RELATED TOPICS: trees - flowers - fruits and vegetables - farms - forests - in contrast, a much longer list: animal people - dream creatures in general - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
AFTER THE FLOOD & THE PIG-EARED BABY ALLIGATOR: by Skiznot; c.1995, an oracular dream My hometown floods. I swim after some strange fish and find a scientific community where a scaled baby tells me who I am... |
ANSWERING JUNG: by Wayan; 2005/7/5, a dream parodying one of Jung's key dreams After reading Jung's dreams, I have an anti-Jungian dream of sexy nightmare-statues waiting to come alive, like the tree I draw & bring to life with my literally magic marker... CAUTION: NUDE STATUES |
BAGHEERA SUGGESTS LOVAGE: by Wayan; 1993/7/31, a Jungle Book dream The panther in the Jungle Books was really female. I grew up with her cub... |
BEET: Five Dreams One Night: by Wayan; 2013/10/30, Halloween dreams as minipoems Parasites, Rambo, huge fetus-beets, an exhibitionist and a living statue advise me on my love life... CAUTION: NUDITY |
BREAK FREE: by Emily Joy; 2006/5/11, an encouraging dream on the price of safety. I search for family skeletons, but then a talking plant on TV inspires me to seek the sun and fly free. But certain velociraptors and barbarian swordswomen object... CAUTION: DUELS, FISH ABUSE, THE F-WORD |
BRIGHT NICHES IN THE CASTLE WALL: by Jenny Badger Sultan; summer 2003; a series of dreams. Dreams warning of mania and paralyzing shame alternate with calm dreams of life and growth... |
CAT REPELS DINOSAURS: by Wayan, 1984/8/12, a film-inspired surreal dream DAY: I thorn-puncture my hands while gardening, and write stupid poetry about it... EVE: I watch Little Darlings, a teen sex farce that turns weirdly serious... DREAM: a Mysterious Pussy guards us librarians from stinky alien dinosaurs... CAUTION: SEXUAL INNUENDO??? |
CORPSES IN THE UPPER ROOM: by Jenny Badger Sultan, 1995/1/30, a dreamlet of death/regeneration Bodies are laid out upstairs in a dirt bed. Potatoes will sprout. The plants won't feed on the bodies, but they will support the vines... |
CRESTED DEER: by Wayan; 2022/7/8, two shamanic little dreams In endangered woods I meet deer with bold black-and white feather crests. Higher up, it's barren--a hard winter. But I taste a medicinal blue-black fruit... |
DELBOEUF'S FERN by Joseph Delboeuf; 1862; the first cryptomnesic dream quoted by Freud. Delboeuf, ignorant of botany, dreams of feeding lizards a fern called Asplenium ruta muralis; years later he finds both lizards and fern in books he read and forgot years before the dream... |
A DINNER WITH DEATH: by Wayan; 1979/2/12, an optimistic nightmare. The dinner went badly. Power outages, alarming transformations, murderous minions. Still, I'm here to tell you! So Death is weakening... |
FIGURE DRAWING: FERNS: by Wayan, 1995/4/17, crayon figure-study Evangeline the model arranged pillows and potted ferns and told us to "Just picture the pillows as rocks and a ferny cascade." I did... CAUTION: NUDITY |
FISHERGIRLS: by Wayan; 2.6M, 42 illus.; 1996/7/15; a sexy dream epic. I had an epic dream lasting subjective weeks--a true other life. It wasn't Earth and we weren't human. I was a teenage lemur, sailing with two friends into unknown waters--a rite of passage. One night, my friends curled round me, I saw I didn't WANT to pass the test, be declared a woman, marry, and have pups. I loved my girl friends. In a world lacking the very word, I was groping toward queerdom. Sailing into unknown waters! "Here be dragons," the old maps say. And they were right... 2600K loads slowly? Try it in parts: 1: HOME, 650K, 2: VOYAGE, 1200K, 3: BACK 750K. CAUTION: NUDITY, SEX, QUEER TEEN ANGST, ANTI-FUNDAMENTALISM |
FLIER MISJUDGES REEFWORLD: by Wayan; 2018/12/16, an otherworldly dream on... social media? A girl from a low-gravity, dense-air world, where you strap on wings and fly, tours a world of tropical atolls with me. I love sailing, but flight's spoiled her for it--too slow... |
GARDENIAS: by Laurel and Frank, 1979 or before, shared marital-advice dreams Laurel and Frank each dream the gardenia in their bedroom went neglected & unwatered, but with care is now blooming again... |
GRANDMA LILY: by Wayan; 2023/6/18, a dream on... dream interpretation? I wake in a suburb with Dire Wolves next door. I'm told an herb will appease them. But the local herbal expert's a regal talking lily--and can I speak plant-language? |
GREEN, GREEN, SPIRIT OF THE SPRING: by Jenny Badger Sultan; dreamed 1991/2/3, 1995/8/13 and 1995/11/10 I meet a girl with a plant growing out of her head... Someone prays to the spirit of a spring to heal me... I watch people practice exercises with the ritual feel of voudun or candomble... |
I MIST MY SISTER: by Cory and Wayan; 1992/9/20; a dream-comic. Cory's healing dream triggers one by Wayan My friend Cory's sore back is healed by a dream. So I ask for the same, and get this dream of incest... CAUTION: KARMA, SEX/NUDITY, INCEST ISSUES |
LAURA: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2009/10/24; painting in the Box of Dreams As we climb down the steep mountainside, clutching bushes to keep from falling, I ask Laura "Do you want another child?" |
LETTUCE HEAD: by Wayan, 1992/1/18; a predictive characterological dream I'm flying backward over Utah. In the brush on a canyon rim I spot a head of red lettuce big as a man growing as camouflage from a revolutionary warrior's head... CAUTION: APPARENT E.S.P. |
THE LORD CHANCELOR'S NIGHTMARE: by Gilbert & Sullivan; 1882, a comic song-lyric on insomnia The Lord Chancelor can't sleep, and when at last he does, he drifts through nightmares full of baby lawyers and potted tradesmen sprouting fruit, and cutthroat corporate scheming. But that's Victorian dreaming! |
MENDELIAN CHIMERAS: by Wayan; 2015/1/1, a New Year's dream warning of medical uniqueness I meet a girl who's a Mendelian hybrid of human, animal and peavine! But I'm no more human than she is... |
MOLY: by Thom Gunn, c.1968, a nightmare poem. She turned me to a pig. I rooted hungrily, not for food but for moly, the sacred herb that could undo her spell... CAUTION: TRAPPED IN PORCINITY |
MY FAVORITE DREAM OF 1991: by Mary Fleener; 1991, a joyful dismemberment dream. My friend Carol and I are carrots. We crawl out of our vegetable bed through the kitchen window, and end up happily hot-tubbing in soup... |
THE PLACE OF SPROUTING CORN: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 1989/1/10 & 1989/6/28, twin initiatory dreams. I’m shown corn plants growing from skulls, and it seems like I must plant some skull-corn myself... |
ROLE MODELS FOR SPROUTS: by Wayan; 2018/2/16, an absurd dream poem In a bar I meet a guy who claims the Army hired him to try to inspire crops to grow taller by marching tall soldiers past... |
SAMPHIRE: by Wayan, 2022/12/25; apparent cryptomnesia, ESP, or both I wake up dreamnesic but singing a nonsense line about "samphires"--whatever they are. Half an hour later, I encounter the word for the first time in 45 years... |
SCONCES: by Wayan; finished 1999/5/14. Dreamlike but functional sculptures. Flame-like sculptures meant to hang on the wall and cup living plants... |
SPEAKING FERN: by Wayan; 1991/3/25, a dream-prank. A dead fern in my backyard starts sending me messages in some strange language... |
SPORE FOREST: by Wayan; 1998. Watercolor, digital tweaking. Daydream image.. No dream, no plot. I saw myself as a horse grazing in a forest of giant mosses, lifting spore-packets... |
STACY BECOMES A BLUEBIRD: by Valerie McCarney, 2012 or 2013, a dream on letting your kids fly free My daughter got a tattoo that spread and became blue feathers growing from her arms. Wings start to bud... |
THE VEGETABLES OF SHADOW: by Wayan; 1999/10/4. Nondream surrealist art technique. Make silhouettes of your beloved vegetables; then listen to the spaces between... CAUTION: LEWD SQUASH |
THE VERDURE IS ACCOMPLISHED: by Jenny Badger Sultan; dreamed 1996/4/21 and 5/11 A dream voice announced "The verdure is accomplished." Green is a healing color for me... In the next dream we sat round a green pool, talking of healing. But the snails troubled me... |
THE WEED: by Elizabeth Bishop; before 1946, a dream-poem on death/rebirth I was dead. A weed grew from my heart; then two streams poured out--not water or blood but experiences. I asked the weed what it was doing, and it said... |
WELL-MEANING GRASS: by Wayan; 1982/5/17, a diagnostic Trek dream. On a gene-engineered world, the Prime Minister tries to assassinate the Bug Princess by tricking a well-meaning smartlawn... |
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