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Grandma Lily

Dreamed 2023/6/18 by Wayan

Went to sleep in a city, but I wake
in a suburb with no leash laws.
And in my neighbor's sideyard three
wolves big as lions prowl. Peer

over my top fence wire. Dire
wolves, not quite as extinct as
the dioramas said. I'm told to take
the wolves an herb they like;

bribe them to ease those jaws
trash-compactory. But I'm unsure
what herb packs power to pacify
a Dire. Oh, aconite's the bane

Of plain wolves; catnip may please
Pumas or tigers, but not these.
A spearmint bed! Will that appease?
At the redolent planter's rim

Rears a lone tall lily clad in long
red-veined leaves. The robe royale.
Courtiers in paler garments
fawn round Grandmother Lily--

Witch to rule the patch: a governmint!
I'll ask her what'll mollify a varmint;
I heard she loves to share her lore of herbs.
But can I hear noun roots? Mint verbs?

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

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