Evil Archy
An experiment in terze rima verse by Wayan; April 2008
My love works, as millions do
in a silver downtown tower: a pressure-pot of rue. No, not rue the poison flower.
Of spineless middlemen who pay
Capitalism's red-ink autumn. Going,
Off a dying fungus, oozing messes
Easy to do. So it hurts to learn
working in schools, municipalities,
Suffer the same. Greed's overrated!
From happy years in a co-op school
while other parents bandaged knees,
But Alder's day is strained now through a sieve,
Once enthused, now she can barely bide,
Profit didn't turn her work to poo.
So don't tell me that capital's to blame,
Not bastards at the top, not gender, class, or race.
Oh, howl at the truth, not the innocent moon! Hierarchy's our villain. Blame the right face. Dance to your own, not authority's tune!
We anarchists call this boss-world "archy".
Archy's still beyond reproach.
Of a Lear jet: room at the top.
I howl my terze song to mourn the loss
for us in their belly's foul dank night.
No, down the archaic ladder we flee!
Born of a need to respond in a crack
Still of use in war and crash,
We switch on in that horror-hour
But the heart of our terror's certainly not
And til we recognize what to fight
Shred our mummy-shroud... I suppose
This was an experiment in terze rima, a verse form with triplets rhyming aba, bcb, cdc, ded and so on. Done well, it creates a powerful futureward momentum, yet intermeshed with the past.
'Twas fiendish-hard, for three reasons:
Though I believe its argument. Do you?
--Chris Wayan
But now I'm not so sure. I just finished Rebecca Solnit's A Paradise Built in Hell. She details how people really act during disasters, and it's not at all what I think--or authorities think. They "revert" to direct action, self-organizing quickly and more efficiently than trained rescuers, who often just get in the way. Anarchy in action.
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