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Ceramic dream-sculpture, about 22" tall, 1997/9/3 to 9/18, by Chris Wayan
Based on recurring dreams of a dragonish sort of woman I kept running into on sea-rocks.
She was a guardian, you could feel her power, yet she was quite willing to let me drown--the tide rushed in and I'd get trapped and have to swim, or a tsunami reared over us and drowned me...
After I panicked and died a few times, I got it. She felt that drowning in tears, now and then, is no big deal. Emotional tides come and go. She's the guardian of the long view, the deep water... my spiritual health, not my happiness. And they're not the same thing.
I learned the word wyvern not directly from medieval European myth and heraldry, but from Andre Norton's Storm on Warlock and especially Ordeal in Otherwhere, whose Wyverns made a big impression on me as a kid. They were matriarchal, sea-dwelling telepaths whose initiations into their dream-world, forcing one to confront deep fears, needs, and illusions, could be pretty rough on humans...
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Andre Norton
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