RELATED TOPICS: animal people - play - sexy creatures - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
AWK!: by Wayan; 1988?, a trance drawing of a body state When I met someone attractive, my head flamed, burning my body like a wax candle... |
CASSANDRA AND OTTER: by Wayan; 1982/3/14, a reassuring nightmare. I take Cassandra's prophecies seriously, but she can't make sense of my future. So we go see an otter with a crystal ball. But he's installed a new security system... |
THE CHUTE: by Wayan; 1993/11/10, a dream transforming fear. I'm warily crossing an avalanche chute in winter, when my worst fear happens. Then the slide speaks up... |
CRITTERS IN THE RIFT: by Wayan; 2013/7/18, a weird dream job I'm the receptionist for a research group of small oracular animals in an Icelandic rift, who can sniff out the answer to any question... |
EDITH KEELER: by Wayan, 1975/10/8, an incubated dream giving multiple answers I asked my dreams to show me my Shadow--what I deny. It showed me at least FIVE! And in every time-branch, a runaway truck crushed me--the Truck of Ideology. Not that I seemed able to avoid it... CAUTION: RECURRING DEATHS |
EMADRO: by Wayan; 1983/6/4, a wild dream on clinging--and letting go. An elephant sinks in the North Sea, and the Oracle Mink says a wizard did it. Can old Lady Gandalf help? |
ERMINE, or, GOTHMOG'S GHOST: by Wayan, 1984/2/11, a gender-bent & species-bent warning dream I'm a delicate little ermine-chinchilla whose best friends are all sewer rats. They push their food and drink on me, and I nibble to be polite... |
GYRLFALCON: by Wayan; 1971/11/26, a genderbent, speciesbent & predictive dream |
I'm a Gyrlfalcon in a theater, fighting the Wolverine and his Morlocks with my lover the Green Lion... |
I DREAM OF... ME: by Linda Medley; 1990 or 91, a dream-comic, the seed of Castle Waiting |
I wake in a hobbit-hole. My love looks worried. What's wrong with me? A badger takes me to see wizard Sean Connery, who gives me feathers to eat, and I become... |
MOLLY'S PROSTHETIC: by Wayan, 1994/9/22, a dream predicting a mood drug will fail |
My dad's new wife is a collie. Naturally, she wants a prosthetic arm. But she has no site to bind it to... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY, LEERING BUSINESSMAN, DOG WIFE |
MUSKRAT, OTTER, MINK: by J.P., c.1900, a trapper's shamanic-fistfight dream |
Three men chase me. I can't get away so I turn and fight, and put out one guy's eye. That makes them pause! At last they back away. As they paddle away in a boat, I realize who they are: Muskrat, Otter and Mink... CAUTION: ANTHROPOLOGISTS! |
OTTER MEDICINE: by The-Fringe, a Crow healer, early 1850s; a shamanic dream with physical effects |
I slept on an island in a scalding hot spring, praying for a dream. I got one--and woke up on the shore... |
OTTER NERD FROM TITAN: by Wayan; 2012/4/15 & sequel-dream (2013/2/9), a dream-poem on social skills |
A suspicious exobiologist warns me that otter from Titan may not be the amiable, nerdy celebrity it seems. But... |
OTTERS DON'T FAKE: by Wayan; 1989/10/15, a sex dream that's not about sex at all. |
I'm scared to show my dream-paintings to my art class. That night I find an large otter in my bed... CAUTION: SEX |
THE OTTER'S MOM: by Wayan, 1996/5/29; a dream-comic of the future. |
A doomed, orphaned ottercub meets the last Tasmanian Wolf, who makes a hard choice I couldn't. Or... did I? CAUTION: BIRTH SCENE (MARSUPIAL/NON-GORY) |
PLUTO THAWS: by Wayan; 1973/1/19, a mythic dream set on Pluto. |
A quarrel between psychic adepts heats up to a war, thawing Pluto. What will the ice-tribes wish for? |
SIPHONIA: by Wayan; 30 p, 2006-14, a nondream virtual world, in progress; maps, tours |
First, suck up 90% of Earth's seas. Now wait 90,000 years for life to adapt. The continents are now Tibetan plateaus above steamy new Deeps, ruled by giant parrots, ravens and otters... |
SKUNK SEEKS THAILAND: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, a dreamlet of shamanic kindness |
One night I meet a giant talking skunk and its pup, who asks how to walk to Thailand... |
SKUNK? SWALLOW!: by Wayan; 1981/5/7, a dream-joke with a point. |
When I see two scary men on the trail, naturally, I swallow my skunk! I really don't recommend... |
SKUNKERPILLAR: by Wayan; 2018/4/7, an advisory dream on metamorphosis |
After I (sort of) foil some elf-burglars, a friendly elfwoman shows me a black caterpillar, then the rare white-striped skunkerpillar... |
SOUL-SHARD: by Wayan; 2000/10/5, a rebellious dream |
I’m a wolf in an ashram studying astral travel with my spirit-wife. Our souls blend a bit, enraging our guru, a Hindu god, who sends demons to make us stop this spiritual “contamination”... |
A SQUIRRELY BUSINESS PLAN: by Wayan; 2009/3/2, a Looney-Toons dream |
I'm slow to catch on that this skunk's slidetalk isn't a business pitch; it's about seduction... CAUTION: ABSURD LOVE TRIANGLE, KINKY SKUNK |
STREAMLINING: by Wayan; 2004/11/10, a dream within a dream |
I dream I'm an otter, and wake into a dream about sculpture--and learn my style's due to my species... |
THARN: by Wayan; 2006, 45 p, 200+ ill., a nondream virtual world: maps, photos, portraits, tours |
Tour a rugged, scenic moon with air and water in deep canyons sheltering a dozen intelligent species CAUTION: ANARCHISM, NUDITY, SCIENCE |
WOLFWALL: by Wayan; 1994/1/31. Daydream/trance digital drawing |
Drew all night in a trance and only learned at dawn what this flirting otter and wolf were trying to tell me... CAUTION: NUDITY AND SEXUAL THEME |
YUM YUM!: by Wayan; 1985/1/31, a smelly dream. |
DAY: a toxic potluck. Not the first! But this time I say no... DREAM: I'm a scent-oriented alien, tossing stinkbombs back... |
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