A Final Goodbye
Dreamed summer 2001 by Justin Hall
see more of Justin's comics at
2008 NOTE
This comic was first published two years after the dream, in TRUE TRAVEL TALES, #2, by Xeric Award-winning cartoonist Justin Hall.
Justin wrote me:
"I had wanted to do it for a while, but it was too painful and I didn't know how to approach it. In 2003, I was on a train in Peru talking to a traveler when I unburdened the whole story to him (in Spanish, which I think helped as it distanced it from me just enough), and by the end of it he was staring at me and telling me to write the story down, and I knew then that I was ready. Poor guy didn't expect his train trip would be waylaid by a gringo with a death dream who felt the uncontrollable urge to share."
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