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Rick Veitch

Sample dreams from Rick Veitch's dream comix, as collected in three vols: Rabid Eye, 1995, King Hell Press (the first 8 issues of his comic book series Rare Bit Fiends); Pocket Universe, 1996 (from issues 9-14), and Crypto Zoo 2004 (from issues 15-20; this batch goes back to tell his first big burst of dreams, age 22, in 1973-4).

Veitch's dreams are very unlike mine--they're overwhelmingly guy stuff--work, fights, machines, comix, monsters, war. Women and femme stuff are marginal. But it's a vivid, courageous baring of this man's churning, surreal dreamworld--one more intense (both content and depiction) than rival grayscale dream-art books: Jim Shaw's Dreams (all dreams in a night get a single text-page plus facing illustration), or Jesse Reklaw's Dreamtoons, 4-panel dream-cartoons. Veitch has a bit more room to be raw--he typically takes a full, dense comic-book page for each dream, and occasionally several. Only Julie Doucet's multipage dream-comics come close.

Yet Rick's notes reveal that such dream-scenes in full context meant things for him omitted in the actual comics--some dreams were even psychic. I'd rather have seen fewer dreams but his real, full dream-process. Oh, well, that's MY thing--and even in Rabid Eye he did include that appendix--quite helpful for any modern dreamworker. And Crypto Zoo does have such notes, adding layers way deeper than the simple shock of dream-surrealism (many dream-artists never seem to go beyond this). I wish all three books had notes like this! But then I'm a research geek.

Rick's early dreams have (at least for me as a Californian) a distinct New England/Abenaki flavor a bit like (but better articulated than) Jack Kerouac's Quebecois roots in his Book of Dreams. A big family full of brothers, rural boredom, sexism, drugs, petty crime, working class worries. Sounds like the 70s version of today's Reservation Dogs. A lot to cope with, and human institutions were no help; his dreams were the only guide out. Friends died. Dreams saved his life.

I can relate; dreamless, I'd be dead too.

RELATED TOPICS: short to long: Roswila's Dreamku (dream haiku) - Larry Vigon's one-page dream paintings with facing illustration - Dreamtoons, Jesse Reklaw's 4-panel dream-cartoons - Wayan's Dreamverses, a cycle of 64 one-page illustrated dream-poems - the multipanel grayscale dream-comics of Jim Shaw - Julie Doucet's multipage dream-comics - Wayan's Gif Series (limited-color multipage dream-comics) & Dreamtales (fullcolor multipage dream-comics) - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.

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BELLOWS BRIDGE: by Rick Veitch, Dec 1973, a dream of a battle on the border of dreaming
On the bridge between waking and dreaming, a jet plane duels a T. Rex. But
the jet strays into dream space, becoming a pterosaur--and soon, Rex lunch...
THE BEST HOTEL: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; an escalating surrealist dream
Rajiv keeps trying to convince me it's the best hotel in India: the orgy of biters, the
bowls of twitching fingers. But it's only the oracular spirits that really impress me...
COMICS & DREAMJOURNAL: by Rick Veitch, Jan 1974, a life-path dream
I'm trying to jam together my dream diary and my first comics. My grandmother's
skeptical. But at last, with an audible 'click', dreams and comics suddenly merge...
COWBOY, HORSE, CAT: by Rick Veitch, Nov 1973, an initiatory dream
A graduation parade has a papier-maché cowboy (hollow ego?), a giant
rampaging stallion (unconscious), and a mama cat who calms him (anima)...
CREATORS' BREAKOUT: by Rick Veitch, c.1995, a career-advice dream
The House of Comics has a shabby annex jammed with self-publishers.
We make a human ladder and climb out a high window, but I don't fit;
as the tenement collapses, I must smash the windowframe to free...
DAD THE WORKAHOLIC: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; an emotional blowout dream
In the paper factory where my dad worked all his life, I find him on
his deathbed. Even as he fades, he's still trying to please his bosses...
DOPPELGANGER: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; 6-page hostage-dream comic; shamanic?
Tony works as a courier in Sarajevo till he inadvertently delivers a bomb. Held by
a warlord for months, he dreams within the dream, and draws those dreams...
DOUBLE FUNERAL: by Rick Veitch; c.1995; a nightmare on the First Gulf War?
Two kids I grew up with are dead. We carry their still-smoking corpses by the home of George Bush...
EGO FACTORY: by Rick Veitch, late 1974/1, both a Jungian & career-advisory dream
I go to work at the factory, clock in, strip naked, and build my... self! Myself as art.
A long slow job, but when my workmates ask, I'm admit I'm happy with me at last...
THE EGYPTIAN EXHIBIT: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a psychedelic Pygmalion dream
I panic as statues come alive at the museum, but they're all about energizing a mystical pyramid...
FLY SOLO: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a joyful flying-lesson dream
I tell the angel teaching me to fly that I'm not ready to go solo yet--
I'm wobbly, the terrain's unknown. He lets go, and I...
GINSBERG UNMASKED: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a diagnostic dream
Comics character Doctor Blasphemy, on stilts, bares his secret identity:
poet Allen Ginsberg! But who chopped off his missing fingers?
HELL I SUPPOSE: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a dream with a rockin' sense of sarcasm
I'm gloomy about the state of the world, but my alter ego cheerfully explains we're dead and in
Hell--as a demon train rolls up with Elvis Costello on the roof singing "This is Hell I suppose"...
IF ONLY I COULD: by Rick Veitch, c.1995, an eerie underground dream
Soil turns to air for me; I float in the dark between tree roots
and stones, thinking "If only I could remember my name"...
IT IS THE ONLY WAY!: by Rick Veitch; c.1960; a child's career-predicting dream
My bedroom window is choked with dirt. I dig up to the surface
and find a man reading comics. He says 'It is the only way!'...
IT'S TOO LATE!: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a surreal apocalyptic dream
I'm in World War II, asking a reporter to keep quiet about our secret weapon.
But it's already gone off, melting and distorting the whole cartoon world. It's...
MARVEL PATROLS: by Rick Veitch; c.1995; a punning nightmare on being an independent cartoonist
The comics industry degenerates into civil war. We peddle all night to avoid the Marvel...
MARVIN, CRASH: by Rick Veitch; Feb 1974; a predictive/warning dream
My "friends" pull me away from the girl of my dreams, push booze & pot at me,
and won't even try to climb the rope to success. But Marvin saves Evel Knievel
from a motorcycle crash. Sounds good--until, ten years later, I hear how Marvin died...
NAZIS BURN MY ART: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; the primal art-nightmare
Nazis call my simple architectural drawing a social protest, take it at gunpoint,
and toss it in the ovens. The commander mocks me with its ashes...
ORGY BELOW THE SURFACE: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; an embarrassing dream
Under the surface of my comics panels, a tiny horde is having an orgy. I can't
publish this, it's too embarrassing! Wait a minute. That one is me...
PIGEON SHAMAN: by Rick Veitch; Feb 1974, a dream-comic on Jungian shadows.
Bums tap on the diner window. I tell them to buzz off, until I really look at
the latest--a shaman dressed as a huge pigeon. He's no panhandler!...
PULL THE PLUG ON THIS WAR: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a surreal dream
I'm a Confederate officer. The only way to save my men is to end the war by
pulling the plug at the bottom of the lake! I dive in, fighting a Yankee, who...
RARE BIT FIENDS: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a recurring dream personifying dreamwork?
The wildcat Rare Bit Fiends slinks out of the hills to stalk and maul
dreamers--until one day she rears up to teach a dream workshop...
ROLODEX: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a dream about successful dreamwork?
The posse lost their enemy; reluctantly they asked a tracking detective--me.
They found him where I knew he'd be--from eating my Rolodex cards...
SCULPTING WITH NEIL GAIMAN: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a complex predictive dream
I take my friend Neil Gaiman to a park where we sculpt a giant horned head. Months later
we collaborate on a graphic novel. The course of the project's full of echoes from the dream...
SEA PARADE: by Rick Veitch; c.1995; a dream on media versus dreams
We need to get down to the sea, but Disney Corporation blocks the way. Wait--we're
dreamworkers! We ooze through the walls, and cheer the parade marching in on the tide...
THE STONE MOVES: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a mysterious breakthrough dream
Repeated attempts to move a gigantic, sacred, saucerlike stone all failed; but now,
with the world's biggest cranes, we get it on a truck. It crawls past adoring crowds...
STREET OF THE FUTURE: by Rick Veitch; Mar 1974; a predictive dream
I'm a bike courier. I take a packet of fifty potent dreams
up Dream Street and deliver them to the year 1980...
THREE DREAMS & A COINCIDENCE: by Rick Veitch, c.1996, predictive shamanic dreams
Three dreams set on Abenaki holy ground, of weird shamans--one ashen, one pumpkin-headed, the
third goofy-faced--lead me to visit the site. Where I find the river's washed up that third shaman's face...
TORNADO FADE: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a time-travel nightmare
We escape tornadoes by fading out and rematerializing in a future dream...
But one of the tornadoes manages to follow us from the old dream to new...
VAGUE HOUSE: by Rick Veitch; c.1995; a dream labeling its own symbols!
I grope through fog to the Vague House. Fog inside, too. Find a stone carved with an Eye of
Horus, and know it's my anger. Find a bigger stone scarab, and know it's my REAL anger...
THE VOICE OF GOD (THIS IS IMPORTANT!): by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a mystical "oops" dream
God speaks in surreal images from the sky, and I hurry to write down
what God says. But I find I wrote mere squiggles on the page...

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