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Speak Up, Rise Up

Dreamed 1985/5/24 by Wayan


My housemate Jamie limps in. She twisted her ankle badly in ballet class. "I'll be out for weeks." Her friend Lindy comes over to console her. They tell stories of clubbing, dating and sex. I listen but have, of course, no tales to contribute, since I'm too sick to date and have been for years.

Jamie's pain has a time limit--she'll dance again. Mine? Sick for over a decade now, and not getting better.


Theater. Dark. Its spotlit heart
a circular dais. A ring of women, tall,
facing in. Pastel-leotard dancers all
stunning. Talk in turns. I try to join, but

one tells me: "Just observe. Bike around
our ring." Let down, but I do. Odd thing:
when women speak, they float up two
meters aloft, to land cat-soft

when done. No leap! To speak alone
uplifts. A lanky gap-toothed small-
headed girl with a cheetah's long
legs explains why I need to skirt

the sexy circle (though, awake, it's gone).
She adds some wise personal advice,
an oracle I know I can't act on--not til
I'm well. So drained. "I gotta heal!"

I blurt, abike, in the orchestra pit--
and shudder awake with the force of it.

Ring of dancers levitate when they speak. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.



Not easy. I had to throw out what doctors had told me, and test myself. I found they'd missed a thyroid problem, and a serious chronic infection, and a violent gluten sensitivity. Slower to discover an underlying genetic disorder, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome--admittedly rare, but known for a century, with distinctive markers you can verify in one minute--if you bother to look. They didn't. Not just time-shortage or laziness, but ideology too. Bayesian logic, taught in med school. "If you hear hoofbeats, think horse, not zebra." But if your patient is a zebra, your training blinds you.

One way to quantify medical horror stories is simply years to diagnosis, and mine's extreme: over a decade each for four serious illnesses, and for the worst, EDS, it was 53 years.

I'm a lot better now. My worst remaining symptom: mistrust of doctors. So I speak up. And rise up.

LISTS AND LINKS: Jamie - clubbing & bars - dating - frustration - theater & drama - dance - levitation & flying - speaking up & assertion - oracles - social advice - babes, hunks & sexy creatures - chronic illness - diagnosis - digital dream art

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