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Hatchet Job

Dreamed 1972 or 3 by Ann Faraday

Woman stares at hatchets embedded in her body, bloodlessly.

On the night before a TV interview on [my book] Dream Power in Newcastle in the north of England, I dreamed I was pursued by hostile Eskimos flourishing knives and hatchets. I suddenly became aware that I was dreaming and turned to face them.

I falteringly asked them what they wanted of me, but they remained silent and threatening. As they were armed, I didn't relish a fight in spite of my lucidity, so I said in a trembling voice, trying to sound convincing, "You can't hurt me--I'm a dream body."

As they lunged at me with their knives, I turned my head until they'd finished and then looked down at my side. When I saw all the knives and hatchets sticking in me, I laughed and said, "There, I told you--I'm a dream body and you can't kill me," at which they all looked very sheepish and walked away.

I was later able through dialogue to identify the Eskimos as my "north-of-England topdog" who berated me for writing a book on a frivolous topic like dreams when the people up north were still struggling to survive. I laughed at what I considered my own stupidity, until two days later when a reporter from the Yorkshire Evening Post held out my book and asked brusquely how I thought dreams could ameliorate the fate of the Yorkshire miners!

Thanks to my dream, I was able to catch the feeling of hurt and recognize it for what it was--an assault of my inner topdog rather than an objective reaction to external criticism. And although it was triggered by a specific event in my life at the time, the dream has come to my rescue on many other occasions of criticism and attack, for when I remember those knives and hatchets in my side and the sheepish look on the faces of the Eskimos, I am often able to counter with humor instead of hurt confusion.

SOURCE: The Dream Game, Ann Faraday, Harper & Row, 1976 ed.; pp 264. Passage untitled; I added 'Hatchet Job' to aid searches. Also the stupid cartoon.


LISTS AND LINKS: threats & bullying - violence - blades - lucid dreams - self-defense - oops! - surrealism - shamanic dreams - predictive dreams - ESP in general - news media - criticism & nagging - top- & underdogs - politics - class issues - guilt - humor - more Ann Faraday - decades later, Wayan finds Dreams Block Vampire Arrows

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