A Sphinx's Sketchbook: 15
Dreamed 1994/7/2 and 7/19 by Chris Wayan; drawn 1994-95.
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Tehura just blurted she'd never want to be human, to poor human Aline. "Don't hate me" she murmurs, ashamed. “Silly kitty. Silly, silly kitty” whispers Aline tenderly to Tehura. It’s a line from (and tribute to) Omaha, Kate Worley and Reed Waller’s classic furry comic. Omaha's best friend Shelley whispers it to Omaha when Omaha's guilty for letting Shelley down by being (mostly) straight... You can stretch your behavior, but changing species isn't so easy. Aline knows Tehura does love her but won't stay.
I suspect the historical Tehura knew it about Gauguin, too.
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