, I dreamed that the phone rang and when I said "Hello"... |
MY POETIC LICENSE: by Wayan; 2008/10/5, a self-referencing dream poem; Dreamverse #33 Renewing one's life has its costs. What if you can't pay the price? A dreamlet of warning and shame... |
CREEPINESS: by Scottopic; 2001/11/30. A hypnogogic nightmare. I'm in bed sleepily petting my cat, when I see my cat across the room! What's on my legs? It's big. My cat chases it off... through the wall? My room is sealed. Where did it come from, where did it go?... |
GOLD EGG: by James Russell Lowell: 1850s? a dream-poem I dreamt a couple toss out a shabby old hen. But it lays golden eggs! She becomes an eagle and carries me off to... |
REGEANA’S DRAGON: by Regeana; 1996/3/9, a dream of generosity The jewels in the hoard had strange powers, but the advice of the dragon guarding them was even stranger... |
OH, WAIT: by Wayan; 2008/10/3, an illustrated dream poem; Dreamverse #32 I'm a spy tracking down coinlike bombs. Fighting a double agent, I fall in love! So I suggest her gang rob golden-parachute bankers... CAUTION: POOLSIDE SEX |
DREAM OF A DREAM OF NIGHT: by Robert Watson; 1960s, a dream-poem The goddess of Night is in love with me, but I'm married, and tired, and just full of excuses... |
THE SMILING SHAW MACHINE: by W.B. Yeats; 1894/4/19, a nightmare about popular success. After Shaw's Arms and the Man eclipsed my own play The Land of Heart's Desire, I dreamt I was haunted by... |
CALIBAN IN ENGLAND: by Theodore Weiss; 1966 or 67; a dream-play never written As I wrote a poem on Caliban, I dreamt I was him: taken to Shakespeare's England, shown as a freak, I must escape to save Miranda and Prospero from assassins... |
CYCLES AGO: dream by Maud Gonne, poem by WB Yeats; late July 1891, a dream-poem We were as if brother and sister of old in the desert land; they sold us in slavery together before this life had begun... |
THREE DREAMS: by Robley Wilson; July 4, 1975?; a dream-poem Dead fish in a poisoned stream, dead kittens in a pit... and advice from the woman who revives them with a touch. |
HAMM: by Wayan; 2008/9/26, a dream poem; Dreamverse #31 A lecturer tries to help the homeless founder of Hamm's Beer, robbed by bankers. But the talk may harm more than help... |
THEY FEED THEY LION: by Philip Levine; summer 1968; a poem from two dreams A workmate said "They feed they lion"; two dreams later, the poem emerged as you see it... CAUTION: POLITICAL RAGE, SURREALISM |
THE THIRTIES REVISITED: by Maxine Kumin; late 1970s; a dream-poem Dreams of my childhood--bootlegger dad, critical mom, gun- happy uncles, slaughtered squirrels, slaughtered Jews... |
HOW TO SURVIVE NUCLEAR WAR: by Maxine Kumin; early 1980s, a dream poem. In Japan, sick in bed, reading a book on radiation sickness, I dream of a restorative ritual for trees... CAUTION: GRUESOME |
INDUSTRY'S SHORE: by Wayan; 2008/9/24, a dream poem; Dreamverse #30 In the hills above a polluted shore, I find hidden valleys with huge rare trees, and realize it's my choice... |
2008/9/22 Upload | |
THE LONGING TO BE SAVED: by Maxine Kumin; 1980? a poem based on recurring nightmares I save our horses from a fire, but they run back in. Then it's my family I must save from themselves. At last, it's my turn... |
THE INCEST DREAM: by Maxine Kumin; 1979? a dream-poem As my brother was dying, I had a series of vivid premonitory dreams about him. But I was unprepared for... |
STEAMROLLER: by Richard Wilbur, late 20th Century; an embarrassing dream. As the steamroller flattened me I became quite a lovely stained-glass window... |
KING KONG CRAB: by Wayan; 2008/9/20, a dream poem; Dreamverse #29 One wizardry-classmate summons strange beings; another's learned how not to. Because some things need to be dealt with alone, where they can't harm...... |
ETNA-SHASTA, or, GROOM YOUR OWN FEATHERS: by Wayan; 2008/9/18, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #28 On a volcano's rim, watching the lava fountains, I interview a huge blue alien bird who never planned to be a monk... |
THE MOOMIN COMMISSIONERS OF TIME: by Wayan; 2008/9/17, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #27 A new Eve asks the Time Commission to send her and her baby back to Ethiopia 45,000 years ago. But they're shy Moomintrolls, not humans... |
2008/9/16 Upload | |
TO THE SNAKE: by Denise Levertov; 1959?; a short dream-poem I loved the feel of the green snake, and reassured my friends it wasn't poisonous, but really... |
BIRDS ON FIRE: by Wayan; 2008/9/15, a political dream-poem, Dreamverse #26 George Bush leads a hill-tribe raid against the hill-tribe led by Osama bin Laden... and I'm stuck between... CAUTION: ANTI-HEROES, POLITICAL PREDICTION |
AIRACUDA: by Wayan; 2008/9/9, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #25 The jeweled fish over San Francisco grew and grew until it landed and the crew told me the secret code... |
INVOKE THE ANIMAL POWERS (or was it PROVOKE?): by Wayan; 2008/9/9, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #24 A children's recital of "Where the Wild Things Are" turns into a riot-orgy. And it feels... political? CAUTION: WILD THING ORGY |
SMALL MIRACLES: by Wayan; 2008/9/7, two dream-poems (Tiny Scientists and Barberry); Dreamverse #23 Things start materializing in my house: first three tiny naked scientists, then a huge impossible fruit... CAUTION: NUDE SCIENTISTS |
BLUEBEARD DRAG: by Wayan; 2008/9/5, a creepy dream-poem, Dreamverse #22 On the waterfront, I meet a seductive girl. Well, guy. Well, serial killer. Um, I think I'll leave now... CAUTION: HOMOPHOBIA OR SURVIVAL INSTINCT? |
THE WELL: by Denise Levertov; 1960?; a dream-poem I meet my own muse--the muse of all of us, perhaps--scooping water from a sacred well... |
BARN BURNING: by Denise Levertov; 1929?; a childhood nightmare I'm in a barn full of peaceful animals lit by a golden glow. And then they all blacken, crinkle, and corrugate like burnt paper... |
INCEST IMPROV: by Wayan; 2005/6/13, a flying-dream poem, Dreamverse #21 Improv-dancing with my sister, I get turned on. But then a repressed Asian girl joins our dance, and... CAUTION: INCEST MENTIONED. OOPS, TOO LATE. |
DON'T YOU HEAR THAT WHISTLE BLOWIN...: by Denise Levertov; 1974/9/6; a dream poem 4 AM. A train wakes us all. We watch it pass, thinking of lost friends. And then I wake again to find... |
SORB TRUCE: by Wayan; 2008/9/1, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #20 In a desert crawling with aliens who can absorb your mind, I propose a truce, and gain... |
TIME-BUBBLE: by Wayan; 2008/9/1, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #19 In a city crawling across a marshy world, I find a detonating bomb frozen in a time-ball. Why not detonate it somewhere harmless, why carry this around? |
A PILGRIM DREAMING: by Denise Levertov; 1977? a dream poem A man I loved goes into the Jungian depths, but when his anima appears in the mirror-pool, his nerve fails... |
ANCIENT MARE-KIN GRAVEYARD: by Wayan; 2008/9/1, a dreamsong (MP3+lyrics), Dreamverse #18 I'm a ghost watching future archeologists dig up a site of my people--and get it so wrong... |
FLIGHT: by Denise Levertov; 1945; a dream poem I meet William Blake! He says "The will is given us that we may know the delights of surrender." While in my bedroom... |
FETAL PAUSE: by Wayan; 2008/8/31, a nightmare-poem, Dreamverse #17 As I write a sad sex dream, a madman curls up fetally in the road outside my window. I'm slow to call 9-1-1, and... |
LOST ANT: by William Blake; late 1780s; a dream-poem, one of his Songs of Innocence A glowworm and nightwatch beetle help out a lost crying ant-woman. It's not always a bug-eat-bug world... |
THE ANGEL: by William Blake; early 1790s; a gender-bending dream-poem Blake dreams he's a young queen with an uneasy relationship to her guardian angel... |
CUTENESS PAGEANT: by Wayan; 2008/8/29, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #16. I'm trapped in a cute cartoon universe! Worse, to judge this beauty contest, I have to see past our style to our souls... |
2008/8/29 Upload | |
ANNE SEXTON: by J.D. McClatchy; 1974/10/4, a predictive dream. I dreamt my friend Anne Sexton's death was on the news. I woke, the phone rang, and I learned she'd... CAUTION: SUICIDE |
CELLPHONE HEAVEN: by Alder, 2008/8/28, a dream of practical sainthood I visit a Tibetan monastery with great cellphone reception from the gods. But all their calls are messages to pass on to others--none for us... |
JAMES MERRILL REMEMBERED: by Rachel Hadas; around May 1995; two dream-poems Soon after my friend and mentor James Merrill died, I had recurring, elusive dreams about him... |
AROUND LAKE ERIE AND ACROSS THE HUDSON: by Rachel Hadas; 1997?, a dream-poem. My dead friend Charlie and his sister and I are driving around Lake Erie. We know it’s a dream and he’s dead, and yet we’re joyous... |
LARRY'S MULTIVERSE: by Wayan; 2008/2/16, a dream poem, Dreamverse #14 My shamanic teacher lures me into a labyrinth ruled by wizards whose magic-monopoly's about to fall... |
MANDALA OF THE EIGHT DREAMERS: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2007/9/16, painting of a group's dreams Our dream-group's dreams had a lot of imagery in common: circles, groups, meditation. I fused them into this piece... |
KISS THE CATS: by Wayan; 2008/8/23, a dream poem, Dreamverse #13 I have to kiss a mess of cats. Fishy, but I'm not chicken. My real beef is with the humans watching... |
SLEEPERS ALL: by Wayan; 2008/8/22, a dream poem, Dreamverse #12 I dream I'm an insomniac trapped in a flat full of snoring writers and reporters. Wait a minute... |
SURF THE SAN ANDREAS: by Wayan; 2008/8/21, 3 short dreampoems, Dreamverse #11 Through twin gates of dream--not ivory and horn any more, but fear and trust... Three castles on the sea: a Mock Kremlin, a Ship of Toiletpaper, and a Ship of Brick and Beer... A mad old surfer of the San Andreas Fault, impossibly riding earth-change... |
NOT OUR HAWAI'I: by Wayan; 2008/8/20, a dream poem; Dreamverse #10 My sister & I swim round a weirdly shrunken Pacific. Near Fiji, we blunder too close to the drain... |
JELLY REBELLION: by Wayan; 2008/8/19, a poem of a diagnostic dream, Dreamverse #9 I interview my own metabolism. Trouble in Cellville! I've got strikers and usurpers. But at least no invaders... |
UNCERTAIN ONEIROMANCY: by Denise Levertov; 1993? a dream poem I led a blind man through a vast art museum underground. But guiding him, I too was blind to the beauty... |
DAD'S DATES: by Wayan; 2008/8/17, a dream poem, Dreamverse #8. After my mom's death, my dad starts dating again, while I hide out and wince. Can't I do anything positive? |
CROC BOY: by Wayan; 2008/8/17, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #7. I visit a witch-smeller, who judges apprentice shamans. But when a boy dreams he's a crocodile, she freaks out... |
2008/8/17 Upload | |
ANIMAL HEAVEN: by Wayan; 2008/8/16, an astral dream-poem; Dreamverse #6. At a party in Animal Heaven, I fall for a rabbit-girl doomed to be human dinner. But how can I rescue her? I'm Fate's part-time intern! CAUTION: BREASTS, BEASTS, INCOMPETENT ANGEL OF DEATH |
12 SWALLOWS, 700 DAUGHTERS: by Wayan; 1972/10/14, a dream poem on compassion; Dreamverse #5 Alchemy demands I kill ten swallows. I refuse! Instead, twelve birds and I fuse and fly over a magic wood... |
A DREAM SESTINA: by Donald Justice, late 1950s? A nightmare-poem. "But what is wrong with my friends' faces? Why have they changed that way to wood?" |
THE DOCTOR KILLS A TERN: by Wayan; 1988/9/24. A dream poem, Dreamverse #4 Dr Who kills his best friend, a huge white tern, on a whim. Furious, I demand a rewrite... CAUTION: WANTON MURDER |
SHY NO MORE: by Wayan; 2008/8/13. A dream poem, Dreamverse #3 I play the lovers in a teen romance: shy abused boy, insecure girl. But I get tired of the script, and... CAUTION: LANGUAGE |
2008/8/13 Upload | |
FOX-MOTHER: by Wayan; 2008/8/12, a dream poem; Dreamverse #2. The goddess of the Cult of Clutter catches a little thief, and tastes her to see if she’s worthy... |
LEMON PEOPLE: by Wayan; 2008/8/11, a dream poem; Dreamverse #1. A dream-fable of lemons who are really orange-people infected by a spore turns out to be about me... |
AFTER A LONG ILLNESS: by Nicholas Christopher; summer 1990?, a dream poem After I flew from New York to Hawaii, a surreal dream of a floating man reeled in like a kite... |
FIRST IMPRESSIONS: by Wayan; 2004/5/20, a dreamsong (MP3+lyrics); Dreamverse #0 I meet a monster--half earthworm, half giraffe. Then I realize she’s kind of cute... |
NOW WE ARE 48: by Laurel Blossom, 1991; a dream-poem of a rescue. At the beach I dive into deep water to save my drowning friend Kathy, and find it’s not so clear who’s who... |
HAENA TWILIT COVE: by Wayan; 1984/10/31, a predictive dream. Landing in Hawaii, I dream of a magical twilit cove I must swim across. The eve of leaving, there it is... |
FREUD WAS SOME WRONG ABOUT DREAMS, and THE AUTUMN BREEZE: by John Berryman; ca. 1967. After a year of intense dreamwork, Berryman rejects Freud and accepts open-ended dreaming, and writes Dream Songs... CAUTION: SIXTIES STONER REBELLING AGAINST SPELLING... and grammar... and punctuation... |
LITTLE BAD DREAM CHARM: by Kathy Fagan; 2001? A slip-filled dream-poem Half asleep, I scrawl a nightmare of trying to rescue gasping boyfish, but my dreamwriting goes wrong too... |
EVIL ARCHY: by Wayan; April 2008; a non-dream poem in terze rima Money, power, race and gender stifle my working friends less than hierarchical structures... |
BRIDGE, MOON, PROFESSOR, SHOES: by Dorothea Tanning; 2003? Poem of a flying dream The moon invites me to go flying, but I get tired of magic and just want to go shopping... |
PURSUED, I RAN INTO THE BARN: by Dorothea Tanning; 2003? A nightmare-poem A monster's out to eat my dog--and maybe me. We get cornered in the barn... |
GROUND ZERO: by Al Davison; 2001/9/9, a predictive dream-comic. Two days before 9/11, I dream I'm a child at ground zero, mourning the devastation--and witnessing rebirth. |
DON'T SHOOT THE IBEX: by Jane Doe; 2005/8/9, a hunting dream. My hunting license won’t let me legally shoot a giraffe or ibex, but I do bag a prime Macy’s salesman... CAUTION: LICENSE TO KILL |
LOUSE: by Wayan; ink, 1982/5/21: an embarrassing true story. Getting rid of lice was easy. Harder was quelling the gossip and rumors from my co-workers and boss... CAUTION: A LOUSE OF A BOSS |
2008/7/7 Upload | |
THE MERMAID TOW: by Wayan; 1994/2/17, a rescue-fantasy dream. I rescue some drowning kids by turning into a mermaid, but towing one girl has an unexpected effect... |
FLUID DREAM CONNECTIONS: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2003/11/8 and 2007/3/14; linked dreams of pods A pod of whales in the sky and a circle of children dressed like seed-pods both beg me to interpret them... |
GOAT WITH A HUMAN HEAD: by Steve Carter, 2008/7/12; a dream image. Walking around my brother's farm, I met this goat with a human head. He'd been playing with matches... |
THE WOODRING LAYER: by Wayan; 2008/7/7. A dream questioning art's job. Great towers rise into a fog zone--or is it another world with other rules? And how to draw both levels? |
KINDERTOTENLIEDER: by Oliver Sacks; 1974, a musical dream I dream of German dirges I don't know. I hum them for a friend, who shocks me by asking "Have you abandoned any children, or burned a manuscript?" Right on both counts... |
BORN IN A CAVE: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2007/4/20 to 2007/8/9, a painted series of rite-of-passage dreams. I keep dreaming of awkward but successful transitions into new life, and paint them all in one landscape... |
CITY OF BEES: by Wayan; 1994/8/2, a diagnostic dream-comic. A bee-doctor in the city of Propolopolis diagnoses me as having a rare syndrome, Ambition Denied... |
A GAMER'S DREAM: by Mark Nelson; 2002/3/5; A collage of real-world events brought into dreams
I face a barrage of deadly challenges out of every action film I've seen and every game I've ever played... |
FIRST LADY: by Alder; 2008/7/2, a possibly psychic dream-within-a-dream. I'm the First Lady. I have a dream that my husband's assassinated, and wake and try to warn him... |
WHO IS OUTSIDE MY WINDOW?: by Krista G.; 2008/6/25, a recurrent false-waking dream. Someone's prowling outside my window. I'm paralyzed in bed, but I force myself into action... |
SPECKLED EGGS: by Starvibes; 2008/6/16, a dream of intrigue. I dreamed of speckled eggs, Caribbean drug traffickers and of almost drowning near a sinking boat... |
AWK!: by Wayan; 1988?, a trance drawing of a body state When I met someone attractive, my head flamed, burning my body like a wax candle... |
THE REAL MAO: by Wayan; 2006/7/9 and 7/11: two dreams (one possibly psychic) about an appalling book Jung Chang’s exposé of Mao's brutal deeds and legacy provoke dreams of leaders who don't listen--till I scream... |
2008/6/13 Upload | |
MANSON'S CAGE: by Wayan; 1992/9/10, a nightmare. At the end of my long, tiresome tour of Hell, it's feeding time in the cage of the Manson cult... CAUTION: SO MEAT REALLY IS MURDER! |
WING IT: by Wayan, 1995/12/29-1996/2/14, a 9-page improv comic. An art experiment--the only rule is DRAW without preconceptions-- no models, no ideas, no plans, not even dreams. Drawing from the void! |
DREAMWORK IN A DECADENT AGE: by Wayan; 1997/11/19, a short essay Sprague De Camp says religions seduce us with emotional comfort. But is dreamwork religion or science? |
GALLERY GAWKERS: by Wayan; 2003-5; sketches of San Francisco characters
For two years, I sat at the desk in our co-op gallery, and secretly sketched our bewildered, art-assaulted customers... |
A CRAIGSLIST BARGAIN: by Wayan; 2006/10/1. A dream of another life; possible ESP. I’m an Asian kid in Pacifica, California. My parents annoy me, so I offer them for sale on Craigslist. A cop appears... |
DINAH'S ADVICE: by Wayan; 2007/4/14, a false-waking advisory frustration dream I struggle to write down a bizarre dream clearly and simply, but both pens and paper have mutated. Then a child prodigy explains “dreams don’t always want to be linear”... |
WHILE THE MEN WERE HUNTING by Wayan, 1981/11/3; a crayon-ink-Xerox art-prayer. In cave times, while the men were all out hunting, it was the women who learned to paint the cave walls to summon... |
FRAMED!: by Wayan; 2006/10/18, a political nightmare. To fight the drug trade, cute little blonde cops plant packets on men in the park. And when I resist... CAUTION: BAD COPS |
CHOREOGRAPHY: by Wayan; 2006/9/7, a nightmare of murder in plain sight. At a beach, a mob of kids stage an intricate practical joke full of coordinated “accidents.” How many of the jokers knew the end was death? CAUTION: MALICE |
FALL OF A PRINCE: by Wayan; 2006/11/17, a dream on the ethics of prophecy A time-traveling historian's caught in a moral dilemma: warn an ancient prince that in her history books he died of a fall? Can you change fate? Should you?? |
DIRECT ACTION SAVES THE SHIP: by Alder; 2006/11/5; a dream-fable with instant replay. A bomb's planted on our ship! But when a teen finds it, rather than fetch a responsible adult... |
IS THE DREAMWORLD ROUND?: by Wayan; 2006/7/5; a dream about dreamwork Dreamworlders, exploring our waking world, tell me of their home. Their known dreamworld is just a one little patch on a huge unknown globe... |
LIFE FORCE: by Patagia; 2006/8/9 & 8/31, three career-advice dreamlets Out of a Campbell's soup can poured life force: someone's last breath... |
STREAMLINING: by Wayan; 2004/11/10, a dream within a dream I dream I'm an otter, and wake into a dream about sculpture--and learn my style's due to my species... |
LYR: by Wayan; 7MB, 2005, 80 pages w/200+ drawings and maps; a virtual planet A vast sea-world with 7 times Earth's mass, whose isles are home to at least 19 intelligent species... CAUTION: CUTE ALIENS, WEIRD SEX CUSTOMS, GODLESS EVOLUTION! |
BARN OWL FUSION: by Patagia; 2006/3/9, linked transformation and flying dreams An owl flew at me, and I fused with it. The next thing I knew, I was a redtail hawk... |
RAGS TO RICHES: A FIGHT FOR LOVE: by Hyal; October 2006, a dream of courage. I was just a street rat, but I danced with the princess at a ball, and fell in love. Three rich suitors pulled their blades... |
THE DREAM TO LAST YEARS: by Elizabeth Church; 2004? to March 2008; repeated meetings with a guardian--in dreams & out! For five years now I've been dreaming of this guy. Many dreams, same guy... |
A FINAL GOODBYE: by Justin Hall; dreamed summer 2001, drawn 2003; comic of a lucid dream on closure. I found myself in a cafe in Amsterdam--or was it Sevilla?--with Kevin, who I knew was dead... CAUTION: GRIEF |
SYNCHRONIZED WATCHES: by Andrea McFarland; late 1998, a psychic warning dream. I dream my watch is way off and I'll be late. When I wake, I check my daughter's watch. They agree. Can't BOTH be wrong... can they? |
THAR SHE BLOWS!: by Madeline; 2008/3/27, a pirate mermaid shipwreck sex dream. On the run I meet a lycan, a pirate, and a mermaid. She causes a flood, and something floats by I just have to grab... CAUTION: INTERRUPTED SEX |
BACKWARDS CAUSATION: by Jo; 2008/3/3, a dream where I dream a dream in which I dream No matter who I dream I am, twin secret agents dog me, eating my soup, playing my games... CAUTION: PHILOSOPHY! |
2008/3/24 Upload | |
HUNT AND PECK: by Patagia; 1997/6/16, a dream on the creative non-struggle. I’m a brown sparrow scratching in the dirt, looking for bugs. Focused, tireless, I hunt and peck... |
SUDDEN DEATH: by Cory; 2008/3/1 to 2008/3/14, a series of dreams on a friend’s suicide. I’ve had premonitory dreams of friends’ deaths, but never ones clear enough to spur action... |
PRISONS AND STRIPES: by Emily Joy; 2007/10/4, a lucid dream. In a museum full of spacetime-bubbles holding lost souls, the museum-goers are as weird as the exhibits... |
LION EYES: by Patagia; 2007/11/??, a serious dream-prank. Lions trap me in an African cave with only coffee, paper and pens! Is this what it takes to get me to write? |
HILLARY AND TEAL: by "A 24-Year-Old Californian Woman"; around 2008/2/28, an absurd political dream Hillary Clinton hid her cancer, but the GOP found out. So a monster kidnaps Rainbow Brite, and... |
A CLINTONIAN AFFAIR: by “Kate”; 2008/2/18, a dream of strange political bedfellows indeed Hillary Clinton and George W. Bush were having a secret love affair, and I was sharing their bed... |
HILLARY’S EYES: by Margaux Williamson; February 2008, a political romance dream Hillary Clinton was trying to seduce me, and doing a pretty good job, too... |
“JUST A FEW MORE YEARS!”: by Wayan; 2008/1/2, a nightmare on the coming crash I found myself defending humanity before an astral jury, begging them to delay the great die-back... |
AGASSIZ’S FISH: by Louis Agassiz, ca. 1840: subliminal, psychic, or just a great guess? Agassiz, faced with a fossil he had to crack open, was unsure where to strike. But for three nights he dreamed... |
LA BELLE DAME SANS MERCI: by John Keats, April 1819, a sexy nightmare poem A knight falls in love with a fey woman, until her previous victims warn him in a nightmare that she is... CAUTION: GOTH TO THE MAX |
TRUE LOVE = CHOICE! by Ms. Mira; Jan. 2008, a dream-lesson on compassion and free will. I'm on an alien world inside the minds of two women and a child struggling with moral choices in a civil war... CAUTION: DEATH, LOSS |
TRAVEL: by "SchlofM"; 2008/2/10, a dream about protection I'm on a trip to who knows where, with my young-again mom, my dead dad, and--who's that guy? |
THE MUSICAL AMOEBA, by Hermester Barrington, spring 1979, a predictive musical dream I'm hiking through the Catskills when a gigantic amoeba comes slipping over the hills... |
YESTERDAY: by Paul McCartney; c. March 1965, a dream-song. "I liked the melody a lot, but because I'd dreamed it, I couldn't believe I'd written it..." |
TARTAN ACID SPIDER TORPEDO: by "Thomas Mountain"; 2008/1/31, a cliffhanger dream. I get speared by Irish warriors, slipped an LSD dose, chased by giant spiders, torpedoed--hey, I'm not bored! |
HOP: by Emily Joy, Maddie, and Kathe, 2004/3/31; three linked dreams of a single character Three friends in one bed dream three dreams in one night about a talking rabbit with a persistent request... |
KEKULE: by Friedrich Kekulé, 1858 & 1865, two problem-solving dreams. Kekule dreamed solutions to the thorniest structural chemistry problems of his era not once but twice... |
LOEWI'S NOBEL DREAM: by Otto Loewi, 1920, a dream that led to a Nobel prize. Loewi thought nerve impulses were transmitted chemically, not electrically. But he couldn't prove it, until one night... |
THE OUTSIDERS: by Grady Towers; 1987, article on genius. Towers, before he was killed, argued Terman was wrong: geniuses are often isolated and maladjusted... CAUTION: UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS |
ALICE'S POEM: by Lewis Carroll; 1872, a poem on dreams Are dreams really so ephemeral? Lewis Carroll, who built the Alice books from dream-shards, wasn't so sure... |
THE SHRINKING POPE: by Sorcha; 2005/4/1, a Jane Bond dream I'm the only one who can stop the plot to kill the Pope--but if he keeps shrinking like that, will it matter? CAUTION: RECOVERING CATHOLIC |
2008/2/6 Upload | |
PEGGY'S CAKE: by Jenny Badger Sultan; l998/10/26 , a nightmare plus surrealist painting. At a party I meet a friend I thought was dead. She's become a small talking rabbit made of cake, and I... CAUTION: UGH |
REQUIEM FOR GINGER: MAGNIFICAT: by Lily; 2008/1/31, a dream on facing loss. I dream I'm telling a tall tale about a cat-funeral with hung-over mice pulling the hearse. But it turns a bit too real... |
TEMENOS: by Wayan; 1997/6/17, a psychic dream. I'm at a Robert Bly camp for men only. But I'm no man--not even human--some faun or satyr-like species... CAUTION: THIS 'TEMENOS' IS A SACRED PHALLIC IMAGE |
BRIGHT NICHES IN THE CASTLE WALL: by Jenny Badger Sultan; summer 2003; a series of dreams. Dreams warning of mania and paralyzing shame alternate with calm dreams of life and growth... |
CLIMB DOWN THE PINNACLES: by Jenny Badger Sultan, l995/12/24, a surreal dream and painting Decision by decision, we made our way down immense rock crags. Below, I had to put out a deadly fire, a fire as solid as wood or stone, with a white staff. What am I really trying to calm? |
THE PLACE OF SPROUTING CORN: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 1989/1/10 & 1989/6/28, twin initiatory dreams. I'm shown corn plants growing from skulls, and it seems like I must plant some skull-corn myself... |
LADY UNICORN: by Cindy Prince; 2007/10/16, a dream of a shapeshifter. I was working in the library, talking to this woman who announced "I think I'll grow my horn now..." |
BIRD CRASH: by Emily Joy; 2007/3/12, a set of didactic nightmares Such pressures there are on the sick to act well! I implore you, ignore them all... CAUTION: EXPLODING TEACHER |
BONK VERONICA: by Wayan; 1997/4/1, 9-page dream-comic on body image The world's first all-bulemic band, Veronica and the Vomits, provokes a riot at our local punk club. So I go to Anorexic Bootcamp where models learn self-defense under fire, as calories and fat jokes whiz by... CAUTION: BARF, HORNY ANOREXIC, FOOD FIGHT |
CAPITOL REEF: by Wayan; 1996/1/27. Drawn daydream of a mid-air orgy (or is it mid-water?) News of a new national park and a science show on cleaner-fish spur a daydream of dolphins, cats and... CAUTION: FISH ORGY; MOCKS THE ANGEL MORONI, TOO |
MY TREE: by Wayan; 170K, 12/12/2007, 2-page comic of a persistent delusion. I keep feeling I'm a reincarnated rainforest creature just passing for human. When all I want is... CAUTION: TOBACCO |
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