Cowboy, Horse & Cat
Dreamed Nov. 1973 by Rick Veitch
This is the first dream in a life-transforming dream-storm that hit Rick in 1973-74, cartooned decades later in his book Crypto Zoo.
The all-important initial dream of the series makes little linear sense but, like a well constructed screenplay, much of what will come is already encoded in the opening scene.
--Rick Veitch
Readers of Rick's dream-comics will recognize that cat calming the giant stallion--she became an anima / mascot in his dream-comics for decades to come.
Speaking of giant stallions... what negative associations Rick's ref books have! Unconscious psychosis, chthonic (underworld) animal, gates of death...
Me, I trust the cat. If she likes him, he's healthy--even if he knocks down a few structures. Great vigor counts more for me than control! You can't stay a hollow cowboy forever.
--Chris Wayan
SOURCE: Rick Veitch's Crypto Zoo, 2004, King Hell Press (a collection of his comics series Rare Bit Fiends, issues 15-20, showing his initial, intense burst of shamanic dreams, 1973-4), p.7 + notes p.128. Untitled; I added "Cowboy, Horse, Cat" to aid searches.
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