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Silky the Pegasus

Dreamed 1984/12/11 by Wayan

I'm not sick, but my dad drags me to a clinic. Doing intake and triage is a tall, cute, tough-looking, quiet, cheerful young woman, sitting a high desk. In her slack time between client-intakes, she reads a science fiction novel full of vivid pictures. Or is the whole story in comix form?

The beautiful unearthly images encourage me, so I get the courage to talk with her (I felt attracted to her, so I got shy, as usual). Say I love such books too...

...and I slip into the world in her book.

Silky, my anima, is leading me somewhere. She's not human tonight, but a talking palomino mare, sleek and slender as a deer--so sexy to a fur like me! She has golden hooves matching her mane & tail. Oh, and huge white wings like some Christian angel. A pegasus!

She guides us on a flight between universes. The girl reading the book back in the clinic flies along with me, following my nightmare. My sexy nightmare.

Silky leads us up a long arc through clouds and blue air...

A winged mare leads two humans to a spirit world. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
At last, we land on the ground-level of another world in the sky. Warm and pleasant. Low wooded hills, above meadows with scattered trees with ochre bark. A bit muddy for a heaven; recent rain? Transparent pegasus mare; dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

On this level, Silky's still a winged mare, but she goes clear as glass! Just a faint pegasus gleam.

Now the scene reverts to a picture in that book. But having met my nightmare and loved her, I'm dissatisfied with the illustrations--her eyes are placed wrong! I have a yellow pencil eraser, and redraw her eyes. But I'm leaving faint red smears, from a red pencil tied tight to my pencil with sewing thread. Pry that loose--ow! tight!--and NOW I can erase the smudges just fine, and fix the image.



Against my gut feeling, I trusted my dad's recommendation. That lawyer ripped me off for thousands. I ended up hiring another lawyer to sue the crooked one to get my money back, and partly did--after two years of frustration and stress. Thanks Dad!

Sorry about the sordid afternote. But the dream itself sure contrasted the material world with dreams.

LISTS AND LINKS: dads - nagging - doctors & nurses - books in dreams - dream beings - animal people - horses & pegasi - sexy creatures - flying - clouds - spirits & guides - astral planes - invisibility & transparency - artists & the arts - lawyers & trials - family values - pencil dream art

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