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Vietnam. Watergate. In dreamwork, Gestalt dialog became popular, Nabokov started his experiment with time, and dream artists Al Davison and SAO had early, predictive dreams. Me? I went to an ungraded hippie college in California (UC Santa Cruz) where at last I could do dreamwork without being sneered at... too much.

NEXT: 1974
RELATED TOPICS: Al Davison and SAO - Ann Faraday - Ann Faraday - Vladimir Nabokov - Gestalt dreams - Red Diaper Baby: growing up radical
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TWO GUILLOTINES: by Vladimir Nabokov, 1973/1/9, a sustained hypnogogic delusion
Half awake, Nabokov interprets shadows as guillotines and believes he and his wife will be executed...
PLUTO THAWS: by Wayan; 1973/1/19, a mythic dream set on Pluto.
A quarrel between psychic adepts heats up to a war,
thawing Pluto. What will the ice-tribes wish for?
BRANCHING WOMAN: by Patricia Garfield 1973/3/9 & '71/5/1, recurrent dream motif; art by Brenda Ferrimani
I was at a dream conference and brought up a recurrent theme
that others hadn't mentioned: multiple antlerlike branchings...
THE KENNERBIRD: by Wayan; 1973/5/20; a naive shamanic dream.
I'm a cartoon flamingo; with my sisters, the frog and the rabbit-squirrel, I meet our Maker--the cartoonist...
PAY CUT: by Sara, 1973/6/23, a surgery nightmare with practical advice
DREAM: Surgeons cut off both my breasts--without my consent! I feel resigned, but the staff is upset...
DAY: I'm interviewing for a job offering $2,000 less than I make now. Told myself it's OK, but...
ROAR OF THE SAILS: by Wayan; 1973/9/6, a magical scavenger-hunt dream goes lucid--absurdly.
Our teams search through fountains and pavilions, finding & trading the glowing stones.
None of the magic makes me go lucid, but as we sail toward the finish line...
PLUM CRAZY: by Wayan; fall 1973, an early surreal but nondream poem
Plums float through the autumn air, sending us airmail kisses. If we'll accept delivery...
SQUIRREL GIRL: by Wayan; 1973/10/19, a dream poem of love & rockets
Squirrel Girl and I try to find a private room, but Hal the mad computer in 2001
spies on us and our spaceship captain orders us to clean the ion tubes...
COWBOY, HORSE, CAT: by Rick Veitch, Nov 1973, an initiatory dream
A graduation parade has a papier-maché cowboy (hollow ego?), a giant
rampaging stallion (unconscious), and a mama cat who calms him (anima)...
CAT-SCRATCH SIGNS: by Wayan; 1973/11/9, a dream on language-learning
Our Star Trek team explores alien ruins covered in cat scratches. Or are they writing? I uncover
Roman letters, Arabic numerals, I Ching trigrams, Chinese characters, Chumash pictographs.
Reading them turns us into cats! One cat lays eggs, but two more try to smash them...
SHANGRI-LA: by Wayan, 1973/11/13, a teen's mystical dance-party dream
I visit Shangri-La, the ancient Tibetan valley of refuge. Unicorns graze. We
drive around on car-sheep. Robin Hood rebels against the Priestess of Gloom.
Pilgrims in silly gauze robes arrive. Or are they just tourists? Oh, well. Toga party!
FUTILITY: by Wayan; 1973/11/23, a time-machine dream.
I'm Liza Doolittle on Mars. With Mr. Wells's Time Machine. Lost, in fact. Can I get home? Should I?
BIRDS AT WAR: by Martín Painemal Huenchual, 1973/12/11, a warning dream
DREAM: Millions of birds were at war, tearing one another apart. It was out of control, thousands and thousands...
DAY: Pinochet's coup took Chile. Alerted by the dream, Painemal went into hiding and lived--unlike thousands...
BELLOWS BRIDGE: by Rick Veitch, Dec 1973, a dream of a battle on the border of dreaming
On the bridge between waking and dreaming, a jet plane duels a T. Rex. But
the jet strays into dream space, becoming a pterosaur--and soon, Rex lunch...

DANCING REDWOODS: by Gayle Delaney, 1973 or 74, an incubated dream
My fiancé and I got along impossibly well. I asked my dreams "Can this last?"
I dreamed we were two redwoods, happy next to one another for centuries...
FETAL SLIDESHOW: by Rachel; c.1973, a misinterpreted recurrent diagnostic dream
I dreamed at least weekly I had to view a slide showing something wrong with my fetus.
I assumed the dreams expressed doubts about motherhood--until my miscarriage...
FLAMES: by John, c. 1973, as told by Gayle Delaney; an induced transcendent dream
I asked my dreams if I should leave my alcoholic wife. I dreamt we were conjoined flames, green and blue.
I awoke hopeful, and knew I'd stay. For eight months my wife struggled. Now she's been sober five years...
GOD'S EVOLUTION by Graham Greene, between 1965 & '73, a long-view dream
God has a night-side, as we do. We evolve, with slips back into darkness,
generations long; and God does too, though perhaps with more pain...
HATCHET JOB: by Ann Faraday, 1972 or 3; a lucid shamanic predictive dream
DREAM: I'm in the Arctic facing a hostile mob. I insist "I'm dreaming; you can't hurt me." They try!
I look down at my body, stuck full of hatchets, and say "See?" They slink off, looking sheepish...
TWO DAYS LATER: I'm in northern England. A reporter snaps "Dreams won't help the miners..."
OTTO PREMINGER: by Gayle Delaney; 1972 or '73, a dream on dreamwork!
I DREAM I'm in the mansion of my favorite film producer, Otto Preminger. Then I learn it's my home!
I WAKE realizing I'm the producer of my dreams--not some impersonal, instinctive Unconscious...
PIANO-PLAYING JANE: by Jane, 1972-3?, recurring frustration dreams
When I try to play the piano in public I get sabotaged. At last I see a child who says she can't play while she's in pain...
IMMOLATION MAZE: by Richard Turner; 1973, a nightmare expanded into both sculpture & story
Saigon, 1973. Lost in a fabric maze. I find, wearing Buddhist robes, the skeleton of a dog.
Years later I write of Buddhist monks burning themselves, and build an ominous maze...
MAGGOTS: by Ann, a psychology professor, c.1973, the most reassuring nightmare ever!
I ask my dreams to evaluate my current relationship. I dream I'm vomiting up big maggots, and a mirror
shows smaller maggots eating one eye! In dream group, I ask the maggots who they are, and they say...
MUSIC SABOTEUR: by Amy, c.1973; Gestalt unveils the saboteur behind a frustration dream
At college, my sheet music arrives from home, but vanishes when I try to play--or the piano does...
NIXON AND CHOU: by John Wren-Lewis, c.1973, a character-evaluation dream of Ann Faraday
DREAM: I'm in the White House. Nixon blows his nose on the curtains! I think "despite his crudity, he reached out to China."
DAY: my wife Ann has a cold--she's Nixon! The dream concedes she has private flaws, but she's pioneered dream research...
A PREMONITION: by Al Davison, 1973, a life-saving predictive dream
At thirteen, I dreamed a van crashed right at the spot where my best friend always met me after school.
The next day we went to see what'd happen. I suggested we stand across the road just to be safe...
TIGER DIALOGUES: 1973-4 by Ann Faraday, plus a dreamlet by John Wren-Lewis; recurring dreams
When I overwork, neglecting my body's wants, I dream of an angry tiger. Over
time, I've learned (mostly) to feed my tiger, and sometimes he's an ally now...
THE STYGIAN SENTINELS: by SAO (Shawn Allen O'Neal); 1970s, a recurring astral dream.
The Crocodile King & the Geisha Queen, the couple who guard
the bridge over the River Styx, seem to quarrel a lot...
THE TELLTALE HEART: by SAO (Shawn Allen O'Neal); 1970s, ominously prophetic nightmare
High up a scaffold, I was beating the chaff off a huge seed, unable to stop. I was beating my own heart...

NEXT: 1974

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