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My favorite dream art: S
A-D - E-H - IJK - LM - N-R - S - T-Z

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RELATED TOPICS: the full Art Gallery -- Great Dreams -- Great Shorts -- Web comics -- Picture-poems -- The GIF Series and its zine successor, Dreamtales -- Paintings -- Pure digital art -- Watercolor -- Crayon and pastel -- Pencil -- Ink -- Felt pen -- Graffiti and tag-style art -- Woodblock prints (mostly digital fakes, I confess) -- Sculpture -- Experimental techniques -- Juvenilia: earliest art


Saint Bridget

Salad date

Samurai librarian

Samurai librarian

Samurai mare

Saturation dial

Saturation dial

Saturn beach

Saturn's eyes


Satyr and Twilight

Satyr and Twilight

Satyr and Twilight




Saved by a cymbal

Sax: an 8-page comic


Science is a building that comes only...


Sculpting with Neil Gaiman

Sculpting with Neil Gaiman

Sea of time

Sea parade

Sea parade

Seapole map (big, w/o names)

Seapole from space

Seapole: Ornithia

Seapole: Amazonia

Seapole: Roo

Seapole: Indochina

Secret screen

Secret screen

Secrets of the teetering stupa


Self-portrait as a coyote

Self-portrait with tongue

Sell-fish witches

Sell the gods, raise hell!

Semi-intelligent animal problem

Señor de los pájaros

Serafina & Ram Dass

Serrana from high orbit

Serrana world map with names

Serrana: eastern Eamet Ocean

Serrana: flying fox

Serrana: hexapi vs treesquid

Serrana: the Lesser Seas

Serrana: mammoth evolution

Serrana: Rakach ranges from orbit

Serrana: desert raptor

Serrana: a tree-squid

Serrana: story-telling squid

Serrana: taurlope dancing

Serrana: taurlope flirtation

Serrana: Tsud Desert from orbit

Serrana: Woble Range from low orbit

Serrana: Woble Mts and Tsud Desert

Sex-flower & Nila

Sex sox


Shamanic Chew-Toy

Shamanic Chew-Toy

Shark senses

Sharkbit and wary


Shasta occupation

She lives to 140

Ship of the sun


Shiveria: world map

Shiveria: Amazonia

Shiveria: Central Asia

Shiveria: Megaraven & Mt Etna

Shiveria: Nile Cataract

Shiveria: Outback

Shiveria: Peruvian coast

Shiveria: Tropica

Shiveria: woolly roo


Sholika, the Tharnian Magellan

Shout in a crowd

Shoved off a cliff: Luna

Shoved: after the magicrash

Shriek adoption

Shrunken men

Shy fox

Shy fox

Shy orgy

Shy sphinx

Shya in Summer Heat

Siberian tiger vs. muppets

Sidera's Cave of Purple Folds

Siegfried must die

Silk pins

Silky, cattaur

Silky crosses the Atlantic

Silky crosses the Atlantic

Silky the pegasus

Silky's bridge: Silky shoots a line

Silky's bridge: night crossing

Silky's bridge: Deer People

Silky's inversion

Silky's inversion

Silky's inversion

Silky's massage

Silky's massage

Silky's sonnet

Silky's woodcuts

Silla Kristos

Silver cord

Sing a happy tune

The single die



Siphonia: Agassiz

Siphonia: Egeria

Siphonia: Clarion Desert

Siphonia: gliderwolf

Siphonia: Himalaya

Siphonian lemur

Siphonia: mammoth croft

Siphonian megatoo

Siphonia: Nazca Deep

Siphonia: Moai on Mt Pascua

lowland otter

Siphonia: Pacific

Pacific NE

Siphonian raven

Siphonian Quartet 1: Squid

Siphonian Quartet 2: Whalerider

Siphonian Quartet 4: Sheepshape

A Sirius mission

My sister's gravity well

Sisters of the Interface

69 midair

Skeptic and dragonfly

Skeptic and dragonfly

The skin's complaint

Skink wedding

Skunk? Swallow!

Sky and Prester John

Slaves don't dance: a 17-p. dreamcomic

Sleeping beauty




Small miracles

Smokin' rex

Snake apology

Snake coil


our triangle

Snow stallion

So ask yourself...

Solomon's choice

Sorting hat, drunken cat

Sorting hat...


Souls in the mud

Space Needle

Spark of the divine

Speak up, rise up

Speaking about art with the...

Specter of the Brocken

Sphinx arching back

Sphinx artist

Sphinx, badlands

Sphinx close-up

Sphinx in clay

Sphinx in flight

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx in heat

Sphinx, hourglass

Sphinx moonviewing

Sphinx points onward

Sphinx, repose

Sphinx rolls on her art

Sphinx spreads wing

Sphinx up a tree, 3

Sphinx up a wall

A Sphinx's Sketchbook: 23-p. comic

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p3

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p4

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p11

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p14

A Sphinx's Sketchbk p15

A Sphinx's Sketchbook pages 19-20

A Sphinx's Sketchbook pages 21-22

Spider toilet: calendar grid

Spin, spin, fly again

Spira in Microgravities


Spit door


Split 3 ways

Splitting the atom

Spontaneous duck

Spontaneous duck


Spore forest

Spotted Fawn: 13-page comic

Sprinters and sphinx

Squeeze leg


Squirrel girl

Squirrel girl


Standing up city

Stan's dog


Starhawk the witch

Starhawk the witch

Starhawk the witch

Statues on ice


Stereo tree-bridge

Stevenson's brownies

Still dwarfed

Stiltdoe & cenbuck

Stiltdoe & cenbuck


Stone the builder tossed

Stone dancer

Stone moves

Stop Obama's assassination

Storia's The Manifold

Storm of big drops

Storm warning

Street of the future

Street of the future

Stretch now!

Struck by thought

Struck by thought

Stuck snake

Stygian sentinels

Such stuff as dreams are made of

Sule Skerry

Sulfur grotto

Sulfur grotto

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Sunlight's the cure

Superhero training kits: puppeteers' lair

Superhero training kits

Suplica, Balance of...

Suplica in Lift Us Into Rain

Surf dreams

Surprise that penis!

Surrender Darcy!

Surrender to White Buffalo

Sushi Circus: swallowed

Sushi Circus: Buddhist chefs

Suspense above the Pool

Sutro Park: Halloween

Sutro ruins

Suzette: I paint my dream

Swallowed: me

Swallowing numbers

Swallows of Four Corners

Swan: 3-p. dreamcomic


Sweaterpants for Christ!

Swimmer (blue)

Swiss cheese fairy

Swiss cheese fairy

Sybil Sue:
My dream-art favorites: A-D - E-H - IJK - LM - N-R - S - T-Z

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