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Dreamed 2023/11/10 by Wayan

Woman in green--really a talking salad--tells of her dating disasters. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I'm on a sidewalk at the mouth of Stockton Tunnel, in San Francisco. Cars roar by. I have to walk through the tunnel to Chinatown; there's a walkway, but it's loud and stinky.

I'm gobbling salad from a squarish cardboard box that I don't plan to take with me through the Tunnel. Gotta eat and run! Snatch cucumber & tomato slices; cram then in my mouth, trying to grab all the best bits since I can't eat all. I have a deadline--some appointment in Chinatown.

Strangely, as I gobble, I feel like this is SEX not food! Like I'm hastily fucking my date--the salad box!

That's no fantasy. It's real. I can sense the box glumly expects such callous haste, since all the guys she's ever dated are desperate for salad, but then don't last too long...

Poor old frustrated salad! It's always eat and run.

But this isn't how I like sex OR food. I like to go slow and savor things. Why am I acting so strange? I don't understand this at all...

And then I wake.



The stress warning was real. A few weeks later, a City water truck crushed my parked car, totaling it. For months I was carless, isolated, and mired in insurance/paperwork hassles--it took a month just to get the police report. I got snappish. But this dream predicting trouble/fallout from cars did help me to be a bit more patient.

LISTS AND LINKS: Only in San Francisco - the underworld - allergies & environmental stress - predictive & warning dreams - ESP in general - food, fruits & vegs, nutrition - hurry, you're late! - procrastination versus haste - weird dream beings - dating & sex - frustration - digital dream art

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