A Premonition
Dreamed 1973 by Al Davison
I had this dream when I was 13 years old, a premonition about a van crashing by the fly-over where I used to meet my best friend after school. I told him of the dream, and we agreed to meet there the following day. I suggested we meet on the other side of the road by the phone box, just in case!
Sure enough a van came over the fly-over, and crashed exactly in the spot I had dreamed of. The exact spot where we usually met. I phoned an ambulance straight away, neither of us told anyone about the dream 'till years later.
Al treats the incident with a charming lightness, but consider: if he'd not had the dream, or forgotten the dream, or ignored the dream, he and his friend would have met in the usual spot--and been hit. Premonitions aren't a New Age superstition. They're a practical, down-to-earth sense, perhaps vestigial or at least marginalized in most of us today, just as smell is--but a sense. Senses can save your life. And if your science teacher says it's nonsense, well, that belief (and it is only a belief; centuries of evidence say otherwise) can, to put it bluntly and un-charmingly, kill you. Trust your own experience. Cross the street. Get laughed at. Better a live weirdo than a dead skeptic.
--Chris Wayan
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