Oh, Wait--
dreamed 2008/10/3 by Wayan.
My sister Althea comes by to play me a new song, telling a dream of making love in a cherry bin at a roadside fruit stand. Wow, life really IS a bowl of cherries! Other listeners just said it's "nice" and found it forgettable. I think the song is sexy, funny, vivid--it's her even, drifty, dreamy singing that's the problem, so I suggest a more matter-of-fact voice, and starting with Verse 2 where the action begins, and build to the, ahem, climax. I ask her to send me the lyrics and/or a recording; I want to put this on the World Dream Bank. Just too funny.
That evening: insomnia. All that green tea at dinner, I guess. I thrash around in pillows. Get turned on, but don't come--feel strangely dehydrated despite all that tea. Oh. Low fever. Probably been losing water all day--never a sweat, just steady evaporation... Take aspirin. Still hot, achy, can't sleep.
So I get up and scan photos of Yeats and Maud Gonne, and his poem about a dream she had that they were enslaved siblings in a past life. Her dream makes as much sense as any other explanation I've seen for their bizarre loves and lives... At last, exhausted, I stagger to bed again and finally sleep.
A great library. Stone stories. Round
lightwells where we love to lean on hardwood arcs of rail and watch the heads swim far below: Koi in a literate pail. Though in dark side-rooms reserved for briefings airless, crime-fighting agents slinkily convene to mutter and stare at secrets Oh, wait-- I'm one! We track the saboteurs
We're all spies here; I mean saboteur.
Two blue eyes on the back lawn!
This girl's slippery, octopus hot!
Why not ask your bosses to rob
I loved my rival spy.
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