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Dreamed c.1995 by Rick Veitch
- President of the IASD: I think this was Jeremy Taylor at the time; he'd recently introduced Rick's previous dream-comic collection Rabid Eye.
- The little target-with-raised-arms: carved in the walls of Stone Age caves in Germany, it likely meant the sun. But in Rick's dreams, it's a recurring symbol for the multiple reality-layers of dreaming.
- Frog-birds versus cartoon mouse: note how each side here has a logo (and hat!) and a shamanic animal--frogbirds versus Mickey.
- Crowds in red hats with logos: 20 years before Trump! Not farfetched to mention, since some of Rick's other dreams seem to refer to 9/11 years before that, too. If this is a predictive touch, maybe it's a sort of timebomb proving--years later--just what genuine dreamwork can do.
- Disney blocks the way to the sea: my favorite image in the dream. Corporate, packaged fantasies (and now social media) distract us--wall us out from our own dreams. But experienced dreamworkers can push through the wall!
- The sea-parade... I found this poignant for personal reasons. I dreamt I was stranded on an island. Built a raft but had no oars. Found a brass band had drowned in the sea! Dress uniforms, verdigris and... bones. I dredged up a cymbal, and used it to paddle home--literally Saved by a Cymbal!
--Chris Wayan
SOURCE: Rick Veitch's Pocket Universe, 1996, King Hell Press (a collection of his comics series Rare Bit Fiends, issues 9-14), pp.86-87 + note on raised-hand logo, p.110. Untitled; I added Sea Parade to aid searches.
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Rick Veitch - that sea-band?
Saved by a Cymbal!
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