Dreamed 2004/11/10 by Wayan
I'm a freshwater otter person. A long happy dream of my people--we live in and fish and swim and play in an urban river, the Spokane I think, around its falls. We co-exist with the human city around the falls...
Lost the details by now. But I do know I was happy.
I "wake" remembering the dream of being one of the otter people, knowing it told the spiritual truth--I may be in a human body now, but I'm not human.
No wonder, as an artist, I love flowing shapes. Of course an otter likes streamlining! From my bed I can see half a dozen of my sculptures, both figurative and abstract--and nearly all are streamlined--ottery. I've been devaluing my own style because it's nothing like the blocky rectilinear style of major modern artists--still influenced by the cubists a hundred years later!
Most of those "great" "modern" artists are male, of course, and I've blamed my alienation on gender. But all those artists are HUMAN.
Their forceful, ugly blockiness isn't esthetic superiority, sophistication OR masculinity--it's just their species' style! Their dialect. The way of an ape that picks things up.
Mine's different. I'm an otter. I swim through life. Why belittle my own nature? Give up trying to make ape art! Leave it to ape artists.
And then I wake again.
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