World Dream Bank home - add a dream - newest - art gallery - sampler - dreams by title, subject, author, date, places, names Thumbnail sketch of a dream figure by Wayan; humanoid with pointed ears, slanting brows, greenish hair, yellow slit eyes, and a small radar dish on a stalk growing from the forehead. Thumbnail sketch of a dream figure by Wayan; humanoid with pointed ears, slanting brows, greenish hair, yellow slit eyes, and a small radar dish on a stalk growing from the forehead.

Sorb Truce

dreamed 2008/9/1 by Wayan.
Deep violet sky. A dry-grass plain.
A few scattered walkers, each alone--
or so they seem.

But these folk can absorb your mind,
sip your skills and turn your I
to their own.

So each lone figure on the prairie
rules a humanoid bestiary
caged in bone.

Their power's in an organ called a sorb
rising on a stalk above the brow, like
a crab's eye-orb

but tipped with Venus-trap or anglerfish-lure.
If it aims at you, dear fly, beware!
Best keep far.

A Sorb girl nears me. I yell "I'm foreign!
Not here to fight!" She smiles in scorn,
aims her organ.

I lack a dish but somehow counterpush--
will my will block hers? And to my shock
I can--with pain.

I just want to bind her assault on me,
yet can I stay back if she sorbs Sorbs?
It is their way.

If I blunted her claws, would she be safe?
Won't other Sorbs see her as prey if she's
lost her juice?

And you can't be half-free! I gulp and say:
"I'll unbind you fully. Let's just
agree on truce!

Leave my mind alone, and I'll leave yours!"
Walk side by side, no mental leash? To her,
a mad mystery.

Among the rocks, more Sorbs. I cry my truce
in the simplest slogan I can frame:
"Freedom, not mastery."

For I just want to wander in gold sun.
Hike red crags and canyons, shouting
peace at each one.

I make some inroads, too: slowly truce becomes
understood if rare; people now (alert, aware)
convene for fun!

No choice before, but now they know that war
could be forgone. I think "Not full peace, but
I did some good!

A ceasefire in sorb hell." I wake up proud.
Hard shamanic work (some pay would help):
the best I could.

Head with pointed ears, slanting brows, greenish hair, yellow slit eyes, and a small radar dish on a stalk growing from the forehead. Dream sketch by Wayan; click to enlarge.


LISTS AND LINKS: other worlds - aliens - loners - cannibalism - multiple personalities - repression - freedom and slavery - deserts and oases - pacifism - politics - compassion, helping and giving - an even more effective do-gooder: Clairity in Easter Healing - I wasn't joking about psychic dreams - shamanism - responsibility - dream poems in general - pencil dream-art - portraits - William Blake - the same night: Ancient Mare-Kin Graveyard and Time-Bubble - Dreamverses project - the next Dreamverse, Incest Improv

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