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dreamed 2008/9/26 by Wayan.
A friend drags me off to a talk on beers.
"In the Land of Sky-Blue Waters, years
ago, a laid-off man named Hamm
brewed on at home. As he began

to starve, he made his breakthrough,
his Wunderbeer! From bitter brew,
he rose to golden foam--a meister who
fizzed up from dreg to head.

But then a buccaneer banker stole
Hamm's brewery--hijacked control,
kicked Hamm out on the street."
(So? Aren't both long dead?)

"But I was lucky enough to meet
poor Hamm: the snowy Lakes he fled,
to beg now in my own neighborhood.
Saved by our East Bay weather good!

"Hamm begs on my (next slide please) street.
Under this (focus) bridge the Founder sleeps.
From this (click, advance) red steel
dumpster pulls his stale-bread meal."

How dare he bare the lurker's lair?
We could track poor Hamm to help--
or harm! Obscurity's his only shield
on the curbs of Emeryville.

Our speaker means well, but enlisting us
may just endanger his homeless cause:
Hamm, sandwiched (po' boy!) in need.
Publicity's risky as banker's greed.

So think before you cry "O woe!"
Predators circle, drawn by flame.
And some rare souls to lack and fame
are wed. Remember Poe.

The homeless founder of Hamm's Beer finds his holy grail in a dumpster; dream sketch by Wayan.


LISTS AND LINKS: food & drink - rich & poor - money - crime - homelessness - friends - projection - dumpster-dive again in Dawn's Dream - meet Poe, in Annabel Rose - outcasts - business & capitalism - mistakes - dream poetry - dream humor (such as it is) - Thom Gunn on Hamm's beer factory, in At the Centre - Dreamverses project - the next Dreamverse: Oh, Wait

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